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Israel launches air strikes on Syria


This thing is going to meet S-300, if Syrians will be fool enough to deploy it against Israel.

I will be the first to admit that you guys are technologically more sound, militarily more skill full when it comes to many a countries around the world. But its better to not push the ones you can to the point of desperation. Because when one has nothing else to lose that is the point when they really dont care anymore.
I will be the first to admit that you guys are technologically more sound, militarily more skill full when it comes to many a countries around the world. But its better to not push the ones you can to the point of desperation. Because when one has nothing else to lose that is the point when they really dont care anymore.
We have no intention to intervene into Syrian civil war, only prevent weapon smuggling to Hezbollah.
i think you need to stop always meddling in others affairs, you are like the communist chinese in some ways, like blocking taiwan entry to international organizations, israel with palestine, but more open.

i am not best expert on this subject, but what side does the israelis favour most?
No, final goal of US and Israel is to bring down this government and Russia's goal is to keep it, it's a strategic matter and wont change by these talks, in these visits they smile and praise each other but look at the ending statements, they repeat their own view. yesterday Both U.S and U.K emphasized on increasing support to F$A and there are some reports that Russia will send S-300 for Syria in near future.

Katyusha? Man, Iran has provided both rocket and missile tech to Hezbollah and recently to Hamas too, and I posted the news about upgrading their ranges to 400km.
but if you were referring to Russia, they didn't give anything to Hezbollah.

Well, the least is the Russians know that Iran gives them to Hezbollah which means they must have got involve in one way or another.

i think you need to stop always meddling in others affairs, you are like the communist chinese in some ways, like blocking taiwan entry to international organizations, israel with palestine, but more open.

i am not best expert on this subject, but what side does the israelis favour most?

The Israelis want another Egypt in Syria :D i.e. making peace
Well, the least is the Russians know that Iran gives them to Hezbollah which means they must have got involve in one way or another.

The Israelis want another Egypt in Syria :D i.e. making peace

hmm...and what do you as arab saudi, do you think best option for syria? it seems to be VERY violent and bloody over there more each day.
Syria has been trying to buy S-300 since 1991. that's almost a quarter of a century! The missiles were not supplied after previous Israeli air strikes, I doubt it'll change now.

but if you were referring to Russia, they didn't give anything to Hezbollah.

Yes, but considering Syria supplies Hez with Russian weapons it's not too different (Kornet for example).

i am not best expert on this subject, but what side does the israelis favour most?

Israel favors none, we learned to stay out of Arab civil wars after the Lebanese one (hopefully). Our interest lie in preventing shipments of advanced weapons to Hezballah.

i think you need to stop always meddling in others affairs, you are like the communist chinese in some ways, like blocking taiwan entry to international organizations, israel with palestine, but more open.

You are quite misinformed. How many missiles were launched by Taiwan into China in the last few years?
Does Taiwanese leaders call for the destruction of China? Do they state in their manifest that they will keep the fight till the destruction of the "Chinese entity"? Nor does Taiwan have many allies, who are quite strong together, who previously waged wars on the intent of (paraphrasing their leaders' words) "destroying Israel, pushing their people into the sea and smashing their heads against rocks"
before the Six day war:
The Iraqi Prime Minister predicted that "there will be practically no Jewish survivors".
Our path to Palestine will not be covered with a red carpet or with yellow sand. Our path to Palestine will be covered with blood…

“Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history and religion.”
- Haj Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem

“I personally wish that the Jews do not drive us to this war, as this will be a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Tartar massacre or the Crusader wars.”
- Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League
(Akhbar al-Yom, Egypt, October 11, 1947

“Strike the enemy’s settlements, turn them into dust, pave the Arab roads with the skulls of Jews.”
- Hafez Assad

“The operation of liberation is not merely removing an imperialistic base, but what is more important: the extermination of a society; not only is military defeat the aim in the Palestinian war of liberation, but the liquidation of the Zionist character of the occupied land, whether in manpower or in society.”
- Fatah statement

notice they aren't talking just about the West Bank but the whole of Israel?
“The partition of Palestine in 1947 and the establishment of the State of Israel are entirely illegal, regardless of the passage of time…” (Article 19); “The Balfour Declaration, the Mandate for Palestine and everything that has been based upon them, are deemed null and void.” (Article 20); “… the liberation of Palestine will destroy the Zionist and imperialist presence…” (Article 22).
- PLO Covenant

and now to something more recent (most of the others are from the early wars):

“Now more than ever I tell you – we will never recognize Israel... We will form the Palestinian state on all of Palestine’s territories and the sun of liberty will burn the Zionists.”
- Mahmoud al-Zahar, Hamas leader in Gaza
(UPI, May 14, 2008)

And that's ignoring the religious and historical aspects completely, many of the Jewish most holly historical places lie in Judea and Samaria (West Bank) cities like Hevron and Jericho were historical Jewish cities (so was Gaza city btw).

They want peace, but no Israel left is their condition...
I will be the first to admit that you guys are technologically more sound, militarily more skill full when it comes to many a countries around the world. But its better to not push the ones you can to the point of desperation. Because when one has nothing else to lose that is the point when they really dont care anymore.

Skillfull and technologically sound?

I smell your a rat here.

They got their a$$e$ whooped by Hezbollah in 2006.

Dont think I need to say more. :victory:

We have no intention to intervene into Syrian civil war, only prevent weapon smuggling to Hezbollah.

It is funny how you can always seem to "justify" all your actions.

I am getting tired with the "smuggling of weapons" excuse. It has always been that and has been exploited.

You killed dozens of Turks 3 years ago who were supplying nothing but aid.

You invaded in 2006.

Now you wish to air strike Syria and bomb it, whilst your offspring the US provides weapons to the rebels in Syria.

Israhell is the only terror state in the world, not just in the Middle East.

The sooner it is wiped off, the better it will be for everyone.
Now with gas contracts up for grabs in Israel, the Russians will want to be friendlier to Israelis.

Not really related, but I've always wondered how Israel gets its oil/gas from Azerbaijan when Azerbaijan is a landlocked countries and many hostile countries to Israel between it.
i think you need to stop always meddling in others affairs, you are like the communist chinese in some ways, like blocking taiwan entry to international organizations, israel with palestine, but more open.

i am not best expert on this subject, but what side does the israelis favour most?

Nothing says trolling more than the offensive username, you think we can't read Chinese?

I have relatives in both China and Taiwan, and so does everyone else there (including you). But only a DPP member can admit that they are something that they hate.

Edit: banned member, nvm
Skillfull and technologically sound?

I smell your a rat here.

They got their a$$e$ whooped by Hezbollah in 2006.

Dont think I need to say more. :victory:

It is funny how you can always seem to "justify" all your actions.

I am getting tired with the "smuggling of weapons" excuse. It has always been that and has been exploited.

You killed dozens of Turks 3 years ago who were supplying nothing but aid.

You invaded in 2006.

Now you wish to air strike Syria and bomb it, whilst your offspring the US provides weapons to the rebels in Syria.

Israhell is the only terror state in the world, not just in the Middle East.

The sooner it is wiped off, the better it will be for everyone.

Get your nose checked sir/madam. I stated nothing but the truth. You know when it is possible to defeat your enemy, is when you accept his strengths. I accept the reality that the Israelis are technically more sound then us, and they put efforts in it to make themselves better. Where is the rat in it. Do read what someone has written.
It is funny how you can always seem to "justify" all your actions.
We dont need to justify our actions. No one gives a damn what you think.

We will keep bombing Hezbollah supplies, whether you like it or not. Suck it up.
We dont need to justify our actions. No one gives a damn what you think.

We will keep bombing Hezbollah supplies, whether you like it or not. Suck it up.

No you won't , Syria has s-300 now , seems like your memory is as short as your Zionist skull :lol:
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