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US sends warning to Bangladesh on free election

Fake japs hope Bangladesh will join BD-JP-US Plaza Accord Alliance.
That won’t do anything

USA should enforce full sanction same it did to Iran against hasina government

We will see how mighty economy based on underwear export survive lolz
I think, full sanction is on the card, gradually. The BAL party pushes for another one party or night-time election and BNP keeps on agitating. Street fighting causes injuries or killing.

This situation may trigger more American sanctions like No Import from BD. If this happens, BD will be in real trouble with its economy tumbling.

This may force Hasina to meet BNP leaders and relinquish power. A fair election is organized under a CTG and a party or two form the new govt.
Its interesting US is punishing BD for not holding free & fair elections yet call recent development in Pak “internal matters”.

Only difference between the 2? BD has a stronger economy and government. Seems US under Biden is hell bent on making sure no Islamic country in the region prospers.

Whether IEA, Pakistan, BD, KSA, UAE or even Turkey. The Biden admin seems hell bent on ruining relations with key allies.

Biden is an old school foreign policy hawk and he will uphold the Washington consensus. He has doubled down on Ukraine and Syria. What do Biden and the US gain from strong and independent Bangladesh, Turkey, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan? If anything at all, letting authoritarian regimes flourish in these countries will adversely impact US freedom of action. I will add China and Russia to this list.
Biden is an old school foreign policy hawk and he will uphold the Washington consensus. He has doubled down on Ukraine and Syria. What do Biden and the US gain from strong and independent Bangladesh, Turkey, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan? If anything at all, letting authoritarian regimes flourish in these countries will adversely impact US freedom of action. I will add China and Russia to this list.
really. This is why Japs wants Bangladesh to join the Japan-US Plaza Accord Alliance.

Think about it. If Bangladesh joins the Plaza Accord Alliance. It will greatly help Americans. Americans will definitely recognize Bangladesh as a democratic country.
We respect bengali power getting powerful under Hasina ji the greatest prime minister of Bangladesh . No respect for jamati billu9 lungi types .
We dont want or care for power and influence. We only care for our economic development.

And your reply dosent answer my question...

US new visa policy​

Awami League worried over possible impact​

Qadir Kallol
Updated: 27 May 2023, 04: 04

Awami League worried over possible impact

The ruling Awami League leaders and ministers said their party and government is not worried over the US new visa policy.

They maintain that the visa restriction policy is applicable to all political parties related to elections and this is a warning.

However, a section of the party leaders said they are discussing various questions regarding the possible impact of the US visa policy.
According to this new visa policy, those who will impede the process of holding free and fair elections, will come under its purview.

Under this policy, the United States will be able to restrict the issuance of visas to any Bangladeshi individual believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, undermining the democratic election process in Bangladesh.

But Awami League and the government has raised questions as to how this would be determined.

The US has said they would determine the matter in accordance with their own procedures.

While talking to various levels of leaders within Awami League, it has been found that the party and the government are not convinced.
Many Awami League leaders are unable to clearly figure out the consequences of this policy.

Awami League and the government is not worried over the US announcement. The US visa policy is a warning for all. This is applicable for all parties

The restrictions in the visa policy have a wide implication for Bangladesh. So it is not clear to the government as to who will come under this policy. However, the ruling party is considering it to be a matter of relief as sanctions have not been imposed on specific individuals.
They said such a step by the US is a message for all political parties. They are analysing the matter from various angles, as is evident in the statement of the ministers.

Whatever their explanation may be, Awami League and the government are concerned. A section of leaders have admitted this as this step may have an impact inside the country.
There are allegations that the government has used the law enforcing agencies and the administration to control the programmes of the opposition parties.

The main opposition BNP is talking about intensifying its movement ahead of the election.
Following the announcement of the visa policy, the ruling party is worried as to how tough the government can be in tackling the political situation. There is a question how much control the government will have over the administration. The matter is being discussed within the administration and many are concerned.

While Awami League and the government are under pressure, they are trying to seek a silver lining to the cloud.

Awami League leaders said BNP tried to create a pressure on the government by maintaining communication with the international community. BNP had been saying new sanctions may be imposed, but Awami League thinks the US new visa policy is not any sanction. It is a warning of restrictions.

Awami League is coming up with all sorts of interpretations, pointing out that the US visa restriction does not maintain that BNP has to be drawn into the election to make it inclusive.

This visa policy supports the government's step to hold national election in keeping with the constitution of the country, according to certain narratives in the party. Following the announcement of the policy, US ambassador in Dhaka Peter Haas held meetings with six leaders, from of Awami League, BNP and Jatiya Party.

Awami League information and research secretary Selim Mahmud, who joined the meeting, told Prothom Alo that their party thinks that it is not only Awami League and the government that is liable to hold a free and fair elections. The opposition parties are also responsible.

The US announced the new visa policy in that consideration, he added.

Meanwhile, BNP and Jatiya Party have supported the US move over the Bangladesh election.

Awami League also thinks that BNP will no longer be able to take any move to resist the election as they have said. If anyone resists the election, they would come under the US visa policy. BNP's demand for the caretaker government will weaken and Awami League leaders is projecting this narrative. They are also trying to say BNP will have no justification to demand the caretaker government and to resist the election.

But many ruling party leaders believe Awami League, which has been in power for three consecutive terms, is more responsible to hold a free and fair election. However, they feel there the new visa policy will not have a negative impact on Awami League.

Awami League presidium member and agriculture minister Abdur Razzaque said, "Awami League and the government are not worried over the US announcement. The US visa policy is a warning for all. This is applicable for all parties."

He said, "We are observing the matter."
Awami League has also raised a question as to whether there is any force or quarter behind the new US visa policy.

Law minister Anisul Huq said they would look into whether there is any instigation or link behind it.

He also said the US has announced the new visa policy in context of a free and fair election in Bangladesh. Bangladesh will observe whether the US will take any similar steps for democracy in other countries.

The US had announced a similar visa policy for Nigeria on 15 May. The US has taken similar steps for Somalia, Uganda, Nicaragua and Belarus too.

*This story, has been published in Prothom Alo print and online editions, has been rewritten in English by Rabiul Islam.

New US visa policy to curb money laundering, arson attacks: Momen


TBS Report
27 May, 2023, 02:00 pm
Last modified: 27 May, 2023, 06:51 pm

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Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen on Saturday (27 May) hoped that the new US visa policy will reduce the nefarious trend of siphoning off money to the US.

He also hoped that it would stop arson attacks and violence in Bangladesh centering the upcoming general election.

"US visas are usually sought by the affluent class like government employees, politicians, businessmen and some members of civil society. Those who can buy foreign education for their kids and own assets are the ones behind money laundering," he told media after attending an event organised at the International Mother Language Institute.

"These people launder money from the country to invest in foreign assets," he added while quipping that imposing restrictions on such people will save the country from losing money.

The government has no data on how much money is laundered abroad every year. But according to the US-based think-tank Global Financial Integrity, Bangladesh lost a whopping $49.65 billion or around Tk4,71,675 crore on an average between 2009 and 2015 (except the year 2014), mainly to trade misinvoicing and under-invoicing. On an average, around Tk84,475 crore was syphoned off the country each year during the period.

Momen also said, "We want to stop arson attacks...if it [US visa policy] stops arson attack that would be a blessing."

The foreign minister said the leaders of the political parties which are involved in arson attack need to remain cautious.

"You know who do that [arson attacks]. Their leadership needs to remain careful," he added.

Refuting the notion that the government might have been embarrassed over the new visa policy, the foreign minister said, "Issuing (US) visa is their (America's) concern, not ours."

"However, we would not entertain any hullabaloo in demand of US visa," he added.

When asked if Indian and Saudi ambassadors were returned their special security protocol, Momen responded saying that there is no lack of security in the country.

He said, "No ambassador has yet applied for additional security. Besides, no foreign country has done any such wrongdoing that they would be a target of possible attacks. Thus, we are not worried about it."

Noting that there have been no reports of attacks on ambassadors in recent times, Momen said the attack on the convoy of former US ambassador Marcia Bernicat was a result of a family crisis of Badiul Alam Majumdar (General Secretary of Shujan)."

@Bilal9 ,@leonblack08 ,@fallstuff and other brothers, আস্তিনের সাপ দের চিনে নিন। পিনাকিও নেত্র নিউজ ( তাসনিম খলিল) কে এক্সপোজ করেছিল! বাধ্য হয়েই করেছিল কারন এরা ক্রমাগত পিনাকি কে আক্রমণ করে যাচ্ছিল, আর সাম্প্রতিক কালে আনু মুহাম্মদ কে অনুকরণ করে পিনাকী কে র এর এজেন্ট অপবাদ দিচ্ছিল!

শুধু হাসিনার বিরোধীতা করলেই কেউ ফেরেশতা হয়ে যায় না। সর্প হইয়া কাটো তুমি ওঝা হইয়া ঝাড়ো বলে একটা প্রবাদ আছে না?

এমন অনেক হাসিনা বিরোধী ( আসলে বিরোধী না, বরং এই ফ্যাসিস্ট রেজিমের প্ল্যান্ট করা সাপ; ভেড়ার ছদ্মবেশে নেকড়ে) নানা প্ল্যাটফর্মে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে আছে। এই ফোরামও সেটা থেকে মুক্ত নয় বলেই আমি মনে করি!

কাজেই সাধু সাবধান!

( 14 minutes video from Dr Taj Hashmi! Please watch it thoroughly if you guys are interested. Here he also exposed David Bergman )

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If free and fair elections were held in Bangladesh, which political party would most likely win. The largest parties are BAL, BNP, JP, Islami Andolan Bangladesh, Jamat e Islami.

Is there any new party with new vision for Bangladesh, bringing all Bangladeshi people together for a change.

If free and fair elections were held in Bangladesh, which political party would most likely win. The largest parties are BAL, BNP, JP, Islami Andolan Bangladesh, Jamat e Islami.

Is there any new party with new vision for Bangladesh, bringing all Bangladeshi people together for a change.
Hasina ji is greatest leader , she will win defeating the extremist right wing islami parties .
If free and fair elections were held in Bangladesh, which political party would most likely win. The largest parties are BAL, BNP, JP, Islami Andolan Bangladesh, Jamat e Islami.

Is there any new party with new vision for Bangladesh, bringing all Bangladeshi people together for a change.

That is an excellent question but left better to be answered by astute political minds here in our section other than myself.

Not so much a political hack myself - if you will pardon the expression.

Short answer is no one knows yet, but it seems there may be a possible coalition by parties other than BAL who will contest the election as a loose entity. Who will win is anyone's guess at this point, but BAL may still have majority.

Over the years they have been very successful in turning Bangladesh to a BAL one-party dictatorship.

In more detail:
  • In BNP, Khaleda is bedridden and Tareq Zia are out of the picture, their credibility is zero in my opinion. They will do better staying behind the backdrop.
  • Minus these two - there is Mirza Abbas and Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir in charge of and spearheading the BNP.
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirza_Abbas
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirza_Fakhrul_Islam_Alamgir
  • Jamaat leadership has been systematically culled by Hasina (political killings and enforced disappearances in the name of them being "war criminals") but they remain the most corruption free and disciplined leadership of any political party. They have grassroots support and will not go away.
  • Hasina tried to substitute Jamaat's Islamic support with the Qaumi leadership (Hefazat) but lately they turned Anti-Hasina too (given her overt pro-India and progressive leanings). Qaumi leadership was also dissolved in 2021 due to its Nayeb-e-Ameer's incendiary statements of late against the govt. which is unfortunate and tactless. It remains to be seen how much influence the Islamist parties yield in local elections (unless in a grand coalition), given that they have been muzzled so much.
  • Jatiya Party or JP (led by Rowshan Ershad - General Ershad's wife who is an MP) generally tows BAL's narrative and actions, being a shadow of its former self. Three people are important in the JP leadership, Rowshan Ershad, her son Saad and Saad's uncle (Ershad's younger brother) GM Quader.
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rowshan_Ershad
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saad_Ershad
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GM_Quader
  • Prof. Muhammad Yunus (Nobel Winner) could contest the election but he's still keeping mum for now
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Yunus
So - this is the situation as I see it - but I could be totally off base, and others here (@Destranator, @bluesky, @Homo Sapiens, @fallstuff bhais and others here whose names I cannot remember -apologies) may kindly offer their correctional opinions.
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