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Islamism ???


  • Thanks - i want to go back and live there again when i have my kids, have pet turtles and build a biodiversity pond from the scratch. I want to teach my kids the value of connecting with the nature Allah swt has created. We can't understand creation until we come in contact with it.

  • Don't we risk social cohesion being fractured, should we become a secular state? (Guessing thats what you implied)
    Our state was built on it, our population extracts unity from it. I believe that until we have developed a strong sense of 'Pakistaniat', we cannot take the leap....it will lead us into further mess.
  • Don't we risk social cohesion being fractured, should we become a secular state? (Guessing thats what you implied)
    Our state was built on it, our population extracts unity from it. I believe that until we have developed a strong sense of 'Pakistaniat', we cannot take the leap....it will lead us into further mess.
Excellent point. :tup:

  • Thanks - i want to go back and live there again when i have my kids, have pet turtles and build a biodiversity pond from the scratch. I want to teach my kids the value of connecting with the nature Allah swt has created. We can't understand creation until we come in contact with it.
I hope you do. That must be a dream come true. Best wishes


  • Don't we risk social cohesion being fractured, should we become a secular state? (Guessing thats what you implied)
    Our state was built on it, our population extracts unity from it. I believe that until we have developed a strong sense of 'Pakistaniat', we cannot take the leap....it will lead us into further mess.

Secular state is just red herring.

The only thing that will keep us united is to treat our fellow Pakistani with love and care, as long as they are not committing a crime against society in the name of religion or ethnicity.

What language we speak, what religion we practice is all secondary to being human aka Insaniat.

Secularism brought justice, equaliy among Europeans who suffered from pretty much the same ills (in medieval periods) like we do today.

So the emphasis must be on justice, equality (among all citizens and not just one religion $hit), and to cleanse our mosques from the politics.

modern societies have become specialized in every which way. The more specialize I am, the more productive I am in a narrow areas.

Spirituality/religion - only to be practiced in the mosque
surgery -- only to be practiced in the hospital
manufacturing - only to be practiced in the factory
politics - only to be practiced in political institutions aka assemblies.

So in reality we are not talking about separation of church and state

But specialization of ALL of our practices.

hope you understand.

Excellent point. :tup:

Did you ever figure out the definition of Islamism

or still struggling?
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Pakistan is so precious that you and I can never ever imagine because we did not live through the time when we did not have this blessing.

Most of the posters are like nikamma pota of a poor but hardworking granpa. The granpa who built a mansion, and now the same potas are using ethnicity and religion in order to tear apart this grand mansion brick by brick.

We are the thankless and petty potas who give a middle finger to this grand mansion at every possible occasion.

Islam and ethnicity, bakhsish and sifarash have utterly destroyed the mansions.

And we still insiste on more Islam, more ethnicity, more bakhshis, and more sifarash.

Like the guy with AIDS who keep on having unprotected sex, we continue to spread the disease of jahliyyah all in the name of relgiion and ethnicity.

Hope you understand.

Oh man. you just painted the scene of jannat on this earth. HUGE gifts of Allaw swt.

This is true definition of all the food that comes directly from the heavens, all blessings of Allah swt. But unfortunately majority of us do not care anymore. Because if we cared, you would not see a single Mullah talking about Islam, single leader talking about ethnicity, no one wanting bakhshish, no one ever doing anything that would remove evena small piece of plaster from this wonderful country called Pakistan.

you and your family is truly blessed.

May Allah swt keep your lands safe and away from anyone trying to harm it.

Don't have a direct solution. But like all human education and learning, you should ask yourself if similar disease did occur in the past. And if it did, what were the methods to heal the sick and avoid the disease.

at last lol.
so it is islam you got a problem with.

So what you are talking about is close to the political philosophy of, Ibn Rushd?

ibn Rushd a Spaniard (1126 AD) while correct was a failure. He could not overturn the forces of the Ghazalian philosophy (Ghazali an Iranian born 1058).

Moreover we now have much better and newer models to follow.

Baron De Montesquieu a French (born 1689) is one of the most important philosopher when it comes to modern societies and modern governments.

Do you know why?
ibn Rushd a Spaniard (1126 AD) while correct was a failure. He could not overturn the forces of the Ghazalian philosophy (Ghazali an Iranian born 1058).

Moreover we now have much better and newer models to follow.

Baron De Montesquieu a French (born 1689) is one of the most important philosopher when it comes to modern societies and modern governments.

Do you know why?

Please do explain.
This kid is our hero...it displays the warrior spirit. :)

I know. Aitazaz will always be remembered. :( But I suggest you go back to the 'Uth Jawana' avatar pic simply to avoid confusion. :-) Who's the guy depicted there btw?
Here is what I have learned from living among muslims and reading quran and Hadiths..
Islam-is a religion emphasising submission to god, truthfulness,prayers, brotherhood, care for the needy,encourages salvation by positive contribution to society rather than world-detached sainthood, advises moderation in everything..
Islamism-refers to advocacy of political islam which consider islam a political entity which whose tenants are to be derived from quran and hadiths-According to islamists the laws and examples set by prophet are eternal and need not be changed, although new laws can be derived by extrapolating the examples or logic set by quran..
-what I think is wrong with islamism?
They are vague-leading to tons of different interpretations and since plurality is abhorred,infightings..They are sometimes illogical, sometimes unscientific,sometimes unjust,sometimes outright barbaric when compared to modern standards of justice and human rights.I can support each of the above claims with evidences from quran and hadith if anyone needed..And attempts by modern islamists to whitewash quran and sunnah by hiding the undesirable parts will only lead to further infightings.
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