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Israel Defense Forces







Two IDF soldiers from the elite Egoz reconnaissance unit blend into their surroundings




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There is a myth that tiny and weak Israel defeated the might of the joint armies of the various arab countries and dealt them a decisive blow.

The fact is that even during the 1st I-A war the Israelis were better trained, were battled hardened and had better equipment so in fact it was the superior force. The results match that premise. Ever since then the IDF has been the better trained and equipped force.

The Arabs, who themselves had just won independence and left with weak economies, and the typical Western disease of all ex-colonial countries of being left with no industries, weak military, weak institutions, no sense of democracy, poor education and were divided by the imperial powers use of their divide and rule policies.

The Arab elites were idiots and in fact were defacto puppets, so it was not a great achievement to defeat such a weak and divided bunch of poorly trained and educated people.

In fact how much pride does the average Israeli feel in defeating the stone throwing Davids of oppressed Palestine against the mighty and fascist Goliath of Israel?

No doubt you have a great military and the Jews have a great history too, having given birth to 2 other great religions that pary to the same God and have the same prophets and the same lineage. The achievements of our Jewish brothers in all fields of human endeavour is mind boggling and the world salutes you for this.

However, the same world also wishes without malice or threat that you would recgnise that land was taken by force and what had happened in Europe was not the fault of these land grazers and farmers that you displaced and caged behind walls and in camps.

That they are human and do have rights that must be given to them. You cannot continue the policy of burn and terrorise as you are doing and the Palestinians issue needs to be settled once and for all.

Hence the question if you want peace and diplomatic and trade relationship with your neighbours why not sue for peace as per the Lebanon declaration of going back to the 1967 border and allow the refugees back.

Otherwise, how long can you go like this? each day and each kill of innocent people is another nail in the coffin of Israel.
This is not racism but i think that every Israeli army propaganda topic must be deleted.
There is a myth that tiny and weak Israel defeated the might of the joint armies of the various arab countries and dealt them a decisive blow.

The fact is that even during the 1st I-A war the Israelis were better trained, were battled hardened and had better equipment so in fact it was the superior force. The results match that premise. Ever since then the IDF has been the better trained and equipped force.

The Arabs, who themselves had just won independence and left with weak economies, and the typical Western disease of all ex-colonial countries of being left with no industries, weak military, weak institutions, no sense of democracy, poor education and were divided by the imperial powers use of their divide and rule policies.

The Arab elites were idiots and in fact were defacto puppets, so it was not a great achievement to defeat such a weak and divided bunch of poorly trained and educated people.

In fact how much pride does the average Israeli feel in defeating the stone throwing Davids of oppressed Palestine against the mighty and fascist Goliath of Israel?

No doubt you have a great military and the Jews have a great history too, having given birth to 2 other great religions that pary to the same God and have the same prophets and the same lineage. The achievements of our Jewish brothers in all fields of human endeavour is mind boggling and the world salutes you for this.

However, the same world also wishes without malice or threat that you would recgnise that land was taken by force and what had happened in Europe was not the fault of these land grazers and farmers that you displaced and caged behind walls and in camps.

That they are human and do have rights that must be given to them. You cannot continue the policy of burn and terrorise as you are doing and the Palestinians issue needs to be settled once and for all.

Hence the question if you want peace and diplomatic and trade relationship with your neighbours why not sue for peace as per the Lebanon declaration of going back to the 1967 border and allow the refugees back.

Otherwise, how long can you go like this? each day and each kill of innocent people is another nail in the coffin of Israel.

I'd worry about Kashmir.
Your Elite Soldier easy to find
These are soldies, not snipers.

There is a myth that tiny and weak Israel defeated the might of the joint armies of the various arab countries and dealt them a decisive blow.

The fact is that even during the 1st I-A war the Israelis were better trained, were battled hardened and had better equipment so in fact it was the superior force. The results match that premise. Ever since then the IDF has been the better trained and equipped force.
Israel stared war with no single tank, fighter or cannon and was attacked by regular armies which had all these. Only later Israel acquired heavy weapons, but still was in disatvantage.
Israel stared war with no single tank, fighter or cannon and was attacked by regular armies which had all these. Only later Israel acquired heavy weapons, but still was in disatvantage.

Not only that. Israelis fought with much more determination and courage than the Arabs. 6 Million Jews were killed in the Holocaust only 3 years ago and thus Israelis fought for their very lives while Arabs fought for their egos.
I'd worry about Kashmir.

Thank you for worrying about Kashmir, yes they need to be given their democratic rights of self determination too, just as the Indians demanded and got. However, it seems that what is good for the goose in not good for the gander... but that is another thread and this is about mighty the US, sorry cough... Israel!
Not only that. Israelis fought with much more determination and courage than the Arabs. 6 Million Jews were killed in the Holocaust only 3 years ago and thus Israelis fought for their very lives while Arabs fought for their egos.
they fought like terrorist we see what happened in Iraq ( regular army Vs large number of terrorist ) regular army lose that what happened in 1948 and for USA in Iraq
and about ego no the Arab fought for there land ( you Jew you escaped from the holy land And you left it to the Roman Then we, the Arabs liberated it ( 637 AC) means our land and the Palestine land ) and it's the holy land for the three religions of God means is not your own land it's the holy land for Judaism (the first religions of God)*, Christianity (the second religions of God) Finally, Islam (the third and last religions of God) so it's not yours or our its for all of these only god religions
Tamuz ATGM, brings the inevitable death to any tank from 25 km:




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