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Israel and the New Middle East - All There is to Know

The only thing this will solve is giving America and Israel an edge in what they have been planning all along. They won't have to fear powerful nations with oils like Iraq or Iran, since all the oil will be in one place, it will be easier for them to get it under their control. They also won't have to worry about Pakistani nuclear bombs capable of hitting Israel for another 10 years.

There will always be separatism and division even amongst the very same people.

That's what we used to think of, but no it's all our fault, or at least you can say it's 90% our fault, and 10% theirs.


This is a very moronic map. There is absolutely no need to participate the ME and Arab world even more. All the countries on the Arabian Peninsula are more or less identical or at least very similar despite regional differences in aspects such as dialect, geography, history, cuisine, culture etc. Anyway it is still part of Arabia. Just as there are more similarities between all Arab countries than differences, especially those that have a Semitic origin/history which make us largely similar since ancient times.

Moreover we Arabs do not occupy land that is not ours. Apart from the Kurdish problem which only concerns Syria and Iraq.
The only thing this will solve is giving America and Israel an edge in what they have been planning all along. They won't have to fear powerful nations with oils like Iraq or Iran, since all the oil will be in one place, it will be easier for them to get it under their control. They also won't have to worry about Pakistani nuclear bombs capable of hitting Israel for another 10 years.

There will always be separatism and division even amongst the very same people.

America had an edge since the last 100 years and Israel had the edge since the 6-day war. What new edge are you talking of?

You have to realise that USA is now concentrating on reducing it's dependency for energy on the middle east. More and more extreme right wingers and tea-partiers are demanding isolation. It's not too far-fetched to expect isolationist policies and that means even less intervention in other country's affairs.


This is a very moronic map. There is absolutely no need to participate the ME and Arab world even more. All the countries on the Arabian Peninsula are more or less identical or at least very similar despite regional differences in aspects such as dialect, geography, history, cuisine, culture etc. Anyway it is still part of Arabia. Just as there are more similarities between all Arab countries than differences, especially those that have a Semitic origin/history which make us largely similar since ancient times.

Moreover we Arabs do not occupy land that is not ours. Apart from the Kurdish problem which only concerns Syria and Iraq.

Thats why i said before that I don't agree with everything on the map. But the division of iraq, iran, afghanistan, syria/turkey and pakistan is spot on.
America had an edge since the last 100 years and Israel had the edge since the 6-day war. What new edge are you talking of?

You have to realise that USA is now concentrating on reducing it's dependency for energy on the middle east. More and more extreme right wingers and tea-partiers are demanding isolation. It's not too far-fetched to expect isolationist policies and that means even less intervention in other country's affairs.

Thats why i said before that I don't agree with everything on the map. But the division of iraq, iran, afghanistan, syria/turkey and pakistan is spot on.

So you agree on fragmenting Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Turkey and Pakistan? You need to get yourself a country first before having sick dreams of fragmenting other countries.
Yes, create that map and the countries will create alliances and start fighting each other again and terrorizing each other, its not the solution.
You might solve 1 problem of ethnicity for Kurds or religious seperation in Iraq but there are so many different people with their own ideologies, Arab nationalists, Kurdish nationalists, Syrian nationalists for greater Syria, Islamists sunni/shia then we might see a rise in christian groups like kataeb of lebanon.

Does not solve it

You raise valid concerns. But one thing is for sure: The status quo doesn't seem to be working. We're talking about a "new middle east" here.
America had an edge since the last 100 years and Israel had the edge since the 6-day war. What new edge are you talking of?

You have to realise that USA is now concentrating on reducing it's dependency for energy on the middle east. More and more extreme right wingers and tea-partiers are demanding isolation. It's not too far-fetched to expect isolationist policies and that means even less intervention in other country's affairs.

Thats why i said before that I don't agree with everything on the map. But the division of iraq, iran, afghanistan, syria/turkey and pakistan is spot on.

Sunnis/Shias in Iraq do not want to divide, they never did, find me a party that wants that, even terrorist don’t want that, terrorist want to kill the other sect until they get to power.
So we prefer killing each other then dividing, very nice.

For the Kurdish part, Kurds are Iranians that do not belong in the lowlands of mesopotamia, Arbil = Arbela an Assyrian city which is their capital today, they want to rename it to Hawler.
Dohuk is an Assyrian city.
In the past Suleymaniyah was claimed to be their capital, today it is Erbil and tommorow they want Kerkuk, they want to expense on false bs that is being spread.
They are the only ones in Iraq asking for a break-up of the country, but 80% is against it so there will not be much to break off, I’m not going to start about the internal situation, too long story..

Besides I don’t think you care about Iraq,Pakistan,Syria its just that this benefits Israel, its a very sick idea to have millions die so that a few million jew can feel safer being surrounded by weak small states.
Sunnis/Shias in Iraq do not want to divide, they never did, find me a party that wants that, even terrorist don’t want that, terrorist want to kill the other sect until they get to power.
So we prefer killing each other then dividing, very nice.

So, the situation is like this:

1. Sunnis want the whole iraq to themselves. They are ready to kill shias for that.

2. Shias want the whole iraq to themselves. They're ready to kill sunnis for that.

A similar situation is in Syria.

Logic and reason dictates that although they want the whole iraq to be run according to their wish, that is not realistic. Isn't it more peaceful to, for example, have one part of Iraq for sunis and the other for shias?
So, the situation is like this:

1. Sunnis want the whole iraq to themselves. They are ready to kill shias for that.

2. Shias want the whole iraq to themselves. They're ready to kill sunnis for that.

A similar situation is in Syria.

Logic and reason dictates that although they want the whole iraq to be run according to their wish, that is not realistic. Isn't it more peaceful to, for example, have one part of Iraq for sunis and the other for shias?

1. Sunnis want the whole iraq to themselves. They are ready to kill shias for that.
2. Shias want the whole iraq to themselves. They're ready to kill sunnis for that.

Only extremists, not the regular citizen trying to make a living.
We do not want to break up, even if we break up the war will continue cause it is not a war between the people but rather between extremist groups, shia/sunni have been intermarrying each other for a long time especially in the mixed city Baghdad.
The sunni/shia divide theory was brought up by the zionist admitting Joe biden, it did not even work at the peak of the civil war, so yes I’m against it.

If anything we middle easterners seek to unify countries and create stronger larger countries.

Division is what our enemies seek.
if israel dare to bomb iran into stone age then pakistan will wipe out israel from world map....this is not so easy mate to nuke a country in this era...
if israel dare to bomb iran into stone age then pakistan will wipe out israel from world map....this is not so easy mate to nuke a country in this era...

How will you nuke Israhell without causing great suffering to nearby countries/cities/areas?

Palestine, Damascus, Cairo, Beirut, Amman and Tabuk in KSA are only few km from Israhell. All of them would be impacted if nukes were used.

Pakistan is moreover a Western ally. The Americans are using drones on the territory of Pakistan that have killed many innocent civilians.

Hi there,

How's going mate? I hope everything is well and good.

I thought you'd grok what I said spontaneously Sir. I never said that the Central region has a major oil reserves at all. What I said ,on the other hand, was that the central region contains a large amount of oil.

We take these scientific facts for granted bro. And let me set the record straight for you folks,:whistle: NAJID has a tremendous amount of oil in Al-Aflaj ,Wadi AlDawasir, Kharj,and Hotat Bani Tamim. Thanks to the Saudi PM he knows what's he doing :flame:

Yes, We took that little chance and we won. :smart: The Saudis aren't talkative too much bro, they mean what they say and they say what they mean.


Indeed. May I also add that KSA is blessed with several natural riches apart from oil and gas. Much of the giant territory is yet to be explored. I have no doubt that there are many more gifts/secrets stored. The mineral riches are very big. There is a significant presence of volcanic fields in Hejaz as well and Western KSA in general likewise.

Not to mention the huge potential of solar and wind energy.
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israeli told in this thread that we will nuke iran to a stone age so thats y i replied it so agressively...but on the other hand u r rite...
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