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Israel Defense Forces

more pics about merkava mk4(the only thing that i like from Israel)plz
@500 : As much as I show solidarity with the Palestinians and the Arabs on the Arab-Israeli issues, I can't help but admire what your country has done against pretty formidable odds....very inspiring !
@500 : As much as I show solidarity with the Palestinians and the Arabs on the Arab-Israeli issues, I can't help but admire what your country has done against pretty formidable odds....very inspiring !

ya ahmad u r r8
Can some one tell me, whats in Merkava that other tanks don't have??
i really dont think that all this armour is important for apc its role is to transport infantry and support their attack
it may be safer for the crew and the infantry inside but it will be slow there is a good chance to get hit by AT from infantry and artillery strikes will cause much more damage
Can some one tell me, whats in Merkava that other tanks don't have??

No tank could match merkava face to face... That tank has sh't loads of armor, even the engine used as piece of armor in that tank but there is one weakness to that... Its rear armor is not strong enough... hence 2006 war casulities...

Oh forgot to add, Merkava is the sexiest tank ever build and propably will stay as the sexiest tank for many decades to come :D
No tank could match merkava face to face... That tank has sh't loads of armor, even the engine used as piece of armor in that tank but there is one weakness to that... Its rear armor is not strong enough... hence 2006 war casulities...

Oh forgot to add, Merkava is the sexiest tank ever build and propably will stay as the sexiest tank for many decades to come :D
the abrams can face the merkava
the abrams can face the merkava

They can't... Abrahams can't even penetrate Merkavas front armor and to be honest Merkavas internal systems are more advance than Leopard 2A6 let alone Abrahams...

Abraham can be an equal to Leopard 2 or Leopard 1A5 but they are not even near Merkava on modern warfare standarts... Merkava 4's armor, available ammunition, information sharing capacity is unmatched...
They can't... Abrahams can't even penetrate Merkavas front armor and to be honest Merkavas internal systems are more advance than Leopard 2A6 let alone Abrahams...

Abraham can be an equal to Leopard 2 or Leopard 1A5 but they are not even near Merkava on modern warfare standarts... Merkava 4's armor, available ammunition, information sharing capacity is unmatched...
this is what they said before lebnon war and before 1973 war and it was infantry in the open desert destroyed one of the most advanced tanks at the time anyone would say it is impossable for infantry in open desert to defeat a large number of tanks but the saggar and rpg 7 destroyed alarge number of tanks
i dont think the merkava is invencable it can take alot of damage but in the end it will be destroyed
but i have to admit if the trophy system is succsefull with the merkava armor it will be a moving castle
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