Most of Pakistanis fit that description,
I have stats from number of Muslims students in major colleges around 1945 (2 years before India and Pakistan were born)
And Muslim students all over the subcontinent were nonexistent minority in science and maths and generally poor.
exceptions included muslim founded schools and tiny percentage in government run colleges like GC lahore
So there is nothing wrong or different in what you wrote. We came from Bihar as paupers and became well educated and millionaires all thanks to Pakistan.
yes we had our podina baaghs too
I have been to small villages with my Sindhi and Panjuabi friends.
What you describe is heavenly food. I can't eat that manno salwa enough. You are so lucky to eat it all the time while growing up.
you don't need to look in them, you just need to look AROUND them.
Both of these documents have been abandoned by those who claim to be the strictest followers.
Sermon on the mount suffered the same horrible fate in the hands of medieval Christians
the horrible fate of Mohammad pbuh last sermon in the hands of pretty much every Muslim group around the world.
Well I am talking about the main groups.
Hope you understand.
it is not the theory I talk about
it is all about ACTIONS and BEHAVIOR of pretty much all the Muslim leaders and their active followers.