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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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I don't understand why @925boy and @Dariush the Great doing some shading on @MMM-E @Abu Dhabi, @Indos bringing debates that is unrelated to this topic or shading countries..

Example Erdogan has been ruled out as NATO or the GCC viewed to western etc etc or Indonesia as some western puppet.. While hailing Iran as some sort of second coming no shade intended but nobody is perfect. Someone actully replied that Iran is being patient because of strategy... Why don't you realize that the others also have a long term strategy plan and is working much better :coffee:
I like their debate though.
There are two Groups i see, both suggesting Palestinians with their solutions

One side is suggesting that you have to fight back to liberate your lands from invaders and occupiers. You need weapons before anything else, you need to unite and fight against invaders.

The other side says raise your hands, drop your weapons and enjoy your life. This one side is either naive or wants to see elimination of Palestine.

First group represents Gaza, second group represents west bank. As we have witnessed so far, Gazans despite having casualties on their side they Manage to deliver punch into Israeli face. They make Israelis regret their stupidity and miscalculations. But west bank is Slowly disappearing from world Map.
Palestinians may get better acceptance with an Arab host country, if one were to offer them such proposed dual nationality.
While you are right because of the language and culture, but for now, it is to save them.

The attack happened in light of the illegal removal of Palestinians from their homes in Al JArah, where the zionist filth is forcefully moving in and changing the demographics of the area, to make it more jewish, a ploy being copied by one friend of theirs.

Last night the jews attacked the Al Aqsa compund during Isha and taveeh prayers, and countless videos are there showing them attacking the worshipers during prayers, shooting at them stun grenades, tear gas, and rubber bullets.

But hay, its an Arab problem, the Palestinians dont support us on Kashmir, yada yada yada, who cares about the Qibla awal.

May Allah bring his punishment down on the oppressors, and we and our own are weak, and useless.
@waz this is not Isreal-Palestinian Conflict, this is genocide in Palestine. Can you please correct the title?
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Little off topic - Kashmir remained in curfew for more than 1 year what we have done to help them? what we have done to revoke article 370 ? ... so helping Palestine ... we also just talk...
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