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"Isolating the wrong bug" How India tried — and failed — to isolate Pakistan in 2016

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@PAKISTANFOREVER Don;t believe the rubbish about India having higher GDP. One thing these Ganga's are good at is art of deciet - like typical weak people. Pakistan's GDP figure are extrapolated from the official records. Since hardly anybody pays any tax large chunk of the ecponomy is undocumented and thus does not figure in those stats. The GDP figure you are quoted is not real but what is declared.

If I have £100 and you ask me how much I have. I show you £60 and say that is all I have. The question is how much do I really have and how much am I declaring. Fact is £40 that I have is undocmented but it does not mean it is not real. In the same way economies always have portion that is undeclared or is undocumented. However what is exceptional about Pakistan is the degree of undocumenation. These are estimates below.


What does this mean? Well the real economy is lot larger then what is declared. This also explains why Pakistan has far less poverty then India. That is why visitors to Pakistan are surprised because the facts on paper and facts on ground do not match. India of course is not only drowning in poverty, Adivasi's, Abos., but also the world champ in open defecation. That is is more then enough reasons to salute Jinnah and the blessings of Radcliffel Line. Partition us from the muck ..


I mean think about this. If India is booming, if Indian's are wealthy why are they world champions in poverty and open defecation? Are they too tight to spend money on their poor or provide basic things like sanitation which is bedrock of civilization. Hell our forefathers figured out sanitation 5,000 years in Harrapa and Mohenjo Daro but the India still has not figured how important sanitation is in 2017?
Even after taking into account informal economy Pakistan GDP per capita is still lower than India.
With Informal economy; GDP PCI of India $2106; and that of Pakistan $1991.

While I am no racist but this time I would like to mention that just go to any white supremacist web site like Stormfront and Ask them in case of India vs Pakistan who they would prefer the vast majority would say India as they view Indians as relatively superior to Pakistanis.
/pol/ would say the same thing too.

One can say that Pakistanis are racially inferior as it has a lower HDI index, 15-16 times less Forex reserves, lower literacy, higher child and infant mortality and even higher Life expectancy.

Another proof of Indian racial superiority an be that Indians are viewed more positively than Pakistanis Among global populations.

Even after taking into account informal economy Pakistan GDP per capita is still lower than India.
With Informal economy; GDP PCI of India $2106; and that of Pakistan $1991.
Its amusing and disgusting at the same time that educated people consider underground economy to be an asset and something to be proud and boast about.

Its in the underground economy where all the transaction for illegal activities like drug smuggling, trafficking and even acts, like terror funding which affect national security happen here.

Celebrating Pakistani underground economy as an asset over India is like a Mexican or Colombian blushingly celebrating the drug cartel earnings as contributions to their respective economies.

Its no surprise many Pakistanis mock India's demonetization move to hamper underground economy.
Only 320 Ak produced

Al zarrars are just upgraded Type59/69 and 486 of them were upgraded, comparatively we upgraded 1000+ T72.
Indian content in T-90 & Su-30 are far higher than Pakistani content in AK and JFT.
You guys lost 62 in Quetta Academy alone and over 100 since September 29.
Only thing about Chinese Pakistan relation is that China is using you guys for short time benefits just like US did in 80s.

So best & advanced says no to racism.. You know it..
Anyway racism(minimal) is a real phenomenon in london against ones from indian subcontinent ( India,Pakistan, Bangladesh) especially South Asian Muslims..

You obviously no nothing then about the racism experienced by black people and some East Europeans then.
India has produced 650 tanks in past 10-12 years whereas Pakistan only produced ~320.

This is the reality of the T90. The 650 number is incorrect

Age Exclusive: How India lost 6 years on T-90 tanks
THE ASIAN AGE. | SANJIB KR BARUAH Published : Dec 11, 2016, 12:56 am IST Updated : Dec 11, 2016, 3:31 am IST

The poor rate of production and delivery has forced the Army and the defence ministry to rely on import of T-90 tanks from Russia.
Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar (Photo: PTI)
New Delhi: In a telling commentary on the state of affairs in India’s defence manufacturing, a defence ministry internal report has pointed out that the production of the Russian origin T-90 tanks, a mainstay of the country’s Armoured Corps, was delayed by six years on account of inability to translate documents from Russian to English.

This is one of the several systemic failings to indigenously manufacture the T-90 tanks listed in a 55-page internal report of the defence ministry prepared in May 2016 and now with the minister.

Shocking and bordering on the absurd is the finding that while India started receiving the documents from Russia in installments 2001 onwards, the translation could be completed only in 2007, a staggering six-year-long delay in absorbing transfer of technology (TOT) by India’s Heavy Vehicle Factory (HVF) in Avadi, Tamil Nadu, and the ordnance factory boards (OFB), commissioned to roll out the tanks.

The report says: “The documents were in Russian and OFB efforts to get these documents translated into English failed. These documents were received between September 2001 and January 2003 following which HVF Avadi concluded four contracts between September 2003 and September 2006 for translation of these documents. The documents were completed by July 2007 after the expiry of scheduled delivery period of the first phase of 15 indigenous tanks by 2006-07. Thus translation of TOT documents from Russian to English language took almost six years.”

The report also states that though ordered to manufacture 945 T-90 tanks for the Indian Army, HVF/OFBs could churn out only 227 tanks by 2014-15 — less than 25 per cent of the target in 13 years. This despite the fact that the OFB failed substantially to indigenise and even now 70 per cent of the material (by value) is being imported. Indigenous production of T-90 tanks was to start in 2003-04.

“Due to serious slippages in production and delivery targets, HVF has been able to deliver only 227 tanks as against 945 tanks ordered by the Army and against their own cumulative capacity of 1,300 tanks (from 2003 to 2016) …As such HVF has been able to utilise only 25 per cent of their production capacity in the last 13 years,” the report says.

The poor rate of production and delivery has forced the Army and the defence ministry to rely on import of T-90 tanks from Russia. While the cost of an imported T-90 tank works out to Rs 14 crore apiece, the average cost of production and supply of a T-90 within India is at least Rs 21 crore, the report adds.

On November 7, the defence ministry had okayed the purchase of 464 T-90 tanks at a cost of Rs 13,448 crore under the “Buy Indian” basis from the HVF/OFBs. All tanks are produced at HVF, a dedicated departmental undertaking.

Defence minister Manohar Parrikar is understood to have asked state-owned PSUs to put their act together. At an event a few months ago, Mr Parrikar had slammed the work culture at PSUs and had asked them to step out of the “cocoon of comfort”.

The report also points out that TOT documents in respect of some critical assemblies were not transferred by the original manufacturers even after a lapse of 12 years, that is till July 2013. An important component was the T-90 gun system for which the design was not received till May 2014.

India has a mix of T-72, T-90 and Arjun tanks. After nearly three decades of relying on Russia-made T-72 tanks, 2000 onwards the government decided to gradually substitute T-72 tanks with the next generation T-90 in the Army’s tank regiments, as the DRDO-made main battle tank (MBT) Arjun was only reluctantly and partially accepted by the Army. T-90 continues to be the mainstay.

The government’s overall objective has been to import a few number of tanks and produce the bulk balance within the country through the dedicated PSUs
Even after taking into account informal economy Pakistan GDP per capita is still lower than India.
With Informal economy; GDP PCI of India $2106; and that of Pakistan $1991.

While I am no racist but this time I would like to mention that just go to any white supremacist web site like Stormfront and Ask them in case of India vs Pakistan who they would prefer the vast majority would say India as they view Indians as relatively superior to Pakistanis.
/pol/ would say the same thing too.

One can say that Pakistanis are racially inferior as it has a lower HDI index, 15-16 times less Forex reserves, lower literacy, higher child and infant mortality and even higher Life expectancy.

Another proof of Indian racial superiority an be that Indians are viewed more positively than Pakistanis Among global populations.



They love you because you lick their white balls, because they know your aukad that if they abuse you you will just come back like a dog asking for more, with Pakistani's they know we will slap them right back.

Honestly indian psychologically are:crazy: :cuckoo:
This is the reality of the T90. The 650 number is incorrect

Age Exclusive: How India lost 6 years on T-90 tanks
THE ASIAN AGE. | SANJIB KR BARUAH Published : Dec 11, 2016, 12:56 am IST Updated : Dec 11, 2016, 3:31 am IST

The poor rate of production and delivery has forced the Army and the defence ministry to rely on import of T-90 tanks from Russia.
Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar (Photo: PTI)
New Delhi: In a telling commentary on the state of affairs in India’s defence manufacturing, a defence ministry internal report has pointed out that the production of the Russian origin T-90 tanks, a mainstay of the country’s Armoured Corps, was delayed by six years on account of inability to translate documents from Russian to English.

This is one of the several systemic failings to indigenously manufacture the T-90 tanks listed in a 55-page internal report of the defence ministry prepared in May 2016 and now with the minister.

Shocking and bordering on the absurd is the finding that while India started receiving the documents from Russia in installments 2001 onwards, the translation could be completed only in 2007, a staggering six-year-long delay in absorbing transfer of technology (TOT) by India’s Heavy Vehicle Factory (HVF) in Avadi, Tamil Nadu, and the ordnance factory boards (OFB), commissioned to roll out the tanks.

The report says: “The documents were in Russian and OFB efforts to get these documents translated into English failed. These documents were received between September 2001 and January 2003 following which HVF Avadi concluded four contracts between September 2003 and September 2006 for translation of these documents. The documents were completed by July 2007 after the expiry of scheduled delivery period of the first phase of 15 indigenous tanks by 2006-07. Thus translation of TOT documents from Russian to English language took almost six years.”

The report also states that though ordered to manufacture 945 T-90 tanks for the Indian Army, HVF/OFBs could churn out only 227 tanks by 2014-15 — less than 25 per cent of the target in 13 years. This despite the fact that the OFB failed substantially to indigenise and even now 70 per cent of the material (by value) is being imported. Indigenous production of T-90 tanks was to start in 2003-04.

“Due to serious slippages in production and delivery targets, HVF has been able to deliver only 227 tanks as against 945 tanks ordered by the Army and against their own cumulative capacity of 1,300 tanks (from 2003 to 2016) …As such HVF has been able to utilise only 25 per cent of their production capacity in the last 13 years,” the report says.

The poor rate of production and delivery has forced the Army and the defence ministry to rely on import of T-90 tanks from Russia. While the cost of an imported T-90 tank works out to Rs 14 crore apiece, the average cost of production and supply of a T-90 within India is at least Rs 21 crore, the report adds.

On November 7, the defence ministry had okayed the purchase of 464 T-90 tanks at a cost of Rs 13,448 crore under the “Buy Indian” basis from the HVF/OFBs. All tanks are produced at HVF, a dedicated departmental undertaking.

Defence minister Manohar Parrikar is understood to have asked state-owned PSUs to put their act together. At an event a few months ago, Mr Parrikar had slammed the work culture at PSUs and had asked them to step out of the “cocoon of comfort”.

The report also points out that TOT documents in respect of some critical assemblies were not transferred by the original manufacturers even after a lapse of 12 years, that is till July 2013. An important component was the T-90 gun system for which the design was not received till May 2014.

India has a mix of T-72, T-90 and Arjun tanks. After nearly three decades of relying on Russia-made T-72 tanks, 2000 onwards the government decided to gradually substitute T-72 tanks with the next generation T-90 in the Army’s tank regiments, as the DRDO-made main battle tank (MBT) Arjun was only reluctantly and partially accepted by the Army. T-90 continues to be the mainstay.

The government’s overall objective has been to import a few number of tanks and produce the bulk balance within the country through the dedicated PSUs
In between April 2015-December 2016 India churned out another 220 T-90s.T-90 production rate is now 140/year:
in addition in the past six years 124 Arjuns were produced.

Whereas Pakistan managed to produce only 2 AK in 2014-15 as per modp report.
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