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Israel Defense Forces

They can't... Abrahams can't even penetrate Merkavas front armor and to be honest Merkavas internal systems are more advance than Leopard 2A6 let alone Abrahams...

Abraham can be an equal to Leopard 2 or Leopard 1A5 but they are not even near Merkava on modern warfare standarts... Merkava 4's armor, available ammunition, information sharing capacity is unmatched...
Merkava Mk4 is very close to Abrams M1A2 and Leopard2A5/6 in terms of combat effectiveness. In face to face combat between them will win the tank with best crew.

The main distinguish feature of Merkava currently is Trophy active protection system, but number of tanks with Trophy is not high - less than 100.

i really dont think that all this armour is important for apc its role is to transport infantry and support their attack
it may be safer for the crew and the infantry inside but it will be slow there is a good chance to get hit by AT from infantry and artillery strikes will cause much more damage
It has 1,200 hp engine, so mobility is fine. More armor means that it can drop infantry much closer to enemy lines - less exposure to machine guns and artillery fragments.
Merkava Mk4 is very close to Abrams M1A2 and Leopard2A5/6 in terms of combat effectiveness. In face to face combat between them will win the tank with best crew.
Has it seen any major combat face to face with another Tank of similar capabilities? If not so how can you be so sure of its "combat effectiveness"?
It has 1,200 hp engine, so mobility is fine. More armor means that it can drop infantry much closer to enemy lines - less exposure to machine guns and artillery fragments.
yes well in any desgin you have to sacrfice something for other
there is armour firepower mobility cost how much can a APC transport
but i will be laying if i sayed it is bad stratgy to protect the crew and the infantry
do you know why the namer APC and the merkava is not sold to any other country
this is what they said before lebnon war and before 1973 war and it was infantry in the open desert destroyed one of the most advanced tanks at the time anyone would say it is impossable for infantry in open desert to defeat a large number of tanks but the saggar and rpg 7 destroyed alarge number of tanks
i dont think the merkava is invencable it can take alot of damage but in the end it will be destroyed
but i have to admit if the trophy system is succsefull with the merkava armor it will be a moving castle

Of course it is not invincible... Merkava has a weakness like any other weapon system... Like I said its rear armor is not strong as its frontal armor. Thats how anti-tank teams could destroy/damage that much Merkava in 2006 war. Merkava is designed for tank battles in desert and rural areas not for close combat in urban areas where thank could be hit from behind. Thats why IDF was cought off guard.

Thats why thropy system was designed for removing its only vulnerability.

Merkava Mk4 is very close to Abrams M1A2 and Leopard2A5/6 in terms of combat effectiveness. In face to face combat between them will win the tank with best crew.

The main distinguish feature of Merkava currently is Trophy active protection system, but number of tanks with Trophy is not high - less than 100.

It has 1,200 hp engine, so mobility is fine. More armor means that it can drop infantry much closer to enemy lines - less exposure to machine guns and artillery fragments.

@500, Do you know anything about thropy's counter mesure for RPG-30s or any similar thread? It would be propably a state secret but I am really curious. I couldn't find anything on web and you are very informed on IDF.
i have read some where that PAF shoots a lot of isreali jets, need detail
and whats the isreal's reply on this about PAF
merkava has a bad shape in back.this allow anti-tank missiles to destroy the tank easily from back.
yes well in any desgin you have to sacrfice something for other
there is armour firepower mobility cost how much can a APC transport
but i will be laying if i sayed it is bad stratgy to protect the crew and the infantry
do you know why the namer APC and the merkava is not sold to any other country
APC are getting heaver all the time. As for sales. Like other Western tanks Merkava is expensive tank - two times more than T-90. That means only Europe and Gulf countries. But Israel cant sell in Gulf and Europe is doiminated by Germany.

Has it seen any major combat face to face with another Tank of similar capabilities? If not so how can you be so sure of its "combat effectiveness"?
Lets see. Mk4, M1A2 and Leo2A5 all have:

4 men crews
62+ t weight
composite armor
120-mm smoothbore guns
automatic FCS
stabilised sights for gunner and panoramic sight for commander with thermal camera
battle management systems
1500 hp engines
automatic transmission
all are reliable tanks for long serving record

Obviously they are pretty same.

@500, Do you know anything about thropy's counter mesure for RPG-30s or any similar thread? It would be propably a state secret but I am really curious. I couldn't find anything on web and you are very informed on IDF.
Well it can be solved by simple software change: if Trophy radar detects two targets coming from one direction with milliseconds delay, then ignore first and intercept second.

merkava has a bad shape in back.this allow anti-tank missiles to destroy the tank easily from back.
Merkava has baskets and fuel tanks in back which protect it against anti tank missiles.
more photo about sabra tank plz
This is Sabra (M60T) tank:




M60T Sabra tank in Turkey - YouTube

But IDF does not have them however. IDF have more simple M60 modification called Magah 7C:



They have 105-mm gun instead 120-mm and simple FCS.

Here also Magah 7C together with Merkava 4:

very very very sorry
plz post more photos from namer APC
Well I realy like the way israelis mange there land forces they use brigades instead of divisions and that give them more of maneuverability, during the October war 1973 the israeli brigade had between 90-110 tank so any info howmany they have now per brigade.

Another one, why they didn't use there namer during the war 2006???.
is this from inside the namer ?

Well I realy like the way israelis mange there land forces they use brigades instead of divisions and that give them more of maneuverability, during the October war 1973 the israeli brigade had between 90-110 tank so any info howmany they have now per brigade.
We have 90 tanks per brigade just as in 1973.
Another one, why they didn't use there namer during the war 2006???.
It was not in production yet.
namer is based on t-54's chassis.right?
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