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US sends warning to Bangladesh on free election

Eibar bojha galo - Eunus is in power for coming administration. Allah amader dikey mukh tuley chaisen.
Amin,summa amin @Bilal9 bhai,doa koren mon theke . Allah mukh tule chaichen hoyto. Sombranto poribar er uccho shikkhito lok jon zodi technocrat head hisabe onek din ( max 2 term mane 10 years ; amra kaukei life time a 2 bar er beshi head of state/head of govt hisabe dekhte chai na! ) power a thaken Bangladesh er chitroi bodle zabe inshallah!

Development desher zay hok dhar kora poysay unsustainable development ar sei sathe pukur churi ontoto hobe na!

Er por deshe industrialization kora lagbe aste aste! Ami American ei activities a darun khushi.

Karon uddessho zai hok na keno amra zodi poribar tontro theke mukti pai etai amader birat paoa hobe!

Long live Dr Younus and such noble people like Dr Reza kibria ( i hope next biggest asset) , and may Bangladesh live forever!
PS: কালের কন্ঠে এই নিউজ দিয়েছিল যেটা তারা মুছে দিয়েছে! তাই অন্য সোর্স।থেকে দিলাম!

@Species ,dekhen vai blame ta BNP na ekhon Dr Younus er dike zacche (Mamlar pashapashi). Just wait and see ,dekhen aro koto ki hoy!
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Thank you for this information. It seems like BAL would win any free and fair elections as they have big suppprt.

There is a very slim chance of AL winning a majority in a free and fair election. Their popularity is at its lowest because of their economic mismanagement and the corruption and financial scandals emerging recently. As per the latest Indian intelligence assessment, AL won't be able to win more than 30 seats out of 300 in a free and fair election under current conditions. While experts say the number would be even smaller, the reason why AL supporters are opposed to any pressure for a free and fair election.

Hasina and her minions are now copying Imran Khan's words to show this Western pressure for a free and fair election as a conspiracy against Bangladesh ("regime change") to gain public sympathy. But people are not buying, especially when she has been signing deals with India against Bangladesh's national interest one after another. In short, Imran Khan is a popular leader, Hasina is not.
There is a very slim chance of AL winning a majority in a free and fair election. Their popularity is at its lowest because of their economic mismanagement and the corruption and financial scandals emerging recently. As per the latest Indian intelligence assessment, AL won't be able to win more than 30 seats out of 300 in a free and fair election under current conditions. While experts say the number would be even smaller, the reason why AL supporters are opposed to any pressure for a free and fair election.

Hasina and her minions are now copying Imran Khan's words to show this Western pressure for a free and fair election as a conspiracy against Bangladesh ("regime change") to gain public sympathy. But people are not buying, especially when she has been signing deals with India against Bangladesh's national interest one after another. In short, Imran Khan is a popular leader, Hasina is not.
Very good assessment of the current situation in BD.

Grameen Kalyan case: HC stays labour tribunal's verdict against Dr Yunus​

The court also issued a rule to know why the labour tribunal’s verdict would not be declared illegal​

Grameen Kalyan case: HC stays labour tribunal's verdict against Dr Yunus

The High Court (HC) on Tuesday stayed for six months a labour appellate tribunal order against Grameen Kalyan that allowed paying a 5% dividend of the company to its 106 sacked employees.

Following a petition by Grameen Kalyan founder Nobel laureate Dr Muhammad Yunus, the court also issued a rule to know why the labour appellate tribunal's verdict would not be declared illegal.

The HC bench of Justice Zafar Ahmed and Justice Md Bashir Ullah on Tuesday passed the order after hearing a petition filed by Dr Yunus, challenging the verdict.

With this order, the effectiveness of the Labour Appellate Tribunal verdict will remain halted for the aforesaid period, said the lawyers of Dr Yunus.
Advocate Khurshid Alam Khan and Advocate Golam Rabbani Sharif moved for the sacked employees of Grameen Telecom in the court.

"On 3 April, the Labour Appellate Tribunal ordered Grameen Kalyan to pay the company's 5% dividend to 106 sacked employees as per the Labour Act," Advocate Golam Rabbani Sharif said.

Dr Yunus then challenged that decision of the labour appellate tribunal with the High Court.

According to court sources, the sacked 106 employees worked at Telecom Kalyan from 2006 to 2013. Later, they were sacked on different grounds. However, the company did not provide 5% of the company's dividend for the fiscal years between 2006 and 2013 to the workers.

According to labour law, the company has to provide 5% of its dividend to the workers' participation fund as well as the welfare fund.
As the company refused to distribute workers' dividends among them, the aggrieved employees sent a legal notice to Grameen Kalyan. As the company did not respond, they filed a case with the labour court.

US visa restrictions: Both AL, BNP in trouble? Here's what party leaders have said​

Photo: TBS Collage
Photo: TBS Collage

Photo: TBS Collage

On 25 May, right before Gazipur went into city polls, the United States announced that it would deny visas to individuals, from law enforcers to political leaders, believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, undermining the democratic election process in Bangladesh.
The announcement soon became the most-discussed topic in the country, dominating headlines for the week that followed. The restrictions also became a political tool, with major political parties saying it was for their opponents. Thus began a war of words.
This is a timeline of which political player said what regarding the US restrictions.

25 May: The opening salvos

"This is our view too; we must resist anyone who will obstruct the fair election in the country. We have been saying one thing again and again. We will conduct the next national elections in a peaceful, free and fair environment. We will fully cooperate with the Election Commission in organising a neutral election." -- Awami League General Secretary and Minister of Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader

"There is no reason for our party to be worried about the US move since it's about vote rigging. We welcome this decision of the US as it was made considering the concern of the people of Bangladesh over the next general elections. I think this step will at least play a supporting role in holding the next polls in a fair and credible manner." -- Amir Khasru, standing committee member of BNP

Mujibul Haque Chunnu
Mujibul Haque Chunnu

Mujibul Haque Chunnu
"The US government has asked for the opinion of political parties on the visa policy announced for Bangladesh. Each party has given their opinion. The Awami League and BNP leaders spoke about the election, law and order forces. We understand the purpose of the US visa policy regarding Bangladesh; they want the election to be fair and competitive. Our party also agrees on the matter." -- Jatiya Party Secretary General Advocate Mujibul Haque Chunnu

Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen. Picture: File Photo
Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen. Picture: File Photo

Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen. Picture: File Photo
"They [the US] have done their job, now we will do ours. The current state of our relationship with them [the US] is not strained; in fact, it remains highly favourable." -- Foreign Minister A K Abdul Momen

File Photo: UNB
File Photo: UNB

File Photo: UNB
"We have taken this in good spirit. The United States informed us about it verbally on 3 May. But they requested us not to disclose it. They wanted to present it in such a way that the message would not be misconstrued. It's not a sanction. BNP should be worried as violence before or during election is another criterion that will trigger visa restriction." -- State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md Shahriar Alam

Photo: UNB
Photo: UNB

Photo: UNB
"The government is not concerned about the US warning of visa restrictions if fair elections are obstructed. This warning applies to everyone, including the BNP." -- Agriculture Minister Abdur Razzaque

26 May: A win for all?

BNP Secretary-General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir. TBS Sketch
BNP Secretary-General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir. TBS Sketch

BNP Secretary-General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir. TBS Sketch
"BNP thinks the changed US policy has clearly reflected the long-standing demand of the democracy-loving people of Bangladesh, including BNP, for ensuring people's right to franchise." -- BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir

File photo: Collected
File photo: Collected

File photo: Collected
"Democracy has won through the Gazipur city election and it has been lauded abroad…Why will we obstruct the elections? We should oversee who is impeding polls. Those who do not want elections to be held and those who want to restore the caretaker government system may obstruct elections." -- Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader

"Bangladesh would like to view this announcement in the broader context of its government's unequivocal commitment to holding free and fair elections at all levels for upholding the country's democratic process." -- State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md Shahriar Alam

State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md Shahriar Alam. TBS Sketch
State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md Shahriar Alam. TBS Sketch

State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md Shahriar Alam. TBS Sketch
27 May: Trading barbs


"In the new visa policy the USA has said they will not provide visas to anyone who obstructs free and fair elections. We have nothing to worry about. By organising a fair election in Gazipur, we have shown that we will hold fair elections. The BNP leaders' voices sank and they paled at the thought of the USA's new visa policy. The BNP is not afraid of elections, it is afraid of Sheikh Hasina and her party Awami League who are taking the country forward." -- Awami League General Secretary and Minister of Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader


"The prime minister of this illegal government has been rejected in various countries. Today, the world knows that not a single fair election has been held under Sheikh Hasina. No civilised country in the world will give visas to thieves like you, all your misdeeds in the last 14 years will be judged." -- BNP Standing Committee Member Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain

Photo: BSS
Photo: BSS

Photo: BSS
"This is not a US ban. What we want - a fair election in the country and an election based on democratic values - is what the United States wants to see in the next election. The BNP is the main obstacle in this regard. The BNP wants to disrupt the election by agitation and terror. The BNP tried to sabotage the 2014 and 2018 elections. To prevent such incidents from happening again, the US has announced a new visa policy so that people can vote freely." -- Agriculture Minister Abdur Razzaque

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"All the wrongdoings committed by you [Awami League] over the past 14 years will be tried, and no country will grant visas to thieves like you." -- BNP Standing Committee Member Mirza Abbas

"Usually the affluent class like government employees, politicians and businessmen seek US visas. And among those, who can afford foreign education for their kids and own assets abroad, are also the ones who are behind laundering money. These people launder money from the country to invest in foreign assets. Issuing visas is within their [US] jurisdiction, it is not our concern." -- Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen

Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen. TBS Sketch
Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen. TBS Sketch

Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen. TBS Sketch
28 May: Ramping up

"No sanctions could impede the upcoming national election. The government is not worried about sanctions." -- Awami League General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader


"The government's relentless arrests of BNP leaders, activists, and opposition party members, coupled with its ongoing acts of attacks, filling cases, killings, and disappearances, have transformed the entire country into a prison." -- BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir


"US visa policy is a shame for the country's 170 million people. But the BNP is happy about it. Actually, the BNP does not do politics for the people of the country." -- Food Minister Sadhan Chandra Majumder

Mohibul Hassan Chowdhoury, the deputy minister for education. Photo: Collected

Mohibul Hassan Chowdhoury, the deputy minister for education. Photo: Collected
"You will dream of changing the government after having dinner at the house of the US ambassador or Mr Yunus will come and install you in the government – forget these things." -- Deputy Education Minister Barrister Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury Nowfel

29 May: Rubber and glue


"BNP has lost their path after not getting any response from their foreign masters as per their plan [of obstructing the election]...Not getting the expected response from the foreign masters, they are now plotting new dramas against the government and Awami League in light of the new visa policy of the United States." -- Awami League General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader

"A few days ago they [Awami League] beat and attacked our leaders and activists. Now they say they do not want conflict but want dialogue…Vote thieves should be arrested soon; we will also list them." -- BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir


"At a press briefing of the US State Department, they said that they have no headache over the caretaker government system. They want a free, fair and neutral election in Bangladesh. That means they don't support BNP's demand for a caretaker government. In fact, nobody supports it across the globe. So, the BNP has no scope of talking about the issue at least at the international arena. And the visa policy has created pressure on the BNP." -- Information and Broadcasting Minister and Awami League Joint General Secretary Dr Hasan Mahmud
অবশেষে জামায়াতে ইসলামী মুক্তিযোদ্ধা হয়ে ওঠার গল্প! তনে এইটা চেতনা মেশিন নয়, ( যেখানে রাজাকার মুক্তি যোদ্ধা আর মুক্তিযোদ্ধা রাজাকারে রুপান্তরিত হয়; যেমন জিয়াউর রহমান মুক্তিযোদ্ধা থেকে রাজাকার হয়েছেন!) আমেরিকান ভিসা মেশিনের কেরামতি! 🤔

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UN might impose a ban on peace keeping mission for Bangladesh!

If it happens, surely there will be military takeover ( like 1/11 ) , and then national unity govt, who's head will be Dr Muhammad Younus , I hope!


US visa restrictions: Both AL, BNP in trouble? Here's what party leaders have said​

Photo: TBS Collage
Photo: TBS Collage

Photo: TBS Collage

On 25 May, right before Gazipur went into city polls, the United States announced that it would deny visas to individuals, from law enforcers to political leaders, believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, undermining the democratic election process in Bangladesh.
The announcement soon became the most-discussed topic in the country, dominating headlines for the week that followed. The restrictions also became a political tool, with major political parties saying it was for their opponents. Thus began a war of words.
This is a timeline of which political player said what regarding the US restrictions.

25 May: The opening salvos

"This is our view too; we must resist anyone who will obstruct the fair election in the country. We have been saying one thing again and again. We will conduct the next national elections in a peaceful, free and fair environment. We will fully cooperate with the Election Commission in organising a neutral election." -- Awami League General Secretary and Minister of Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader

"There is no reason for our party to be worried about the US move since it's about vote rigging. We welcome this decision of the US as it was made considering the concern of the people of Bangladesh over the next general elections. I think this step will at least play a supporting role in holding the next polls in a fair and credible manner." -- Amir Khasru, standing committee member of BNP

Mujibul Haque Chunnu
Mujibul Haque Chunnu

Mujibul Haque Chunnu
"The US government has asked for the opinion of political parties on the visa policy announced for Bangladesh. Each party has given their opinion. The Awami League and BNP leaders spoke about the election, law and order forces. We understand the purpose of the US visa policy regarding Bangladesh; they want the election to be fair and competitive. Our party also agrees on the matter." -- Jatiya Party Secretary General Advocate Mujibul Haque Chunnu

Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen. Picture: File Photo
Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen. Picture: File Photo

Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen. Picture: File Photo
"They [the US] have done their job, now we will do ours. The current state of our relationship with them [the US] is not strained; in fact, it remains highly favourable." -- Foreign Minister A K Abdul Momen

File Photo: UNB
File Photo: UNB

File Photo: UNB
"We have taken this in good spirit. The United States informed us about it verbally on 3 May. But they requested us not to disclose it. They wanted to present it in such a way that the message would not be misconstrued. It's not a sanction. BNP should be worried as violence before or during election is another criterion that will trigger visa restriction." -- State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md Shahriar Alam

Photo: UNB
Photo: UNB

Photo: UNB
"The government is not concerned about the US warning of visa restrictions if fair elections are obstructed. This warning applies to everyone, including the BNP." -- Agriculture Minister Abdur Razzaque

26 May: A win for all?

BNP Secretary-General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir. TBS Sketch
BNP Secretary-General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir. TBS Sketch

BNP Secretary-General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir. TBS Sketch
"BNP thinks the changed US policy has clearly reflected the long-standing demand of the democracy-loving people of Bangladesh, including BNP, for ensuring people's right to franchise." -- BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir

File photo: Collected
File photo: Collected

File photo: Collected
"Democracy has won through the Gazipur city election and it has been lauded abroad…Why will we obstruct the elections? We should oversee who is impeding polls. Those who do not want elections to be held and those who want to restore the caretaker government system may obstruct elections." -- Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader

"Bangladesh would like to view this announcement in the broader context of its government's unequivocal commitment to holding free and fair elections at all levels for upholding the country's democratic process." -- State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md Shahriar Alam

State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md Shahriar Alam. TBS Sketch
State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md Shahriar Alam. TBS Sketch

State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md Shahriar Alam. TBS Sketch
27 May: Trading barbs


"In the new visa policy the USA has said they will not provide visas to anyone who obstructs free and fair elections. We have nothing to worry about. By organising a fair election in Gazipur, we have shown that we will hold fair elections. The BNP leaders' voices sank and they paled at the thought of the USA's new visa policy. The BNP is not afraid of elections, it is afraid of Sheikh Hasina and her party Awami League who are taking the country forward." -- Awami League General Secretary and Minister of Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader


"The prime minister of this illegal government has been rejected in various countries. Today, the world knows that not a single fair election has been held under Sheikh Hasina. No civilised country in the world will give visas to thieves like you, all your misdeeds in the last 14 years will be judged." -- BNP Standing Committee Member Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain

Photo: BSS
Photo: BSS

Photo: BSS
"This is not a US ban. What we want - a fair election in the country and an election based on democratic values - is what the United States wants to see in the next election. The BNP is the main obstacle in this regard. The BNP wants to disrupt the election by agitation and terror. The BNP tried to sabotage the 2014 and 2018 elections. To prevent such incidents from happening again, the US has announced a new visa policy so that people can vote freely." -- Agriculture Minister Abdur Razzaque

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"All the wrongdoings committed by you [Awami League] over the past 14 years will be tried, and no country will grant visas to thieves like you." -- BNP Standing Committee Member Mirza Abbas

"Usually the affluent class like government employees, politicians and businessmen seek US visas. And among those, who can afford foreign education for their kids and own assets abroad, are also the ones who are behind laundering money. These people launder money from the country to invest in foreign assets. Issuing visas is within their [US] jurisdiction, it is not our concern." -- Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen

Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen. TBS Sketch
Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen. TBS Sketch

Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen. TBS Sketch
28 May: Ramping up

"No sanctions could impede the upcoming national election. The government is not worried about sanctions." -- Awami League General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader


"The government's relentless arrests of BNP leaders, activists, and opposition party members, coupled with its ongoing acts of attacks, filling cases, killings, and disappearances, have transformed the entire country into a prison." -- BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir


"US visa policy is a shame for the country's 170 million people. But the BNP is happy about it. Actually, the BNP does not do politics for the people of the country." -- Food Minister Sadhan Chandra Majumder

Mohibul Hassan Chowdhoury, the deputy minister for education. Photo: Collected

Mohibul Hassan Chowdhoury, the deputy minister for education. Photo: Collected
"You will dream of changing the government after having dinner at the house of the US ambassador or Mr Yunus will come and install you in the government – forget these things." -- Deputy Education Minister Barrister Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury Nowfel

29 May: Rubber and glue


"BNP has lost their path after not getting any response from their foreign masters as per their plan [of obstructing the election]...Not getting the expected response from the foreign masters, they are now plotting new dramas against the government and Awami League in light of the new visa policy of the United States." -- Awami League General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader

"A few days ago they [Awami League] beat and attacked our leaders and activists. Now they say they do not want conflict but want dialogue…Vote thieves should be arrested soon; we will also list them." -- BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir


"At a press briefing of the US State Department, they said that they have no headache over the caretaker government system. They want a free, fair and neutral election in Bangladesh. That means they don't support BNP's demand for a caretaker government. In fact, nobody supports it across the globe. So, the BNP has no scope of talking about the issue at least at the international arena. And the visa policy has created pressure on the BNP." -- Information and Broadcasting Minister and Awami League Joint General Secretary Dr Hasan Mahmud
It is the BAL party which is holding the state power for a very long time. It is the BAL cronies who commit crimes against humanity.

But, now the shameless leaders of this party is preaching the US to punish opposition politicians for the crimes BAL leaders are committing with misusing their hold on the Police and RAB.

Anyway, BAL days are numbered. However, this anti-state party will not accept CTG, will hold unilateral election expecting a army takeover.

Then, after a lapse of twelve months they go after street agitation until they regain acceptance and popularity and are reinstated in the next election.

They will fully destroy the country in the process.
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Caretaker govt’s demand an ‘obstruction’ of free, fair polls: Shahriar​

Published: 31 May 2023, 23: 24

State minister for foreign affairs Md. Shahriar Alam attends at an interaction session titled “Bangladesh at the Crossroads” hosted by the Daily Ittefaq at a city hotel on 31 May, 2023

State minister for foreign affairs Md. Shahriar Alam attends at an interaction session titled “Bangladesh at the Crossroads” hosted by the Daily Ittefaq at a city hotel on 31 May, 2023BSS

State minister for foreign affairs Md. Shahriar Alam on Wednesday said the demand of caretaker government pressing home by opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) is an “obstruction” of free and fair election as such act stands against the present constitution.

“Such (caretaker government) demand by BNP itself goes on to qualify as an “obstruction” of free and fair election,” he said.

The state minister was speaking at an interaction session titled “Bangladesh at the Crossroads” hosted by the Daily Ittefaq at a city hotel.

The Daily Ittefaq executive director and publisher Tareen Hossain delivered welcome remarks.

Shahriar Alam said the demand for caretaker government is an “illegitimate demand” in line with the constitution as the verdict passed on by the judges.

The state minister hoped that the United States would take note of the threats being passed by leaders of BNP to obstruct elections as per the constitution.

“There are speeches, comments and commentaries passed on by the BNP threatening that police officers, administration, electoral officials whoever will participate in the election will be dealt with. That’s a serious threat. I hope the US is taking good note of that,” he said.

Responding to a query, he said there is no reason to see new sanctions and the government is absolutely not under any foreign pressure from anywhere.

Shahriar Alam said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is the daughter of Bangladesh’s founding father Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. “That is her pride and that is what drives her. Please do some justice to this legacy and do not invite such weaker observations (foreign pressure),” he added.

Regarding the Bangladesh-US tie, the state minister said, the relation has deepened and broadened to such length that allows the two countries to frankly debate on the differences.

He said the long-pending repatriation of Bangabandhu’s convicted killer Rashed Chowdhury from the US remains a source of irritation for Dhaka in its relation with Washington.

Americans are such hypocrites. Where it suites them, they turn a blind eye case in point Pakistan, but since BD does not at the moment hence all this.
America china russia all are superpower , and all behave in the same manner .

No point worrying about who won't give visas, impose sanctions: PM Hasina​

Sketch: TBS
Sketch: TBS

Sketch: TBS

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Saturday said it does not matter at all if someone does not go to the United States crossing the Atlantic Ocean on a 20-hour plane journey.

"There are other oceans and other continents in the world, we will make friends with those continents crossing the other oceans. Our economy will be stronger and more developed and vibrant," she said firmly.

The prime minister said this while attending a programme organised to inaugurate the office building of the Dhaka district Awami League in the city's Tejgaon area.

She said Bangladesh will run on its own feet and the government will build the country.

"We will not be dependent on others. Who will not give us visa, who will impose sanctions on us... there is no point in worrying about such things," she said.

Hasina, however, advised the US to look at the party "which rigged votes" and "played with the fate of the people", referring to the BNP.

She mentioned that the Canadian High Court had declared BNP 'a terrorist party'.

"The US did not issue visa to Tarique Zia for terrorism and corruption," she added.

Hasina, also the chief of the ruling Awami League, said her party knows very well what is to the welfare and benefit for the people of Bangladesh.

"Keeping that in our mind we always work, and put the country in the developing country status. The country will be a developed country by 2041. We also formed Delta Plan 2100 for the future generations," she said.

She said she has confidence and faith in the people of the country.

"They know that only by casting their vote for Boat [electoral symbol of Awami League] their fate will be changed," she said.

She also told the Awami League leaders and workers that people pay you back if you sacrifice for the people.

"You have to remember that. You have to strengthen the organisation so that no evil force could play duck and drake with the fate of the people of Bangladesh. It is our responsibility to save the people of the country from the clutches of the evil force," she said.

The prime minister said she feels regret while BNP, involved with arson terrorism, grenade attacks and terrorism activities, sermonises regarding democracy.

Regarding the criticism about the budget for 2023-24 fiscal, she said the government has placed the budget confident of implementing it.

"They are repeating their same old songs which they usually utter during every budget period," she said.

Sheikh Hasina said that the government has been able to achieve remarkable development in Bangladesh.

"This happened as people of the country voted Awami League to power in the 2008, 2014 and 2018 elections. There is a stable and democratic environment prevailing in the country and it resulted in this unprecedented economic development," she said.

She mentioned that if stability was not maintained and Awami League was not in power, "this sort of development" would not have been possible in the country.

"This is the ground reality, no one would have worked for the people of the country," the PM said.

Earlier, arriving at the venue, the prime minister unveiled the plaque of Dhaka District Awami League office. She also visited various parts of the office.

IMAFT should be provided to Bangladesh Democratic Council to hold free and fair elections in the country.

The fire of communal violence can expand both east and west from Dhaka.

Peter Haas meets Salman F Rahman, law minister Anisul Huq​

Special Correspondent
Updated: 06 Jun 2023, 08: 54

Salman F Rahman, Anisul Huq and Peter Haas

Salman F Rahman, Anisul Huq and Peter HaasFile photo

The US ambassador Peter Haas held a meeting with the law minister Anisul Huq and the prime minister's private industry and investment adviser Salman F Rahman.

Peter Haas went to the office of Salman F Rahman on Tuesday morning. Law minister and a director general of the foreign ministry were present at the meeting.

Anisul Huq said the United States has something to say on the country’s labour act. The ambassador wanted to know the stance of the government on the act. The discussion will continue.

It is learnt that the prime minister will go to Geneva this month to attend the conference of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Before the tour, the United States has learnt the government stance over the labour act.


Peter Haas meets Salman F Rahman, law minister Anisul Huq​

Special Correspondent
Updated: 06 Jun 2023, 08: 54

Salman F Rahman, Anisul Huq and Peter Haas

Salman F Rahman, Anisul Huq and Peter HaasFile photo

The US ambassador Peter Haas held a meeting with the law minister Anisul Huq and the prime minister's private industry and investment adviser Salman F Rahman.

Peter Haas went to the office of Salman F Rahman on Tuesday morning. Law minister and a director general of the foreign ministry were present at the meeting.

Anisul Huq said the United States has something to say on the country’s labour act. The ambassador wanted to know the stance of the government on the act. The discussion will continue.

It is learnt that the prime minister will go to Geneva this month to attend the conference of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Before the tour, the United States has learnt the government stance over the labour act.

Peter Hass meets all the BAL cronies, it is no offense to BD sovereignty. But, it is interfering with BD sovereignty when he meets opposition leaders.

A bloody double standard. I am waiting for theBAL party to pass laws in the Parliament to form a caretaker or national govt without Hasina Bibi in it, re-register voter list, and conduct a fair election.

Who can stop Hasina if her party or associates get majority and form a new govt. But, no more shameful deepnight election.
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