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"Isolating the wrong bug" How India tried — and failed — to isolate Pakistan in 2016

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you visited pakistan does not mean that it is developing.

But it means I have a better grasp at the progress it is making than compared to a foreigner who has never been there and is not aware of the ground realities. Especially in light of the fact that I have been to Pakistan over 20 times in nearly 30 years and travelled ALL over that country.
India's goal was to prevent Pakistan from internationalizing the Kashmir issue and it was a 100% success.
Pakistan wanted UN to discuss Kashmir or at least a Major power to intervene in Kashmir or change their stance.
That didn't happen either.
Even OIC General assembly did not pass a resolution on Kashmir, only a OIC contact group which has a mere 4 members since 1994 passed the same resolution they have been passing in the past 20 years.
Pakistan failed to increase the number of OC contact group members too.

Not just that Pakistan got humiliated after claiming in press releases that Kashmir was discussed in meetings with foreign leaders.
But soon press releases by those nations made Zero mention of Kashmir whatsoever.

Typical Indian self denial and self delusional response. If it fails just change the original objective. They do it in their indegenous military programs all the time. First they come up with requirements which are greatest and the best in the world. The program invariably fails but instead of being introspective they still thump their chest in false bravado by simply calling the failure a "Technology Demonstrator".

They wanted to isolate us on the false pretext of sponsoring terorrism and they failed miserably plain and simple. Pakistanis are not stupid, resolutions are useless, we have had them since 1948. Raising the issue in international forums is more about letting the Kashmiris know that we are supporting them so that they continue their struggle and be a pain in your a$$. As far as awareness about Kashmir is concerned, Pakistan doesn't have to do anything, I am sure dispatches from foreign embassies in Delhi are picking it all up and letting their governments know like for example 100 innocent Kashmiri killed, thousand more injured, maimed and blinded. Kids parading the streets of Kashmir carrying Pakistani flags, a whole new generation of Kashmiri youth who have nothing but hatred for India. That is success by any standard.

As for Pakistan a few developments since India started to Isolate it:

Nearly $60 billion CPEC kicks off which is the biggest single transfer of resources, technology and Industry in a short span since the Marshall Plan. Some of the projects are already nearing completion.

Ex Pakistani Army Chief of Staff asked to lead a 34 nation alliance of Islamic countries to fight terrorism. So much for being the sponsor of terrorism

Russian, China and even Iran agree to Pakistani view on the role of Afghan Taliban. Even the US wants to talk to them.

Internal insurgency both TTP and Baluch defeated. Some mopping up and consolidation still needed. There will continue to be occasional terrorist attacks but the existential threat is long gone.

Resurgence of Karachi after decades of crime, gangsterism and terrorism. 90% decline in crime. Indian sponsored Jabba the Hut aka Altaf Hussain nothing more than a drunk, blabbering piece of fat.

Economy hitting 6% growth rate despite all the challenges

Now lets see what happened in India

The surgical strikes happened. Countries have very effective intelligence gathering capabilities and they know much more then the spins goverments throws out for their general population. All major countries know the reality of the surgical strikes and I bet a lot chuckling is going on about the sheer stupidity of Indian claims.

Demonetization happened. The rural economy is collapsing and supply chain has broken down. There might be a food crisis. Daily wage workers are literally dying because they cannot be paid. This move will have little or no impact on corruption. People will simply move to foreign currency and gold which will have an impact on the Indian Rupee.

BRIC countries refused to support India on resolution against Pakistan during a meeting India hosted

Indian was denied entry into NSG

India failed to designate Masood Azhar at the UNSC

Russia showed India the middle finger

Although I don't take it seriously, Trump alluded to acting as an intermediary between Pakistan and India on Kashmir. This is an anathema for India

and so on and so forth
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Had Pakistan not been created, the above would have been happening to us on a bigger and more severe scale. Pakistan has served it's purpose well. It was created as a nation for a unique and beautiful race of people. To preserve their unique way of life, culture, heritage and religion. To be able you practice these without foreign/external oppression, interference and genocide. Least our fate be that of the Kashmiris or Palestinians.
Typical Indian self denial and self delusional spin response. If it fails just change the original objective. They do it in their indegenous military programs all the time. First they come up with requirements which are greatest and the best in the world. The program invariably fails but instead of being introspective they still thump their chest in false bravado by simply calling the failure a "Technology Demonstrator".

They wanted to isolate us on the false pretext of sponsoring terorrism and they failed miserably plain and simple. Pakistanis are not stupid, resolutions are useless, we have had them since 1948. Raising the issue in international forums is more about letting the Kashmiris know that we are supporting them so that they continue their struggle and be a pain in your a$$. As far as awareness about Kashmir is concerned, Pakistan doesn't have to do anything, I am sure dispatches from foreign embassies in Delhi are picking it all up and letting their governments know like for example 100 innocent Kashmiri killed, thousand more injured, maimed and blinded. Kids parading the streets of Kashmir carrying Pakistani flags, a whole new generation of Kashmiri youth who have nothing but hatred for India.

As for Pakistan a few developments since India started to Isolate it:

Nearly $60 billion CPEC kicks off which is the biggest single transfer of resources, technology and Industry in a short span since the Marshall Plan. Some of the projects are already nearing completion.

Ex Pakistani Army Chief of Staff asked to lead a 34 nation alliance of Islamic countries to fight terrorism. So much for being the sponsor of terrorism

Russian, China and even Iran agree to Pakistani view on the role of Afghan Taliban. Even the US wants to talk to them.

Internal insurgency both TTP and Baluch defeated. Some mopping up and consolidation still needed. There will continue to be occasional terrorist attacks but the existential threat is long gone.

Resurgence of Karachi after decades of crime, gangsterism and terrorism. 90% decline in crime.

Economy hitting 6% growth rate despite all the challenges

Now lets see what happened in India

The surgical strikes happened. Countries have very effective intelligence gathering capabilities and they know much more then the spins goverments throws out for their general population. All major countries know the reality of the surgical strikes and I bet a lot chuckling is going on about the sheer stupidity of Indian claims.

Demonetization happened. The rural economy is collapsing and supply chain has broken down. There might be a food crisis. Daily wage workers are literally dying because they cannot be paid. This move will have little or no impact on corruption. People will simply move to foreign currency and gold which will have an impact on the Indian Rupee.

BRIC countries refused to support India on resolution against Pakistan during a meeting India hosted

Indian was denied entry into NSG

India failed to designate Masood Azhar at the UNSC

Although I don't take it seriously, Trump alluded to acting as an intermediary between Pakistan and India on Kashmir. This is an anathema for India

and so on and so forth
India's indigenous military programs have been far more successful than Pakistan's.
Not a single country other than Pakistan has even mentioned Kashmir at UN or any bilateral meet.

CPEC is going to more harm than good to Pakistan just like Chinese projects did to African nations.

Saudi military alliance plan has turned out to be a meme and just a chai coffee org just like OIC.

Pakistan economy grew at the most 4.7% last year.

Surgical strikes were a major success as they will now show that India will publicly admit raids in Pakistan controlled Kashmir.

NSG just drafted new entry rules which will allow India in but throw Pakistan's entry chance out.

Demonetisation despite some initial success turned to be minor hiccup as India's core Industry grew the fastest last month in years.

Trump team just humiliated Pakistan by refusing to meet Fatemi but met with India's Doval and invited him to inauguration.
When Ganga's pulls over 250 million starving Dalits, Shudras, Adivasis, Aboroginals and other assorted junglees out of bare naked poverty then Indian's can come here to talk about Pakistan.

Until then shoo go back to Ganga India. Leave the pride of South Asia, the home of civilization in South Asia, the home of the brave of South Asia - > Indus Pakistan alone.

When Ganga's pulls over 250 million starving Dalits, Shudras, Adivasis, Aboroginals and other assorted junglees out of bare naked poverty then Indian's can come here to talk about Pakistan.

Until then shoo go back to Ganga India. Leave the pride of South Asia, the home of civilization in South Asia, the home of the brave of South Asia - > Indus Pakistan alone.


Don't want to get myself banned but all I'm going to say is that you need a strong empty stomach to look at that assortment of things you have just mentioned.

I live in india and i know that it far better then your fake "Pakistan".

For an indian, india is the best place on the planet I'm sure.
Same is applied to you.You double faced pakistani.

Not really. We accept Pakistan is not the best in the world and it does have problems which we need to fix. We're not like you delusional slumdogs who dream of being a shupa pawa by 2020 with White slaves and hovering cars powered by gomutra.
@PAKISTANFOREVER Ganga India is nothing but a huge garbage dump full of Shudra/Adivasi Aboriginals with thin venear of Brahmins on top. 1947 was a blessing of epic proportions that shut off this ocean of pollution most of which is concentrated the further away you go from Pak border into deeper India. Look at the infographic below.

Russia did not utter a single word against India at HOA, Russian envoy statements were entirely directed at Afghanistan's Ghani.
Both of them are not fond of each other for many years.
Russia actually proved that its preference for India is much higher than Pakistan by sending 200 soldiers in exercise with India versus only 70 in exercise with Pakistan

Chinese Navy presence in Indian ocean is a meme.They are unable to send more than 4-5 Naval vessels in a year and they are unable to do anything other than port Visits.
CPEC will cause more harm than good to Pakistan just like Chinese projects did to African nations.
Keep living in bubble .. Dont cry next time when Chinese sub cross indian waters :D
India's indigenous military programs have been far more successful than Pakistan's.
Not a single country other than Pakistan has even mentioned Kashmir at UN or any bilateral meet.

CPEC is going to more harm than good to Pakistan just like Chinese projects did to African nations.

Saudi military alliance plan has turned out to be a meme and just a chai coffee org just like OIC.

Pakistan economy grew at the most 4.7% last year.

Surgical strikes were a major success as they will now show that India will publicly admit raids in Pakistan controlled Kashmir.

NSG just drafted new entry rules which will allow India in but throw Pakistan's entry chance out.

Demonetisation despite some initial success turned to be minor hiccup as India's core Industry grew the fastest last month in years.

Trump team just humiliated Pakistan by refusing to meet Fatemi but met with India's Doval and invited him to inauguration.

You are insisting in proving to the whole world what i accused you of in my last posting a delusional fool. Your response is nothing but your bias and prejudice. Just wishful thinking.

List of great Indian military production successes: LCA, Arjun, INSAS, Cruise Missile which failed all tests, Rustum UAV which crashed all flights, submarines that blow up in harbor, Frigates which keel over in dry dock, Aircraft carriers which will become operational 20 years after the plan date, if it ever does. Even your off the shelf procurement is joke. Wanted to buy 126 jets ended up buying only 36 after 15 years. The list is endless.

Don't speculate about the Saudi Military alliance. Pakistan will get some thing out of it. In any case a great honor for our military and our chief

If CPEC was so bad for Pakistan, why is India hell bent on stopping it. Obviously you don't know much about CPEC. Its is not a bunch of Chinese moms and pops opening stores like in Africa. It is strategic. If a few inefficient industries loose out and are replaced by more efficient one so be it.

I talking this year growth rate. Just google it.

What raids? oh the one's where headless bodies of Indian soldiers are found or the whole Indian patrol disappears into thin year

NSG proposal is draft and has to adopted by NSG, if China does like it, it will not be adopted.

Trump is anti muslim and anti China. We don't expect anything from him. Fatemi should not have gone in the first place and he hardly represents Pakistan. He got what he deserves no loss to Pakistan. Our people, unlike the Indians don't aspire for US approval or acceptance.
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Lol.......Bro what's your stomach tolerance levels at looking at those creatures you have mentioned. My puke-ability is very easy as of 2017.
I know what you mean. Deep in south Dravid India and swampy Ganga India gawd they got some choice samples of humanity. Not good on the eye or stomach. Occasionaly you got diluted specimens like that in Pakistan as well. I used to wonder where did they come from.

Over time I realized the source is the motherlode in India. That is ugly central full of Abos., Adivasi who dominate most of South India and Ganga India. There was a reason why the Brahmins conjured up Hinduism to protect their blood. Although Brahmins in South India have higher doses of Abo., blood then even Sindhi;s in Pakistan. So despite all that caste system they failed to partition off but then when you have 100s millions of them it's a losing game.
KARACHI: Around 50 million people are suffering from common mental disorders in Pakistan. The illness afflicts 15 to 35 million adults, which is about 10 to 20 per cent of the population.

“Approximately 20 million children or 10pc of the population in our country need attention from mental health practitioners,” said Dr Ayesha Mian, chairperson of the department of psychiatry at the Aga Khan University (AKU) at a dialogue held on mental health at the Karachi Press Club on Saturday.

The session was organised in connection with World Mental Health Day being observed on Oct 10.

Dr Mian said there was a perception that people with mental illness were violent, looked different from others, and could never get better or could not be productive members of society.

“Such misleading stereotypes impact adversely on these people’s struggle to cope with their condition.”

“Studies show that people with mental illness are much more likely to be a victim than a perpetrator. Media should come forward and be strong partners against this social bias,” she said. She said family members, friends and the society in general had a vital role to play in helping people recover from mental illness. They needed positive attitude and acceptance of their conditions.

“Unfortunately, there are only 400 trained psychiatrists in the country.”

Published in Dawn October 9th, 2016

I think @pakistan forever,@JOEY TRIBIANI ,you should visit hospitals.LOL
mental paksitan==idiot pakistan.
but then why Indian soldiers and farmers are committing sucides unabated
I live in india and i know that it far better then your fake "Pakistan".

Bye, bye delusional retarded bollywood creature. Better luck next time when your Pakistan obsessed self comes back under a different alias......lol :D

I know what you mean. Deep in south Dravid India and swampy Ganga India gawd they got some choice samples of humanity. Not good on the eye or stomach. Occasionaly you got diluted specimens like that in Pakistan as well. I used to wonder where did they come from.

Over time I realized the source is the motherlode in India. That is ugly central full of Abos., Adivasi who dominate most of South India and Ganga India. There was a reason why the Brahmins conjured up Hinduism to protect their blood. Although Brahmins in South India have higher doses of Abo., blood then even Sindhi;s in Pakistan. So despite all that caste system they failed to partition off but then when you have 100s millions of them it's a losing game.

Lol.........all I'm going to say is that I avoid them at ALL costs. Even just looking at them. My stomach is not what it used to be....lol. When you see them, you know why they hate Pakistan so much.

PS These guys are something else. The REAL Abos look like Latino hunks and Latina Chicks compared to the gangalanders.
You are insisting in proving to the whole world what i accused you of in my last posting a delusional fool. Your response is nothing but your bias and prejudice

List of great Indian military production successes: LCA, Arjun, INSAS, Cruise Missile which failed all test, Rustum UAV which crashed all flights, submarines that blow up in harbor, Frigates which keel over in dry dock, Aircraft which will become operational 15 years after the plan date. The list is endless.

Don't speculate about the Saudi Military alliance. Pakistan will get some thing out of it. In any case a great honor for our military and our chief

If CPEC was so bad for Pakistan, why is India hell bent on stopping it. Obviously you don't know much about CPEC. Its is not a bunch of Chinese moms and pops opening stores like in Africa. It is strategic. If a few inefficient industries loose out and are replaced by more efficient one so be.

What raids? oh the one's where headless bodies of Indian soldiers are found or the whole Indian patrol disappears into thin year

NSG proposal is draft and has to adopted by NSG, if China does like it, it will not be adopted.

Trump is anti muslim and anti China. We don't expect anything from him. Fatemi should not have gone in the first place and he hardly represents Pakistan. He got what he deserves no loss to Pakistan. Our people, unlike the Indians don't aspire for US approval or acceptance
India has produced 650 tanks in past 10-12 years whereas Pakistan only produced ~320.
India produced 190 fighter jets in same period Pakistan only 70.
India produced seven destroyers and frigates, Pakistan produced only two.

Indian gov't hasn't mentioned a word against CPEC other raising just diplomatic statements on its passage through Pak administered Kashmir.

As for beheadings we beheaded 12+ Pakistani soldiers since 1999, compared to 8 of ours.

China will not be able to do anything once other 44 nations agree, it will be forced to say yes.

You guys constantly strive for China's approval.
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