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Israel Defense Forces

Merkava is indeed mighty


Since it was first produced in 1979, Israel's Merkava tank has gained a formidable reputation as one of the world's best-protected fighting machines.

Yet, in the summer of 2006, Hezbollah guerrillas in Southern Lebanon shattered this image.

In just over a month 49 of Israel's home-produced Merkava tanks – the symbol of the Jewish state's military prowess – were reported damaged or destroyed.

It was not only the tank that was damaged, but the myth of Israeli military invincibility so central to the psychological warfare of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

The Merkava represents Israel's technological superiority in conventional warfare, but in the new era of guerrilla war, is the Merkava an asset or a liability?

Merkava tank proved ineffective against guerrilla fighters wielding anti-tank guided missiles. Questions are being raised in Israel over the project's future, which has cost an estimated $6.5bn since its inception.

God's Chariot - General - Al Jazeera English
Please enough with this bullshit unprofessional report, Merkavas did well in Lebanon, no tank or machine is indestructible
Paratrooper's 202 battalion operating in Nablus:

Merkava 4 with Trophy:




Can you tell me why the Merkava 4 doesn't have the Iron Fist APS?

+ massive respect to IDF- always looking bada$$, ready to bring the pain to whoever does them harm.
Hi could some one tell me why Israeli soldiers have a Nan wrapped on their helmets???
TOW unit training:

Armor recon company:

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