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well lets talk about facts if that is what you want
the youm kippur war was after 6 years since the 1967 defeat by that time our army was destroyed and sinai was occupayed and they made the barliev line which was the strongest defensive line in history they said to pass it you need the both soviet and us enginers they had napalm at the canal they had better airfoce and tanks the phantom and sky hawk while we had mig 19 and mig 21
we didnt have mobile air defence so our goal was occupay a line in sainai and drag isreal into a long war the bar liev line was down in 6 hours their counter attack was utterly defeated they tried to attack el mansora air force base and our fighters defended then their prime minster said it to the world save isreal after the us aid they tried to occupay suez and ismalia and failed they sourronded the 3rd army but they could have fought and we have no problem in numbers or the will to die for our country and by the way they were the first to say we want cease fire

I was just pointing out posting pictures from a battle does not prove a war was lost or won.

If you could clarify as to what the Arab armies objectives were, we can be more accurate in whether the endeavour was a success or not.

If it was to occupy and destroy the state of Israel. Well.. that failed.







("Defeated" Egyptians touring "victorious IDF" helicopter; maybe the "IDF" sent them to Egypt as tokens of 'friendship'?)


("Victorious IDF" and so called "Israeli" leaders contemplating how to relay the news of their 'victory' to the world. They must have been very 'glad' about their 'victory' as you can see in the photograph).
I was just pointing out posting pictures from a battle does not prove a war was lost or won.

If you could clarify as to what the Arab armies objectives were, we can be more accurate in wheather the endeavour was a success or not.

If it was to occupy and destroy the state of Israel. Well.. that failed.
egyptian armys goal was to take back sainai not all of it sadat wanted to Negotiate from a good postion while having the upper hand on the battle and proving to isreal that our army is not weak and we can do damage the goal was to occupay a few kilometers in sainai under the cover of our air defence and drag isreal to our defenses and we did all of that we got sainai back we have given isreal the hardest battle they fought and we brought peace at least untill now
I've already answered all your ramblings there. Let me summarize for you.

1. How the Yom Kippur war started?

- On 6 Oct 1973, at sacred Jewish holiday huge Egyptian-Syrian combined forces supriselly atacked little unmobilised Israeli force. As result they managed to capture little strip of territory and couple hundreds of prisoners.

2. How the Yom Kippur war was fought?

- 17 Arab divisions fought againt 7 Israeli divisions.

South Front:
Egyptians had 10 divisions (18, 2, 16, 21, 23, 7, 19, 4, 6, 3) + independent brigades + 4 brigades from Algeria, Morocco, Libya and Sudan.
Israel had 4 divisions (252, 143, 162, 440) + Namer force (about 2 brigades).

North front:
Syrians had 5 divisions (7, 9, 5, 3, 1) + independent brigades + 2 Iraqi divisioins (3, 5) + 2 Jordanian brigades + 1 Morocco brigade.
Israel had 3 divisions (36, 210, 146).

3. What was the foreign aid?

- Arabs got 78,000 tons from USSR starting from 10 Oct + huge volunteer forces.
- Israel got 66,400 tons from USA starting from 14 Oct.

4. What were the final results of the war?

Israel lost 2,222 soldiers.
Arabs lost some 15,000 soldiers.

Israel captured 8,777 POWs in addition some 30-40 thousand Egyptian soldiers were encyrcled and their plight was desperate.
Arabs captured 314 POWs (mostly in first day of war + pilots).

Israel lost 460 tanks.
Arabs lost 2250 tanks.

Israel lost 102 jets (mostly to SAMs).
Arabs lost 370 jets.

Captured territory:
Israel - 2,100 km2 (1600 km2 from Egypt + 500 km2 from Syria)
Arabs - 1,200 km2 (all Egypt, but nearly half of it in encyrcled 3rd army)


dark red - territories captured by Egypt.
dark blue - territories captured by Israel.

You do not know, they know whether they will be happy. They are very happy for each other, mostly, in real life, despite internet tantrums on this forum.
I am talking if emiratis would be ready to share their wealth with hundreds of millions of poor Arabs from other countries. :)

we were begging for cease fire ?
"The rest, as they say, is history. Sadat, who had rejected the advice of the Soviet Union on October 12 to seek a ceasefire, and who continued to reject that advice until, too late, he accepted it on October 19, now found himself begging for Soviet help."

(c) Saad el-Shazly
Egyptian POWs:






After the war enyrcled 3rd army soldiers get supplies under supervision of Israeli soldiers:



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