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"Isolating the wrong bug" How India tried — and failed — to isolate Pakistan in 2016

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India's indigenous military programs have been far more successful than Pakistan's.
Not a single country other than Pakistan has even mentioned Kashmir at UN or any bilateral meet.

CPEC is going to more harm than good to Pakistan just like Chinese projects did to African nations.

Saudi military alliance plan has turned out to be a meme and just a chai coffee org just like OIC.

Pakistan economy grew at the most 4.7% last year.

Surgical strikes were a major success as they will now show that India will publicly admit raids in Pakistan controlled Kashmir.

NSG just drafted new entry rules which will allow India in but throw Pakistan's entry chance out.

Demonetisation despite some initial success turned to be minor hiccup as India's core Industry grew the fastest last month in years.

Trump team just humiliated Pakistan by refusing to meet Fatemi but met with India's Doval and invited him to inauguration.
Gregor seriously do you believe what you type.
1. CPEC will be a failure - what do you know that the world doesn't. China, Russia, France Germany and even the Arabs are getting in on CPEC. Do explain
2. India's military programs have been more successful than Pakistan's. Arjun, Tejas. You consider them success even though the Indian military doesn't want them. Please tell me what planet do you live on.
3. Surgical strike.....the same one that was done by Melbourne troop and then the world was told no helicopters were used. The same one where Pakistan immediately took international reporters and they found no sign of any activity not even a bullet. The same surgical strike that you promised the world evidence but to date have provided none. Is that the surgical strike you are talking about.
4. Kashmir not mention at the UN...Well you and I both know that UN is lobbied by the five permanent members and the veto system makes it very undemocratic and unethical. UN had a history of not helping people but doing the bidding for the like of USA and Russia. Are you surprised that Kashmir isn't on the agenda. Fact is Kashmir people are killing your troops in their barracks. If the Kashmir people hate you then how do you speak as a democratic country? See you don't think your points through do you. Just typing for the sake of typing is pointless.

Honestly if that's your level of intellect I am very saddened by the education system in India. Tell me where did you buy your degree from.... Axact(Pakistani company selling fake degrees)?
Hired actors?, stop for a sec n listen too urself n ur pathetic rants, please i beg u...
As I already said media reports have zero effect on geopolitics.

Bugti surrenders may have been done by hired actors.
Who has authored the original article?

1. The call to Trump was a congratulatory call to Trump when he won the election. What did the Pakistanis expect him to say - "Thank you for your phone call? Now I will bomb you to kingdom come"? LOL. Even the Trump team was aghast when the Pakistanis claimed that Trump said nice things about Pakistan.


2. Raj Thackeray is not in the Shiv Sena - he heads a small non-entity called MNS which is trying hard to stay relevant in the upcoming municipal polls in Bombay. That's the limit of their ambition.

3. Russia is India's longstanding ally but will do business with Pakistan - in many ways it is the opposite of China.

4. China is Pakistan's all-weather friend or so it seems - so no surprise there. It will take a change in Chinese leadership or Pakistan massively screwing up for China to ditch Pakistan

If Pakistan believes it is not regionally and internationally isolated already - then it is really living in a fool's paradise. Forget international investment - they have not been able to convince major cricket teams to come tour there. Of course it is a big market but it is also seen as a pariah.
@PAKISTANFOREVER I just went through the links. Apparently the percentage of poverty stricken ugliness wrapped in a Sari (if they can afford a piece of rag) has increased and today India has over 1/3 of the worlds poor. India developing but a long way to go? Tou bet your sweet bottom it has long, long motherfvcker long way to go.

I mentioned about deception. Yep I was not let down. Apparently the Ganga government has been accused of "poverty smokescreen" which involves decreasing the measure of poverty threshold and guess what? Poverty has shrunk. Of course all those million starving, sleeping on pavements, pulling rickshaws like animals goes on and when they do get food they proceed to shat in the open.

But everything I say about India harsh as it might appear was not enough to describe what I saw on this (below) with images so disgusting. I really feel sickened that Pakistan is even next door to this cesspit. Unfortuantely that ugliness rubs on us as well. That is why wherever I go I spend significant effort to avoid being hyphenated with India or Bangladesh. Both are as bad as each other. Both are Ganga River civilizations although it is far stretch to call these Gangoo's civilized.

Warning images are shocking: Holy Ganga of India. They have dead bodies floating in the bloody river and they are bathing next to them !


And the worst thing is that despite their dire & horrific reality, they have the audacity to come here and criticize us. They talk as if their nation and race is as developed, self-sufficient and advanced as the West, Europe, China and Japan. These creatures are so deluded they actually believe their retarded hallucinating bollywood fantasies......lol.

Who has authored the original article?

1. The call to Trump was a congratulatory call to Trump when he won the election. What did the Pakistanis expect him to say - "Thank you for your phone call? Now I will bomb you to kingdom come"? LOL. Even the Trump team was aghast when the Pakistanis claimed that Trump said nice things about Pakistan.


2. Raj Thackeray is not in the Shiv Sena - he heads a small non-entity called MNS which is trying hard to stay relevant in the upcoming municipal polls in Bombay. That's the limit of their ambition.

3. Russia is India's longstanding ally but will do business with Pakistan - in many ways it is the opposite of China.

4. China is Pakistan's all-weather friend or so it seems - so no surprise there. It will take a change in Chinese leadership or Pakistan massively screwing up for China to ditch Pakistan

If Pakistan believes it is not regionally and internationally isolated already - then it is really living in a fool's paradise. Forget international investment - they have not been able to convince major cricket teams to come tour there. Of course it is a big market but it is also seen as a pariah.

So now cricket is the judge of international isolationism is it? So looks like 95% of the countries in the world we don't play international cricket are isolated then.......lol

Pakistan is isolated??????.......which is why the world's 1st ever nation that is set to become a global hyper power is investing in at least $55 billion in Pakistan with many more billions set for investment in the coming years and decades. Which is why the Russians held military drills with Pakistan and are making diplomatic overtures to us. Which is why Western European nations are wanting to join CPEC.

Before you say anything about Pakistan, solve the problems of your race and nation first and then come and talk. Remember it is not Pakistan the has 30-40% of the ENTIRE Earth's most severely malnourished and extreme poor but india that does:





Pakistan is isolated??????.......just ask the world's most ugliest and deformed savage creatures below:

That's a joking way to retaliate with every comments mentioning same poverty links & such superiority dilemma..Pakistanis think themselves on par with USA or something like that.You are nothing different Lol.

Your high level delegation begged to meet Trump after he won & weren't even allowed to meet Mr Trump but some low level irrelevant delegation.On the other side they invited our NSA chief soon after he got elected...

Also don't worry Russia also will be ally like it used to be..Next week Russia deputy PM will be visiting India & also will have a NSA level talk..To Russia Pakistan is a nothing but a interest for Afghanistan where India is a strategic ally.They have to compete China if they want to sustain in Pakistan which they wouldn't. Pakistan is too small & less resourceful to put interest on for Russia..

You're not making much sense. Don't understand what you have written. Need to be more clearer and write in correct English. Seems like you're another creature spouting the same lies, propaganda and falsehoods coming from the same indian school of thought that proclaimed that: "Pakistan will NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance. That it is impossible to do so". Or that "CPEC or the JF-17 project would never materialize"......lol.

Ultimately, I could not care less about Russia or our relations with them. The future of advanced sciences, technology, innovation and high tech weapons production lies with the world's 1st ever global hyper power: China. And they are our strongest ally. And that's all that matters. Which is why india was powerless to attack Pakistan after 2001 parliament attacks, mumbai 2008, uri and pathankot. Even though india is at least 7x bigger than Pakistan and has abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege :azn:

PS: I could not care less what the americans, Russians etc think of us or not. We do not seek their approval or acknowledgement. It means nothing to us. Seeking their pleasure is actually a major trait of the indian race. It is hardwired into the indian dna.

Yeah, Indians are definitely manlier than us with 2-inch members.
Condoms 'too big' for Indian men

No wonder these guys hate Pakistan so much........lol.
And the worst thing is that despite their dire & horrific reality, they have the audacity to come here and criticize us. They talk as if their nation and race is as developed, self-sufficient and advanced as the West, Europe, China and Japan. These creatures are so deluded they actually believe their retarded hallucinating bollywood fantasies......lol.

So now cricket is the judge of international isolationism is it? So looks like 95% of the countries in the world we don't play international cricket are isolated then.......lol

Pakistan is isolated??????.......which is why the world's 1st ever nation that is set to become a global hyper power is investing in at least $55 billion in Pakistan with many more billions set for investment in the coming years and decades. Which is why the Russians held military drills with Pakistan and are making diplomatic overtures to us. Which is why Western European nations are wanting to join CPEC.

Before you say anything about Pakistan, solve the problems of your race and nation first and then come and talk. Remember it is not Pakistan the has 30-40% of the ENTIRE Earth's most severely malnourished and extreme poor but india that does:





Pakistan is isolated??????.......just ask the world's most ugliest and deformed savage creatures below:


Ok. Thanks for hyperventilating.

"the world's 1st ever nation that is set to become a global hyper power" ???? Do you want to add a few more adjectives?
China doesn't do anything for charity - it will get its pound of flesh and then some. By the way what is the current Chinese investment in Pakistan?

Of course Russia will hold military drills with whosoever it pleases. Doesn't mean it has overnight become Pakistan's great friend or ally. India and China held joint military exercises in November - it would only be a fool who would think that this means India and China are great friends.

A country's image is everything. Sports teams not touring is a big thing - in that Pakistan finds itself in the same boat as North Korea.

I see no word on Trump team distancing itself from the phone call.

As for Pakistan having faith in China - best of luck. This is the same China which didn't come to your aid in any of your wars with India; infact this China recorded conversations of Musharaf during the Kargil war and routed them to India through the U.S.

As far as your pictures are concerned - I do realize India is a filthy nation with many problems including sanitation, healthcare, lack of civic sense and malnutrition. And I bet you think the people in Pakistan are living a standard of life on par with Norway.
Lol 2001! India has already provided you with two birth days & 70 years of you snatching Kashmir from us...
You spent more than half century being minion of USA.Now you want to rely on innovations by Chinese.That open minded lap dog mentality won't serve your country any good.
On the other side Russia only succored India but same time India lunged within itself & still going on..
There is different between being ally of being a colony..

Lol Whole forum reflects Pakistani mentality of self glorification & gala of happiness over Russia Pakistan but least au courant about ground reality

That does not however surpass the centuries of humiliation your race has faced at being ruled by various empires. And the fact that Pakistan and ultimately bangladesh were both carved and ripped out of india. Think the effect this has had on the indian psyche is still evident from indians like you. Considering india is at least 7x bigger than Pakistan and we control 40% of Kashmir that is real good going by us and there is nothing the indian race can do about it :azn:

The celebrations on PDF with regards to Russian overtures to Pakistan is simply a slap on the face of those indians who proclaimed that Russia would NEVER EVER hold military drills with Pakistan as it would jeopardise indian/Russian arms deal and indian could use this as leverage..........lol

PS: NICE TRY.......:D....you are one of those Pakistan-Obseessed indians who got banned yesterday that is trying to make a comeback......lol. You've just proved all the right-wing Pakistanis correct.......lol. You indians are obsessed with us. You creatures can't get enough.

@Oscar @waz
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We were working to isolate Pakistan? :laughcry:
Thought about Pakistan is even vanished from from our side. Though, posting such "WTF" articles, but still Indians will continue to be "Pakistan obsessed".:rolleyes:
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Ok. Thanks for hyperventilating.

"the world's 1st ever nation that is set to become a global hyper power" ???? Do you want to add a few more adjectives?
China doesn't do anything for charity - it will get its pound of flesh and then some. By the way what is the current Chinese investment in Pakistan?

Of course Russia will hold military drills with whosoever it pleases. Doesn't mean it has overnight become Pakistan's great friend or ally. India and China held joint military exercises in November - it would only be a fool who would think that this means India and China are great friends.

A country's image is everything. Sports teams not touring is a big thing - in that Pakistan finds itself in the same boat as North Korea.

I see no word on Trump team distancing itself from the phone call.

As for Pakistan having faith in China - best of luck. This is the same China which didn't come to your aid in any of your wars with India; infact this China recorded conversations of Musharaf during the Kargil war and routed them to India through the U.S.

As far as your pictures are concerned - I do realize India is a filthy nation with many problems including sanitation, healthcare, lack of civic sense and malnutrition. And I bet you think the people in Pakistan are living a standard of life on par with Norway.

Actually the faith in China paid off. Thanks to China, Pakistan become a nuclear weapons state who now has the ability to produce H-bombs:


The above is the reason why india was powerless to attack PAKISTAN militarily after mumbai 2008. Even though india is at least 7x bigger than us and has abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege :azn:

So yes in effect China has helped Pakistan militarily. 1971 and before, China was not a superpower or as powerful as it is now and was therefore not in a position to help us. The situation is very different now. Not to mention the $55 billion China is investing in Pakistan with many more billions earmarked for investments in the coming years and decades :D With the successful initiation of CPEC and Chinese strategic assets now all over Pakistan the bond between Pakistan and China is all but set to grow even stronger.

The images and articles about the reality of india is for a reality check for those indians who come here and criticise Pakistan yet don't solve their own nations more severe problems.

We were working to isolate Pakistan? :laughcry:
Thought about Pakistan is even vanished from from our side. Though, posting such "WTF" articles, but still Indians will continue to be "Pakistan obsessed".:rolleyes:
the dumbest nation on earth is India

do you want me to put up 100+ indian media articles where Modi and his cabinet of hyenas said time and time again India will isolate pakistan in the world as revenge for the Uri attacks.

this back fired specularly because the only nations that went publicly to criticise pakistan were namak haram afghani and waste of space bengalis who bring absolutely nothing to the table.

Modi failed to isolate pakistan that is very much apparent now its up to indians to decide if they want bury their head in the sand and accept.
Actually the faith in China paid off. Thanks to China, Pakistan become a nuclear weapons state who now has the ability to produce H-bombs:


The above is the reason why india was powerless to attack PAKISTAN militarily after mumbai 2008. Even though india is at least 7x bigger than us and has abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege :azn:

So yes in effect China has helped Pakistan militarily. 1971 and before, China was not a superpower or as powerful as it is now and was therefore not in a position to help us. The situation is very different now. Not to mention the $55 billion China is investing in Pakistan with many more billions earmarked for investments in the coming years and decades :D With the successful initiation of CPEC and Chinese strategic assets now all over Pakistan the bond between Pakistan and China is all but set to grow even stronger.

The images and articles about the reality of india is for a reality check for those indians who come here and criticise Pakistan yet don't solve their own nations more severe problems.

If Pakistan is successfully economically, it would be good for the region as lesser people would turn to right wing ideology. Your faith in China as a friend is admirable - maybe you are right. I believe that China will eventually move closer to India because of trade and economics. USA once enjoyed the position in Pakistan's eyes during the Reagan and Nixon era. It was economics which led USA moving closer to India.

Regarding India not attacking Pak after 26/11 - yes, Pakistani nukes are a deterrent. But Indian nukes don't seem to be a deterrent for Pak when its "non-state" actors launch terror strikes on Indian soil. But India will shore up people like Ahmad Shah Massoud and Karzai and try and beat Pak at its own game.

Anyhow we will see how it pans out. We are both entitled to our opinions.

How many inches of Kashmir have you earned after 1948?70 years of inconsequential attempts & ignominy.

Before 1947 you were part of same India who were slaved,sold their women & changed faith as a case of servitude itself...:blah:

BTW There was also a first time when we had exercise with China..The exercise with Pakistan is nothing but to taunt USA..Also if you think 10 billion dollars of annual trade,multi billion dollars of ongoing defense deals,investments & all strategic collaborations are shadowed by one exercise then you are nothing but a neurotic addlepated individual..

Also if your case is true then there will always be rival powers to give us military or economical luster..But Russia wouldn't want to gain a resourceful enemy without a reason..

You were once played by USA..Don't dismiss that from mind..You are nothing but a contrivance(Now of China) to the world majors....

India was/is never such dupable.It carries own stature & weight to be relevant among world powers.We will carry more weight in future..

Enjoy your pretentious rants..:enjoy:

A nation of standing amongst world powers??????.......:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:...........you can't even wrest control of 40% of Kashmir from a nation that is more than 7x smaller than you and doesn't have abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems like india does.....lol......:rofl::rofl:. That is absolutely pathetic.....lol

By the way FYI, we were never part of the "same" india that you creatures belong to. We always had a distinct racial identity that is wholly different to the rest of india. It explains why Pakistan HAD to be created.

You are just another Pakistan-Obseessed creature from our east who can't get enough of Pakistan and PDF who keeps coming back here under different aliases even though we have banned you multiple times........lol

Nice try Gregor Clegane or whatever western name you indians wish you had.....lol

@Oscar @waz @Zaki
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