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"Isolating the wrong bug" How India tried — and failed — to isolate Pakistan in 2016

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:D sorry to brust ur bubble but russia molest bharat maa in heart of asia conference + the did it after uri attack too .
Isnt its enough that we dont have any sort of defence deal with them and still they support us instead of india :) .
As for CPEC .. CPEC and its location will ensure us to get control of india's sea trade route & oil supply line :) . Their is a reason behind China's Navy presence in indian ocean :) .

Just elaboration for these ignorant people.....

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Jitna chaya zoor laga tum hindustani sab sa agay hongay Pakistani :)
First of all muslims never occupied all of India, Muslim rulers had little actual power outside North India and Bengal.

And it is your ancestors in The Indus region who suffered most from foreign invasions from central and west Asia.

In BD our objective was to prevent Pakistan from opening up two fronts which we successfully achieved.

Kashmir rebellion is a meme.
They pelt stones for a few months every few years and then return back to their wooden houses.

It was JeM tactical operation which led to an intentional geopolitical defeat for Pakistan.
But you admit they occupied India. I am not going to argue over penuts with you
how you came to that conclusion .Pakistani chutiye..

Russia has been always close to India and I think it will never support Pakistan against India, Because India share very good relation with Russian Federation despite having close alliance with western world.

We can see some of the key point about India and Russia relationship

  • India-Russia relationship is based on politics, defense, space , civil nuclear and anti-terrorism co-operation.
  • Indo-Russian Inter-Governmental Commission (IRIGC) conducts government level talks between these two nation where top level minister from both the nation took part. IRIGC mainly divided in two parts where first cover economic aspects and second part cover military technology advancement.
  • Russia supported India's permanent seat in United Nation Security Council (UNSC), both the countries are member of UN,G20, BRICS and SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation)
  • India is worlds biggest arms importer and 70% of these imports are from Russia making Russia the biggest supplier to Indian defense industry
  • India and Russia economic relation are in good shape with both countries targeting bilateral trade about $30 Billion in next 5–10 year , Russia supported Make in India and Smart City initiative. India and Russia will jointly develop some of the defense equipment, aircraft which will exclusively Made in India and infrastructure for smart city with the help of Russian companies.There is lot more other things in future like Space co-operation, building 20 energy nuclear reactor in India and Free Trade Agreement between two nation
  • Russia is India’s oldest and most trusted defense partner which led to great military co-operation between these two nation. Some of fighter plane and missile are jointly developed by India and Russia INDRA is joint bi-annual military exercise between India and Russia and Avia-Indra is annual military exercise conducted by the Air forces of India and Russia
Now coming to Pakistan’s relation with Russia, it was always considered as sort of cold war rival and never had very good relation in past.

Pakistan largest import of arms came from China and USA and Russia is not in there list. I think last year a news broke out where it was mentioned that Pakistan bought four Mi-35 helicopters from Russia. This may be reason for latest military exercise between two nation as a opportunity to increase the sale of defense industry in Russia (its business nothing else from my perspective).

I need to highlight few things before we say Russia supporting Pakistan against India.

  • When military exercise was started between Russia and Pakistan from 24 September 2016 same time India Army was in Russia for their bi-yearly military exercise INDRA2016 (Below are the images)


May be as other are saying that world is changing but this will take longer than usual for Russia to support Pakistan against India. I don’t think this will be possible in near future because India always maintained balanced relation with Russia and western countries namely USA.

EDIT: Recent visit of President Putin for BRICS summit enhanced the ties with India and ending the speculation about India and Russia relationship. Mr Modi while addressing the media with Putin clearly indicate and stated "One old friend is better than two new ones" using Russian proverb.

Indian PM and Russian Federation President signed 16 agreement majorly include

Image credit : Google and Twitter account of Indian Army.

Jai Hind…!!!!

Good ! India - Russia relations are old and strong we know.
But we were talking about something other than India-Russia relations.
You should sleep now to get up early for college tomorrow.
how you came to that conclusion .Pakistani chutiye..

Russia has been always close to India and I think it will never support Pakistan against India, Because India share very good relation with Russian Federation despite having close alliance with western world.

We can see some of the key point about India and Russia relationship

  • India-Russia relationship is based on politics, defense, space , civil nuclear and anti-terrorism co-operation.
  • Indo-Russian Inter-Governmental Commission (IRIGC) conducts government level talks between these two nation where top level minister from both the nation took part. IRIGC mainly divided in two parts where first cover economic aspects and second part cover military technology advancement.
  • Russia supported India's permanent seat in United Nation Security Council (UNSC), both the countries are member of UN,G20, BRICS and SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation)
  • India is worlds biggest arms importer and 70% of these imports are from Russia making Russia the biggest supplier to Indian defense industry
  • India and Russia economic relation are in good shape with both countries targeting bilateral trade about $30 Billion in next 5–10 year , Russia supported Make in India and Smart City initiative. India and Russia will jointly develop some of the defense equipment, aircraft which will exclusively Made in India and infrastructure for smart city with the help of Russian companies.There is lot more other things in future like Space co-operation, building 20 energy nuclear reactor in India and Free Trade Agreement between two nation
  • Russia is India’s oldest and most trusted defense partner which led to great military co-operation between these two nation. Some of fighter plane and missile are jointly developed by India and Russia INDRA is joint bi-annual military exercise between India and Russia and Avia-Indra is annual military exercise conducted by the Air forces of India and Russia
Now coming to Pakistan’s relation with Russia, it was always considered as sort of cold war rival and never had very good relation in past.

Pakistan largest import of arms came from China and USA and Russia is not in there list. I think last year a news broke out where it was mentioned that Pakistan bought four Mi-35 helicopters from Russia. This may be reason for latest military exercise between two nation as a opportunity to increase the sale of defense industry in Russia (its business nothing else from my perspective).

I need to highlight few things before we say Russia supporting Pakistan against India.

  • When military exercise was started between Russia and Pakistan from 24 September 2016 same time India Army was in Russia for their bi-yearly military exercise INDRA2016 (Below are the images)


May be as other are saying that world is changing but this will take longer than usual for Russia to support Pakistan against India. I don’t think this will be possible in near future because India always maintained balanced relation with Russia and western countries namely USA.

EDIT: Recent visit of President Putin for BRICS summit enhanced the ties with India and ending the speculation about India and Russia relationship. Mr Modi while addressing the media with Putin clearly indicate and stated "One old friend is better than two new ones" using Russian proverb.

Indian PM and Russian Federation President signed 16 agreement majorly include

Image credit : Google and Twitter account of Indian Army.

Jai Hind…!!!!

So did russia call it azad kashmir or did you Indians call it azad kashmir
Modi politics are like chai wala dhaba...low class people creating rumors behind each other ...and "jhakki pan" aka stinginess to convince others...!
@PAKISTANFOREVER ,Can't you deal with me . Calling you dad for fighting with a NEW RECRUIT. Shame on you.

You're probably an indian who got banned recently for persistent trolling but has returned due to your obsession with Pakistan. We need to get rid of you all for derailing threads and diluting the quality on PDF.

Wonder who you were previously on PDF?
Don't care much for Russia or USA. Pakistan has to stand on its own two feet and it's beginning to do that.
CPEC discovery of gas, oil, iron ore, coal etc help us get hard cash. Foreign investment is pouring in. So I am not worried. India just has a terrorist leader in modi. The world knits it and just because they entertain him now doesn't mean they always will. Look at some of their past friends. India's goal of militarily occupying pakistan is now impossible. So now they are just crying. Let them cry. We should just focus and get on with our own purpose

Here they are talking about Azad Kashmir brother ("AZAD KASHMIR").
Do u speak English ?
@PAKISTANFOREVER ,Can't you deal with me . Calling you dad for fighting with a NEW RECRUIT. Shame on you.

Thanks for suggesting me to sleep,but I think you have not slept for a decade. Please see I replied to a guy who is trying to prove that Indo-Russia relations are no more now.
Nobody is snatching Russia from you dont worry. Each country has own friends and interests.
@PAKISTANFOREVER Iam new person here came from a flop pakistani forum "PAF". It is reduced to facebook now. So I thought may be I will help you guys out here by showing some facts.
Banning is done to true patriots. They do not retrurn .They mock you people in other forum.

Heard it all before. Couldn't care less what indians say on their own forums. It's got nothing to do with me. They can say or do what they like within their own enclaves. This is a Pakistani forum so we want to talk about things that are important to us. We don't want rubbish from our eternal enemy.
You are about quality.I think you derailing the facts and reducing the quality by guessing a new recruit being a banned one and trying to saturate the facts.

Restoring quality on PDF can only be achieved by having less indians and indian hyperbole.

You are about quality.I think you derailing the facts and reducing the quality by guessing a new recruit being a banned one and trying to saturate the facts.

So you want to stay in your invented happy feeling BUBBLE.

Which is more aligned to reality than indian propaganda. The same propaganda that claimed Pakistan would NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance or that the JF-17 project would never materialise.

The "bubble" was proven correct on my recent visit to Pakistan nearly 8 months ago. I saw for myself the promising ground reality of Pakistan which is unprecedented in Pakistan's history.

So only Pakistanis live in a "bubble" and indians don't? :disagree:
:D sorry to brust ur bubble but russia molest bharat maa in heart of asia conference + they did it after uri attack too .
Isnt its enough that we dont have any sort of defence deal with them and still they support us instead of india :) .
As for CPEC .. CPEC and its location will ensure us to get control of india's sea trade route & oil supply line :) . Their is a reason behind China's Navy presence in indian ocean :) .
now don't say you dont know about the Military Advantage Pakistan & China will get after the completetion of CPEC.
Russia did not utter a single word against India at HOA, Russian envoy statements were entirely directed at Afghanistan's Ghani.
Both of them are not fond of each other for many years.
Russia actually proved that its preference for India is much higher than Pakistan by sending 200 soldiers in exercise with India versus only 70 in exercise with Pakistan

Chinese Navy presence in Indian ocean is a meme.They are unable to send more than 4-5 Naval vessels in a year and they are unable to do anything other than port Visits.
CPEC will cause more harm than good to Pakistan just like Chinese projects did to African nations.
At last FO has some freedom and acting the way it supposed to. Hope FO will remain free from political and mil diktats.
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