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Islamism ???

Please note that I have NO complaints whatsoever about your, or anybody else's moderation. None at all. No Siree.
aeronaut is the best mod on this site so back off.

You see how he dodges the question ???

him and @Azlan Haider are both like this lmfao
earlier mr haider was saying that islam is not political in anyway so i simply said that why does the quran give out punishments for crimes if the quran?
these guys are both brainwashed to core. sometimes i just wonder how such stupidity can exist tbh
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I am the offspring of a dehati taat ka school, so its not wrong. I drank lassi in breakfast and achaar with tandoor ki roti for the best part of my middle school. First time i learned english alphabets, i was in grade 6.

Most of Pakistanis fit that description,

I have stats from number of Muslims students in major colleges around 1945 (2 years before India and Pakistan were born)

And Muslim students all over the subcontinent were nonexistent minority in science and maths and generally poor.
exceptions included muslim founded schools and tiny percentage in government run colleges like GC lahore

So there is nothing wrong or different in what you wrote. We came from Bihar as paupers and became well educated and millionaires all thanks to Pakistan. While our relatives back in Bihar are still destitute and extremely poor (with few exceptions off course where kids went to college for non-science education)

yes we had our podina baaghs too :D

I am the offspring of a dehati taat ka school, so its not wrong. I drank lassi in breakfast and achaar with tandoor ki roti for the best part of my middle school. First time i learned english alphabets, i was in grade 6.

I have been to small villages with my Sindhi and Panjuabi friends.

What you describe is heavenly food. I can't eat that manno salwa enough. You are so lucky to eat it all the time while growing up.

Its [sermon on the mount by Jesus pbuh] a fascinating document from a sociology perspective. Very similar to the last sermon of the Prophet SAW.
What exactly i should be looking among these two fascinating documents?

you don't need to look in them, you just need to look AROUND them.

Both of these documents have been abandoned by those who claim to be the strictest followers.

Sermon on the mount suffered the same horrible fate in the hands of medieval Christians

the horrible fate of Mohammad pbuh last sermon in the hands of pretty much every Muslim group around the world.

Well I am talking about the main groups.

Hope you understand.

it is not the theory I talk about

it is all about ACTIONS and BEHAVIOR of pretty much all the Muslim leaders and their active followers.


Lets not call names, shall we?

Both @FaujHistorian and @Azlan Haider are educated and opinionated gentlemen. Let me give you a piece of advice.

  • If your purpose on Def.pk is to learn than engage with people whom you 'don't agree with'. Over time you will develop much diverse views and would come to accept others as they are. We can only change people's different views once we allocate the due respect they deserve, simply for being strongly opinionated. We may or may not agree with them, as its just a learning curve.

    You should see my Bookmark list, i have built over the years on defence.pk of valuable posts. :coffee:
Most of Pakistanis fit that description,

I have stats from number of Muslims students in major colleges around 1945 (2 years before India and Pakistan were born)

And Muslim students all over the subcontinent were nonexistent minority in science and maths and generally poor.
exceptions included muslim founded schools and tiny percentage in government run colleges like GC lahore

So there is nothing wrong or different in what you wrote. We came from Bihar as paupers and became well educated and millionaires all thanks to Pakistan.

yes we had our podina baaghs too :D

I have been to small villages with my Sindhi and Panjuabi friends.

What you describe is heavenly food. I can't eat that manno salwa enough. You are so lucky to eat it all the time while growing up.

you don't need to look in them, you just need to look AROUND them.

Both of these documents have been abandoned by those who claim to be the strictest followers.

Sermon on the mount suffered the same horrible fate in the hands of medieval Christians

the horrible fate of Mohammad pbuh last sermon in the hands of pretty much every Muslim group around the world.

Well I am talking about the main groups.

Hope you understand.

it is not the theory I talk about

it is all about ACTIONS and BEHAVIOR of pretty much all the Muslim leaders and their active followers.


once again you managed to avoid every single question. lmfao.

come on bro just answer the questions for once.

Lets not call names, shall we?

Both @FaujHistorian and @Azlan Haider are educated and opinionated gentlemen. Let me give you a piece of advice.

  • If your purpose on Def.pk is to learn than engage with people whom you 'don't agree with'. Over time you will develop much diverse views and would come to accept others as they are. We can only change people's different views once we allocate the due respect they deserve, simply for being strongly opinionated. We may or may not agree with them, as its just a learning curve.

    You should see my Bookmark list, i have built over the years on defence.pk of valuable posts. :coffee:

Well said. and now your post is also book marked :D

Lets not call names, shall we?

Both @FaujHistorian and @Azlan Haider are educated and opinionated gentlemen. Let me give you a piece of advice.

  • If your purpose on Def.pk is to learn than engage with people whom you 'don't agree with'. Over time you will develop much diverse views and would come to accept others as they are. We can only change people's different views once we allocate the due respect they deserve, simply for being strongly opinionated. We may or may not agree with them, as its just a learning curve.

    You should see my Bookmark list, i have built over the years on defence.pk of valuable posts. :coffee:
i agree with you 100 percent.
I've been active on this forum for about a year now.
TBH @FaujHistorian almost always managed avoid questions and change the subject.
like he puts his claims forward and starts bashing "islamism" but he can't even define "islamism"
i have very liberal views compared to most pakistanis, its just that a human being can only tolerate so much before you just want to smash your computer because the other guy can't answer few simple questions lol.
If your purpose on Def.pk is to learn than engage with people whom you 'don't agree with'. Over time you will develop much diverse views and would come to accept others as they are. We can only change people's different views once we allocate the due respect they deserve, simply for being strongly opinionated. We may or may not agree with them, as its just a learning curve.

  • You should see my Bookmark list, i have built over the years on defence.pk of valuable posts. :coffee:
You do surprise me at times.
Most of Pakistanis fit that description,

I have stats from number of Muslims students in major colleges around 1945 (2 years before India and Pakistan were born)

And Muslim students all over the subcontinent were nonexistent minority in science and maths and generally poor.
exceptions included muslim founded schools and tiny percentage in government run colleges like GC lahore

So there is nothing wrong or different in what you wrote. We came from Bihar as paupers and became well educated and millionaires all thanks to Pakistan. While our relatives back in Bihar are still destitute and extremely poor (with few exceptions off course where kids went to college for non-science education)

yes we had our podina baaghs too :D

Pakistan has been a blessing for the socio economic upliftment of the S.Continent Muslims. I trust that your figures would be damning.

I have been to small villages with my Sindhi and Panjuabi friends. What you describe is heavenly food. I can't eat that manno salwa enough. You are so lucky to eat it all the time while growing up.

Grew up on a farm, played in the mud, learned to swim, fish and hunt in the Jehlum river. We grew our own veggies, our own corn, wheat, rice, saag, podeena, tomatoes, onions, garlic and those awesome green chillies. Desi saib ka murraba, desi shahed, desi aam ka achar, chatoory ka pani, fresh milk and butter/desi ghee, desi murgh, horses, a camel, lots of goats and lots of guns is how i grew up. When i moved to Sydney for higher education, i was homesick every day....could't eat the food...it just wasn't in the same league --as you said 'Man-u-salva'.

you don't need to look in them, you just need to look AROUND them.

Both of these documents have been abandoned by those who claim to be the strictest followers.

Sermon on the mount suffered the same horrible fate in the hands of medieval Christians
the horrible fate of Mohammad pbuh last sermon in the hands of pretty much every Muslim group around the world.

Well I am talking about the main groups.

Hope you understand.

it is not the theory I talk about

it is all about ACTIONS and BEHAVIOR of pretty much all the Muslim leaders and their active followers.


Give me a solution, i do share the sentiment.
i agree with you 100 percent.
I've been active on this forum for about a year now.
TBH @FaujHistorian almost always managed avoid questions and change the subject.
like he puts his claims forward and starts bashing "islamism" but he can't even define "islamism"
i have very liberal views compared to most pakistanis, its just that a human being can only tolerate so much before you just want to smash your computer because the other guy can't answer few simple questions lol.

Listen to Aro advice and put in your pocket.

For definition of Islamism see the post #2
You do surprise me at times.

You should have figured me out by now. I most often engage in below the belt posting to gauge people's opinions against my own. This is a virtual world, best we take from it is learning. Whatever nasty stuff i post sometimes doesn't mean that i actually believe in it. One of my techniques is to present radical/ridiculous notions and pick how different people respond to it. My purpose is never to win or lose debates but to learn. You cannot take people's strong opinions unless they are pushed to the edge.....i do it in good faith :D
him and @Azlan Haider are both like this lmfao
earlier mr haider was saying that islam is not political in anyway so i simply said that why does the quran give out punishments for crimes if the quran?
these guys are both brainwashed to core. sometimes i just wonder how such stupidity can exist tbh

I said "Islam has nothing to do with Politics , Islamists have everything to do with politics" ,
Problem lies in your understanding . You never understood what I said
I requested you not to quote me as you are not mature enough for serious discussions and resort to personal insults very quickly
I hope you wont quote me again
I said "Islam has nothing to do with Politics , Islamists have everything to do with politics" ,
Problem lies in your understanding . You never understood what I said
I requested you not to quote me as you are not mature enough for serious discussions and resort to personal insults very quickly
I hope you wont quote me again
then why heck you quoting me?
i simply mentioned you so the users on this site don't get confused on who I'm talking about!
so don't quote or else.
I said "Islam has nothing to do with Politics , Islamists have everything to do with politics" ,
Problem lies in your understanding . You never understood what I said
I requested you not to quote me as you are not mature enough for serious discussions and resort to personal insults very quickly
I hope you wont quote me again

You should not avoid responding to young folk. How can we build them into opinionated citizens if we stop engaging with them?
If we won't do it, our enemies will.

then why heck you quoting me?
i simply mentioned you so the users on this site don't get confused on who I'm talking about!
so don't quote or else.

Timeout! - go drink some water... :)
Pakistan has been a blessing for the socio economic upliftment of the S.Continent Muslims. I trust that your figures would be damning.

Pakistan is so precious that you and I can never ever imagine because we did not live through the time when we did not have this blessing.

Most of the posters are like nikamma pota of a poor but hardworking granpa. The granpa who built a mansion, and now the same potas are using ethnicity and religion in order to tear apart this grand mansion brick by brick.

We are the thankless and petty potas who give a middle finger to this grand mansion at every possible occasion.

Islam and ethnicity, bakhsish and sifarash have utterly destroyed the mansions.

And we still insiste on more Islam, more ethnicity, more bakhshis, and more sifarash.

Like the guy with AIDS who keep on having unprotected sex, we continue to spread the disease of jahliyyah all in the name of relgiion and ethnicity.

Hope you understand.

Grew up on a farm, played in the mud, learned to swim, fish and hunt in the Jehlum river. We grew our own veggies, our own corn, wheat, rice, saag, podeena, tomatoes, onions, garlic and those awesome green chillies. Desi saib ka murraba, desi shahed, desi aam ka achar, chatoory ka pani, fresh milk and butter/desi ghee, desi murgh, horses, a camel, lots of goats and lots of guns is how i grew up. When i moved to Sydney for higher education, i was homesick every day....could't eat the food...it just wasn't in the same league --as you said 'Man-u-salva'.

Oh man. you just painted the scene of jannat on this earth. HUGE gifts of Allaw swt.

This is true definition of all the food that comes directly from the heavens, all blessings of Allah swt. But unfortunately majority of us do not care anymore. Because if we cared, you would not see a single Mullah talking about Islam, single leader talking about ethnicity, no one wanting bakhshish, no one ever doing anything that would remove evena small piece of plaster from this wonderful country called Pakistan.

you and your family is truly blessed.

May Allah swt keep your lands safe and away from anyone trying to harm it.

Give me a solution, i do share the sentiment.

Don't have a direct solution. But like all human education and learning, you should ask yourself if similar disease did occur in the past. And if it did, what were the methods to heal the sick and avoid the disease.
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