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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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the point that Palestine territory shrank to a few dots now

True. Where did i say otherwise ?

under your kind support that you are so proud of doing.

My kind as in Emiratis ? the UAE is 49 years old and it has only recently developed ties (not supporting Israel's apartheid moves on Palestinians) , ties with Israel. So i do not see how it is mathematically possible that my kind was the reason that Palestinian lands have shrunk to nothingness when the UAE was not even around or had zero say in the whole issue for decades after

or the point of u guys accepting Israel on the pretext of resolving the issue? i am not sure wat the game plan here, it must be out of this world logic...

Exactly. you really are not sure and it shows in your post. How about you give a Muslim nation the chance to prove its political moves to you and others first ? see how it pans out instead of allowing your mouth run with un-called for insults. If you always hated the UAE , then i shall end discussions with you immediately. If you loved the UAE but suddenly started hating it due to a diplomatic move , i say calm down and give yourself and the UAE a chance. If time proves you right , then good on you and shame on the UAE ..... but i highly doubt. Actually, i know for a fact that my leaders love Palestine and want the best for it.

I am not here to defend my country against haters who spew lies and hate , there are thousands and i do not have the time nor should i lose the time really.

or that your king cant even condemn Israel for wat they are doin now to Palestinians. just for the lip service third tier leadership is giving statements....

President/Sheikh. The UAE never had a king since it is not a kingdom. Also, Our sheikhs and ministers have already condemned these attacks so many times already. You can check online bro

lastly , i apologize if i offended you in anyway , i am not here to create enemies. I am my own person with my own views and opinions and i always try my best to share them in the most polite way
It's one-sided because Muslims are sadly a bunch of losers who are scared of jihad and busy enjoying dunya... It should be embarrassing for everyone that a small faction in a besieged strip is standing up to Israel while they sit comfortably watching ....

Jihad Today is in the form of efective governance, economy and technology, the one who get those things will likely win any war.
So looks like Palestinians are getting hit and no one is doing anything.

Until yesterday, everyone of us was very happy seeing the images of small rockets being fired by Palestinians, and intercepted by Israel. Islam puts a lot of emphasis on Hikmah. When yesterday I was talking about strategy, some people thought that I was against Palestinian resistance. Anyway, I knew how this would end anyway. The episode has been repeated so many times yet no one learns anything.

Most of the members here are cheerleaders, or spectators at best. They know their countries can't do jack and still they pump each other when they see harmless response by Palestinians against the atrocities of Israel.

Remember when Muslims were being oppressed by the pagans of Makkah, they were very small in number. Prophet PBUH left his dearest place and asked other Muslims to follow him in migration. That was the strategy. If at that time, a handful of Muslims had put up any resistance, many many prominent Muslims who played an important role later would have died. We got back Makkah, and later a major part of the world came under our control, but it was due to the best strategy followed by our beloved Prophet PBUH on the commands of Allah SWT.

There have been so many occasions when Muslims have retreated, only to consolidate and attack. If you read history, consolidation sometime took decades.

Khalid Ibn Waleed (RA) was a commander of Muslim army. He captured a roman city and took Jizya. It was still a border town when Muslims were planning to go ahead, they were informed that a large army was on its way to take the city back. Khalid (RA) instructed his army to leave the town and return the collected tax because he was no more capable to provide security to the residents of that city. Later on, once some help arrived from elsewhere, the roman army was met in a desert, which was extremely unfavorable place for romans to fight, but very favorable for Muslims who were used to live in those conditions, and romans were defeated. This is how we were successful.

Islam teaches us to follow a path that leads to minimum loss of life, specially when it comes to a Muslim's life, there is no compromise in saving that first. False bravado will not lead us anywhere.

At this point, for Palestinians, their women and children are at stake. They need to save their loved ones first before doing anything. They need to attain power. They need to shake the conscience of the Muslim world as it is not their duty only to save Bait ul Muqaddas, but it is obligatory on every Muslim and I am sure one day we will take it back.. But we need a strategy to save Palestinians, whether it is in the form of accepting them and providing them with dual nationality.

In many countries (I think Pakistan included). Palestinians can't get nationality. I know a Pakistani guy who married a Palestinian who was on a refugee passport. He wanted to get nationality for his wife, but he couldn't. I asked him, he said Palestinians can't obtain Pakistani nationality even if they are married to a Pakistani. Yes, they can get a renewable resident permit.

While I fully endorse Palestinian right on their own land, but for me, their lives are more important.
you are also right
Thanks you man.
I don't understand why Hezbollah does not feel an immense amount of pressure to respond. This is a big mistake for them in the eyes of the Muslim world. Who will take them seriously?

As I keep saying here. Hezbollah should respond! It's not like Lebanon is economically prosperous these days--far from it, if you have followed the news lately. And with the impunity the Israelis have been targeting Syria and Iran--two other countries who are not exactly the model of economic success but have legit reasons to join the foray--they too should join. These countries would lose far less than Israel would. Of course Washington would come to Israel's aid but there will be no UNSC umbrella: China and Russia would ensure that as they would in 2003. So another illegal war for America to appease the Lobbies which have taken over America over the American interests! I don't think even the Biden admin would go very far in supporting the cowardly leeches of Israel.

Unless Israel is made to pay a heavy price for its hubris, it will never stop killing innocent people. Israel has a grand plan for expansions--the Lebensraum in fertile lands of West Bank, Golan Heights, and Lebanon up to the Litany River. Israel will NEVER stop short of that. It is a classic parasitic colonialist power.
Congrats to us, we both have the same view till now.

I am saying the exact same thing you are saying right now. This husk needs to be Watered by Quran and taken care by Sunnah, there are no shortcuts around it. That husk has a cancer right now that cancer is killing every part of it and it's after the roots of this husk Now.
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If you had contact with the Cancer as you say than you exactly or almost know what it is. This cancer likes to make golf courts, properties and flourish their offsprings on the blood of naive sons others.

The system is serving the cancer and this system needs to be wrapped up. No good can come out of it. This system effectively and efficiently kill any good in it self and this has brought us here after 73 years. If there was a way to improve a system than our Prophet (SAAW) was offered Kingship over it as well.

Brother we need to absorb Quran in our selves and than stand up against this system. Only than we can remove the cancer and move forward.

Regarding the Wall, we will not only go to the wall, we will go for the oranges and chivaras first, and than we will make our lines for the wall Insha'Allah.
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I won't push anything on to you as there is no compulsion in Deen. Everyone has to make their own journey and have to filter through the sand.
Please don’t take this as disparaging but you are preaching religion ad nauseum which has no content on the actual impact needed.

Battle of Jaml - in desperation the forces to try and stop attacks tied the Quran to lances and were still cut down - the Quran is put on top of girls at weddings, a nikah done and marriages still crumble. Clearly just talk or spread of Quran and Sunnah which is available in abundance has done naught for muslims because they are no more than poetic words and fantastic stories to them now. Where beards and attire take precedence over actual intellectual capacity, honesty and actions- sadiq and amin are words on an oath than actual character qualities. I prefer a non-muslim a hundred fold over a bearded muslim man supposedly praying 5 + 1 but asking for bribes in his pocket because he is in wudu.
So please, keep the prose and preaching to where is actually means anything to general muslim characters rather than some fantasy ideals they talk about and then engage in corruption, oppression and bigotry against their fellows.

When the muslims of Pakistan cannot even pray behind each other over the color of their turbans - all this talk of Quran and Sunnah is best left to dusty copies of the Quran or religious books in ramshackle shops in Urdu bazaars.
At this point, for Palestinians, their women and children are at stake. They need to save their loved ones first before doing anything. They need to attain power. They need to shake the conscience of the Muslim world as it is not their duty only to save Bait ul Muqaddas, but it is obligatory on every Muslim and I am sure one day we will take it back.. But we need a strategy to save Palestinians, whether it is in the form of accepting them and providing them with dual nationality.

Palestinians may get better acceptance with an Arab host country, if one were to offer them such proposed dual nationality.
Jihad Today is in the form of efective governance, economy and technology, the one who get those things will likely win any war.

For long term planning correct..

Alot of people should look at China example it is preparing for D-day? And what is D-day? It is WW3! it will engulf the whole world once it comes and that is when this world order will be changed forever and a new one will replace it.. Everyone working towards giving himself a good position on that day.. Majority are doing the same not only china
Palestinian rockets are doing damage, this a good tactic by Hamas.

Jihad Today is in the form of efective governance, economy and technology, the one who get those things will likely win any war.

Brother why are you tense lately, believe me I agree with you and understand your viewpoints, I share them too. I remember I told you security is important first in the Middle East. In Indonesia you have security so continue your good work and development guys . :tup:
So looks like Palestinians are getting hit and no one is doing anything.

Until yesterday, everyone of us was very happy seeing the images of small rockets being fired by Palestinians, and intercepted by Israel. Islam puts a lot of emphasis on Hikmah. When yesterday I was talking about strategy, some people thought that I was against Palestinian resistance. Anyway, I knew how this would end anyway. The episode has been repeated so many times yet no one learns anything.

Most of the members here are cheerleaders, or spectators at best. They know their countries can't do jack and still they pump each other when they see harmless response by Palestinians against the atrocities of Israel.

Remember when Muslims were being oppressed by the pagans of Makkah, they were very small in number. Prophet PBUH left his dearest place and asked other Muslims to follow him in migration. That was the strategy. If at that time, a handful of Muslims had put up any resistance, many many prominent Muslims who played an important role later would have died. We got back Makkah, and later a major part of the world came under our control, but it was due to the best strategy followed by our beloved Prophet PBUH on the commands of Allah SWT.

There have been so many occasions when Muslims have retreated, only to consolidate and attack. If you read history, consolidation sometime took decades.

Khalid Ibn Waleed (RA) was a commander of Muslim army. He captured a roman city and took Jizya. It was still a border town when Muslims were planning to go ahead, they were informed that a large army was on its way to take the city back. Khalid (RA) instructed his army to leave the town and return the collected tax because he was no more capable to provide security to the residents of that city. Later on, once some help arrived from elsewhere, the roman army was met in a desert, which was extremely unfavorable place for romans to fight, but very favorable for Muslims who were used to live in those conditions, and romans were defeated. This is how we were successful.

Islam teaches us to follow a path that leads to minimum loss of life, specially when it comes to a Muslim's life, there is no compromise in saving that first. False bravado will not lead us anywhere.

At this point, for Palestinians, their women and children are at stake. They need to save their loved ones first before doing anything. They need to attain power. They need to shake the conscience of the Muslim world as it is not their duty only to save Bait ul Muqaddas, but it is obligatory on every Muslim and I am sure one day we will take it back.. But we need a strategy to save Palestinians, whether it is in the form of accepting them and providing them with dual nationality.

In many countries (I think Pakistan included). Palestinians can't get nationality. I know a Pakistani guy who married a Palestinian who was on a refugee passport. He wanted to get nationality for his wife, but he couldn't. I asked him, he said Palestinians can't obtain Pakistani nationality even if they are married to a Pakistani. Yes, they can get a renewable resident permit.

While I fully endorse Palestinian right on their own land, but for me, their lives are more important.

Thanks you man.

Correct bro, your post need to get more viewer in newer page
Palestinian rockets are doing damage, this a good tactic by Hamas.

Brother why are you tense lately, believe me I agree with you and understand your viewpoints, I share them too. I remember I told you security is important first in the Middle East. In Indonesia you have security so continue your good work and development guys . :tup:

i just think we are all high on emotions to what is happening in Gaza and it brings out the worst and best out of us sometimes

anyway , thanks for the updates

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