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Islamism ???

Please do give me an answer here, because as far as i know, if one doesn't take guidance from the Quran and Sunnah and abandons it, he actually quits to be a Muslim.

A little correction and all problems solved !! Abandoning Quran makes one a non muslim . Avoiding laws derived from doubtful Ahadith makes one a better Muslim !!

If believing in the Quran and the Sunnah, makes one a 'Fundamentalist M0oOzzlum' so be it!

What I said was "The concept of Islamic fundamentalism was promoted/spread by the west for political reasons (against ottomans especially)"
Deoband , Barelvi , Ahmedi etc schools were all founded in India during British Rule (again for political purposes)
Who is following western propaganda ??
Think over it
Anyone discussing theology?
We are discussing political aspects of it. You can choose to be a silent observer if you cannot contribute.

But there is no substantive difference between Theology and Religion as is being discussed here, unless you wish to explain what the difference is in your book.
Because there is none.

Islamism is a sensationalist term used by a 'certain quarter' for their own good. Just like the term Islamist, It too doesn't mean anything. They are inherently vague and offer zero details as if to what does it mean.
  • How is being an Islamist different from being a Muslim? - No answer.
  • How is Islamism different from following Islam? - No answer
There are genuine terms like Islamofascists that scholars have used to describe people who use Islam and its ideals for a fascist agenda, which is pretty clear. The fact is that if that 'certain quarter' doesn't use these sensationalist terms, they don't get taken seriously. Its like no will pay attention unless you play on people's fears of the unknown.

Read post #2 please.

.....you and @FaujHistorian need to give us a definition of "islamism"

Post #2

and a little bit of reading would help.

I am sure there are reasonable size of libraries where you live.

When was the last time you went to a library?

Just an honest question.

Thank you
Okay so if we don't believe in 'fundamentals' of Islam like the Quran and Sunnah, just because the enemy that is waging war on us calls us a propaganda/sensationalist name i.e Islamist, yada yada - what are we supposed to replace the Quran and Sunnah with in order to make our enemies happy?

Please do give me an answer here, because as far as i know, if one doesn't take guidance from the Quran and Sunnah and abandons it, he actually quits to be a Muslim. Is that what they want? - A bunch of pretend Muslims [Munafiqeen] serving their goals?

If believing in the Quran and the Sunnah, makes one a 'Fundamentalist M0oOzzlum' so be it!

They have a habit of sensationalism, it was the Japs, the Nazis and the commies and the Jews.......and now its just our turn....

The difference between a Muslim and Fundamental Muslim is that in a case of rape, the former will accept forensic evidence as proof but the latter will still insist on 4 male witnesses.

So now tell me, are you still a 'fundamentalist'?

Playing with the meaning of words is called semantics and it is no way to carry on a proper debate. I really think you should close this thread as its attracting trolls.
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I need it in your words, not in Wikipedia.

I just want you to explain to me the difference betwee.

  • An Islamist and Muslim
  • Islamism and Islam
  • Is it just a cloaked form for abusing the tenants of political Islam?

What do you mean by "my words".

I do not OWN any of the words listed in your post. They are now part of the modern languages.
A little correction and all problems solved !! Abandoning Quran makes one a non muslim . Avoiding laws derived from doubtful Ahadith makes one a better Muslim !!

I concur.

What I said was "The concept of Islamic fundamentalism was promoted/spread by the west for political reasons (against ottomans especially)"
Deoband , Barelvi , Ahmedi etc schools were all founded in India during British Rule (again for political purposes)
Who is following western propaganda ??
Think over it

You are correct, i completely agree with you here.

What do you mean by "my words".

I do not OWN any of the words listed in your post.

I meant that i want your explicit perspective. You talk in a sign language, with lots of metaphors and euphemisms. An uneducated dehati like me cannot get to grips with it.
I meant that i want your explicit perspective. You talk in a sign language, with lots of metaphors and euphemisms. An uneducated dehati like me cannot get to grips with it.

I seriously doubt you are an "uneducated" nor a "dehati".

have you read the sermon on the mount by Jesus pbuh?
No, it is okay. Please carry on however you want in this "approved" thread. :D

You have the right to have your say and my moderation practice can be crossed checked by other mods.

@Oscar @Jungibaaz @nuclearpak

Please look into this member's complaint. Override my decisions should i be wrong according to your judgement.

Best Regards.

I seriously doubt you are an "uneducated" nor a "dehati".

I am the offspring of a dehati taat ka school, so its not wrong. I drank lassi in breakfast and achaar with tandoor ki roti for the best part of my middle school. First time i learned english alphabets, i was in grade 6.

have you read the sermon on the mount by Jesus pbuh?

Its a fascinating document from a sociology perspective. Very similar to the last sermon of the Prophet SAW.
What exactly i should be looking among these two fascinating documents?
You have the right to have your say and my moderation practice can be crossed checked by other mods.

@Oscar @Jungibaaz @nuclearpak

Please look into this member's complaint. Override my decisions should i be wrong according to your judgement.

Best Regards.

Please note that I have NO complaints whatsoever about your, or anybody else's moderation. None at all. No Siree.
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