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Islamism ???

Thank you for inviting me to the talk @RAMPAGE. Before I address your point I would like to clear some misconceptions have been said by Fauji and Azlan.

What is Islam?

Islam is a complete way of life, A guiding system for politics, society, economy and legislation.

The implementation of this system is the responsibility of the head of state authority/ruler/government and state institutions.

The constitution are the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of prophet Mohammed Peace and Blessing Be Upon Him in the authentic Hadith and also man-made legislation that don't contradict with Islamic teaching.

People argue about Hadith ignoring the fact the same Sahaba RA who passed on the Quran to us are they same people who reported the Hadith from the prophet by a successive chain of narrations. So attacking the Hadith is same as attacking the authenticity of the Holy Quran because those who narrated the Quran to us are the same who narrated the Sunnah of the prophet.

The jurisprudence doctrines and their principles are all agreed upon by the four Imams Abu Hanafi, Sha'fi Hanbili and Maliki. The differences are in the branches Not the root. And these principals are driven from both the Quran and the Hadith.

Fauji and Azlan argued about Saudi Arabia without knowing that the state jurisprudence are based on these four sources of Fiqh applied by the state and followed by the people, we have Hanbli, Sha'fi, Hanafi and Maliki. Saudi educational institute teaches all four Madhab in its schools and universities. Apply all in court system.

Fauji kept saying to @RAMPAGE that he knew nothing about Saudi Arabia without emphasis when in reality Fauji doesn't know anything in what he is talking about. Please tell me what you know. Will you?

Azlan speaks about Wahhabism and I'm not going to touch on that because there is nothing called Wahhabism but in your imagination. The well respected scholar Shikh Mohammed Ibn Al-Wahhab speaks about monotheism and not jurisprudence so your take on that is invalid.

I don't really understand the correlation that Saudi Arabia being a monarch and Islamic Fiqh or application of Islamic jurisprudence and law.
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I need it in your words, not in Wikipedia.

I just want you to explain to me the difference betwee.

  • An Islamist and Muslim
  • Islamism and Islam
  • Is it just a cloaked form for abusing the tenants of political Islam?

Remove political from your statement and you will reveal his agenda.

aeronaut is the best mod on this site so back off.

him and @Azlan Haider are both like this lmfao
earlier mr haider was saying that islam is not political in anyway so i simply said that why does the quran give out punishments for crimes if the quran?
these guys are both brainwashed to core. sometimes i just wonder how such stupidity can exist tbh

Azlan makes sense unlike fauji who seems to have a problem but does not want to be honest about what exactly he finds so contentious.
Thank you for inviting me to the talk @RAMPAGE. Before I address your point I would like to clear some misconceptions have been said by Fauji and Azlan.

What is Islam?

Islam is a complete way of life, A guiding system for politics, society, economy and legislation.

The implementation of this system is the responsibility of the head of state authority/ruler/government and state institutions.

The constitution are the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of prophet Mohammed Peace and Blessing Be Upon Him in the authentic Hadith and also man-made legislation that don't contradict with Islamic teaching.

People argue about Hadith ignoring the fact the same Sahaba RA who passed on the Quran to us are they same people who reported the Hadith from the prophet by a successive chain of narrations. So attacking the Hadith is same as attacking the authenticity of the Holy Quran because those who narrated the Quran to us as the same who narrated the Sunnah of the prophet.

The jurisprudence doctrines and their principles are all agreed upon by the four Imams Abu Hanafi, Sha'fi Hanbili and Maliki. The differences are in the branches Not the root. And these principals are driven from both the Quran and the Hadith.

Fauji and Azlan argued about Saudi Arabia without knowing that the state jurisprudence are based on these four sources of Fiqh applied by the state and followed by the people, we have Hanbli, Sha'fi, Hanafi and Maliki. Saudi educational institute teaches all four Madhab in its schools and universities. Apply all in court system.

Fauji kept saying to @RAMPAGE that he knew nothing about Saudi Arabia without emphasis when in reality Fauji doesn't know anything in what he is talking about. Please tell me what you know. Will you?

Azlan speaks about Wahhabism and I'm not going to touch on that because there is nothing called Wahhabism but in your imagination. The well respected scholar Shikh Mohammed Ibn Al-Wahhab speaks about monotheism and not jurisprudence so your take on that is invalid.

I don't really understand the correlation that Saudi Arabia being a monarch and Islamic Fiqh or application of Islamic jurisprudence and law.

This is not your typical Syrian thread where you Wahabis feed propaganda

Abdul Wahab Najdi's ideology is the driving force that is behind all the terrorist activities on a global scale.

The solution: you terrorist animals need to be eradicated from the face of this planet before you blow up & kill more innocent men, women and children.

wahabisism is one of the greatest fitnas of our time!
This is not your typical Syrian thread where you Wahabis feed propaganda

Abdul Wahab Najdi's ideology is the driving force that is behind all the terrorist activities on a global scale.

The solution: you terrorist animals need to be eradicated from the face of this planet before you blow up & kill more innocent men, women and children.

wahabisism is one of the greatest fitnas of our time!

Your lack of intellectual ability prevents you from engaging in a civil discussion.
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I have travelled more through Saudi than even many Saudis.
I have see their small town village in the heartland and in the moutains.
And I tell you
you know nothing about Saudi Arabia

I tell you one thing.... i have been in saudia for nearly 18 months and these months have changed a lot in me and made me a better muslim a better human.

I have been to khobar,dammam,dhahran,jubail,ras tanura, ahsa, riyadh, makkah, medina, buraidah, tabuk, yanbu, taif and abha and i have not seen one place where people avoid namaz..... on the highways its a pleasant sight when i see an old man leading a prayer at the roadside with his family following him in the middle of desert.

You talk about laws, governance etc.... let me tell you one thing you will find the least crime rate here , a country which is following shariah....

Yes the punishments are brutal but you know what, they help in reducing further crimes. When a murderer is beheaded publically, all the public and their generations do not even dare think about committing a murder. This is Islam's way of governance and it works.

Yes there might be problems in KSA too but they are a thousand times better than Pakistan with more and more Islam in every aspect of their lives unlike Pakistan.
People argue about Hadith ignoring the fact the same Sahaba RA who passed on the Quran to us are they same people who reported the Hadith from the prophet by a successive chain of narrations. So attacking the Hadith is same as attacking the authenticity of the Holy Quran because those who narrated the Quran to us are the same who narrated the Sunnah of the prophet.

Firsrly Allah swt himself took the responsibility of protection of Holy Quran , No such promise was made for Hadith . Hadith was written down almost two hundred years after the demise of prophet . Saying that Quran and Hadith are equally authentic is denying the Quran which tells us not to take up any other book of Hadith besides Quran .

Islamic History & Archaeology

Fauji and Azlan argued about Saudi Arabia without knowing that the state jurisprudence are based on these four sources of Fiqh

I was born in Jeddah and have spent first 16 years of my Life in KSA . So I know very well what I am talking about .

Azlan speaks about Wahhabism and I'm not going to touch on that because there is nothing called Wahhabism but in your imagination

Your denial wont change anything . Anyways I said that Wahabiism was promoted by western powers for political purposes . And this is a established historical fact .
Firsrly Allah swt himself took the responsibility of protection of Holy Quran , No such promise was made for Hadith . Hadith was written down almost two hundred years after the demise of prophet . Saying that Quran and Hadith are equally authentic is denying the Quran which tells us not to take up any other book of Hadith besides Quran .

It seems like the misconceptions have not been cleared yet. Here let me break it down to you in an clear way.

The Quran is the message and the Hadith is the verbal explanation and the practical demonstration of the message. Denying the Hadith is denying the Quran because form the Hadith we come to know the precepts revealed in the Quran. From the Hadith you and I come to know how perform Prayer or pay Zakat. It is impossible to understand the Quran without Hadith and it is not possible to understand the Hadith without relating it to the Quran. Hadith is the explanation of the message by the messenger and we are told in the Quran to obey Allah and his messenger, meaning the examples set by the prophet, his saying and actions. So again the Hadith is part of the revelation since you mentioned that we should not take any book beside the Quran which is wrong understanding because the Hadith is not a book but as I mentioned earlier is the translation of the Quran as prophet Mohammed said ''I was given the Quran and something similar to it along with it.'' So from the Hadith we take the interpretation of the Quran. Also I said that same companions who passed down the Quran to us are the same who passed down the sunnah to us from the prophet by successive chain of narrations which is what we call today the authentic Hadith. Also the Hadith was not written but also studied and verified and that's why there is something called the science of Hadith and Reporters.

I was born in Jeddah and have spent first 16 years of my Life in KSA . So I know very well what I am talking about .

I failed to understand how being born in KSA got to do with what I wrote about the jurisprudence and the four sources of it!

Your denial wont change anything . Anyways I said that Wahabiism was promoted by western powers for political purposes . And this is a established historical fact .

What denial? Didn't I make myself clear when I said Ibn AbdulWahab speaks about monotheism and monotheism only. Do you understand what monotheism means? The term Wahhabism was invented by the west in order to bush the clash of civilization and divide us into them and us, later picked by anti-islam people for political or ideological reasons. Sheikh Mohammed Ibn AbdulWahhab didn't speak about Hadith or Islamic law and jurisprudence nor was politically motivated. He basically was telling the people don't worship graves. Is that hard to grasp?
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first reaction of Muslim(or Hindu) will be damage control justifying religion. the thought process is first blame all the damages to individual maulvi's or radical preaches, then some radical movements,then sects, and lastly all points towards religion. here it becomes total discomfort accepting the hard fact that religions like Islam has ingrained ideology of political control.
Thank you for inviting me to the talk @RAMPAGE. Before I address your point I would like to clear some misconceptions have been said by Fauji and Azlan.

What is Islam?

Islam is a complete way of life, A guiding system for politics, society, economy and legislation.

The implementation of this system is the responsibility of the head of state authority/ruler/government and state institutions.


Both these basic contentions are not correct. Islam is the best personal code of conduct and the State must not have anything to do with implementing it as national policy.
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