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Islamic Union

For The same reason why the west talks about the west.
For The same reason why turkey does not get into the European union.
For The same reason why Palestine and kashmir are not solved in decades and east timur is independent in years.

We are part of this world and thats what we have learnt that "might is right" so better to get some might one way or the other.

The west is the west. they are the old guard the Eu and US.
Its based on geography and historical relevance.

Its like how China and Russia have always been the east

This is noting like referring to the Muslim world as a separate entity

Turkey is still being assesed for EU membership, it an ongoing process, of trying to integrate 2 very different cultures and different ways of doing things
Accession of Turkey to the European Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Its frankly presumptuous or arrogant of you to think that religion plays that big of a deal in the power game if international politics.

religion isn't gonna solve any of our problems history shows it creates more issue than it solves.
Claiming that every one is against you just because of your religion clearly demonstrates my point.
You don't need such unity, you should demand unity of humanity. Why you guys always advocate Islamic untiy? This unity will polarize world against it. Sooner we will have X-tian unity, unity of remaining sects like Jews + Hindu + Budha unity and so on.. and at last 3rd WW among these unities...
Instead of this you can revive OIC to uplift your rights...
May I know who are you suggest this ousted proposal.
A human from earth not from mars

That is because Quran and hadis told us to do so. Please read my previous post.


srry but i don't know much about quran or ur religion, i only felt that we need alliance against inhumanity..:mps:
Its a possibility, but for it to work it must grow...we cant have an Islamic Union overnight.

We have a couple of unions consisting of majority Muslim countries already:

1. Arab League (all Arab countries are Muslim majority)

2. Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) - (all are Muslim majority countries - Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, all Central Asian countries)

3. ASEAN (Indonesia and Malaysia are the only Muslim majority countries in ASEAN).

4. African Union (Most of these countries are also Muslim majority).

Now each country belonging to these Unions should strengthen these regional unions and once each Union becomes a success we can combine all these unions into one - an Islamic Union (except ASEAN and African Union, the Muslim majority countries of ASEAN and African Union can join the Islamic Union).

You forgot to mention The Developing 8 (D-8 or Developing Eight) are a group of developing countries with large Muslim populations that have formed an economic development alliance. Combined, the countries made up 13.5% of the global population in 1997. It consists of Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Turkey.
srry but i don't know much about quran or ur religion, i only felt that we need alliance against inhumanity..:mps:

Than you should not be tell us how to conduct our business. A strong Islamic world also mean a peace full co existence of humanity. Muslim world is suffering the most right now and we are fighting against all odd. Our lands and faith are being attack thus we as the follower of Ummah must unite to rescue our people from inhumane world.
What discrimination..We're talking about states here not people.Would European union let Pakistan in it even if it was in europe..or why do you think Turkey is not allowed to be in EU?

The irony is that the proponents of the brotherhood do not want 15 crores of their brothers to be part of the union.:whistle:
Than you should not be tell us how to conduct our business. A strong Islamic world also mean a peace full co existence of humanity. Muslim world is suffering the most right now and we are fighting against all odd. Our lands and faith are being attack thus we as the follower of Ummah must unite to rescue our people from inhumane world.

Sir by the way is everything outside Islam is inhumane?

Dont you think this will create polarization in world in a way that Christians would be united as one if there is any aggression from the Islamic world.

Hindus will be united. Dont you think this will cause religious rivalries among each other. and this can cause problems of people Islamic faith living in non Islamic land.... As you said in the previous post that it is because of Quaran but will it be justified when it jeopardizes the whole world community into a polarized hostile world.
The west is the west.
Muslims are Muslims.
Its based on geography and historical relevance.
It is also based on historical relevance.
This is noting like referring to the Muslim world as a separate entity
Muslims think themselves as separate entity. Title and discussion in the thread is a proof.
Its frankly presumptuous or arrogant of you to think that religion plays that big of a deal in the power game if international politics.
Arrogance! Victim knows much better for the reasons of his victamization.
religion isn't gonna solve any of our problems history shows it creates more issue than it solves.
Denying ones way of life creates even bigger problems and Islam is our way of life.
Dont you think this will create polarization in world in a way that Christians would be united as one

Hindus will be united

Christians are already united. Hindus are also united.
if there is any aggression from the Islamic world.
That is exactly why we need to unite there is already a lot of aggression from the Christian side at least.
Sir by the way is everything outside Islam is inhumane?

I have not said such. I am referring to the condition of Muslims in Islamic land caused by fascist force. Our life is venerable to aggression because we are not coordinated to look after each other despite the resource available to us.

Dont you think this will create polarization in world in a way that
Christians would be united as one if there is any aggression from the Islamic world.

It already been polarized. A anti Islamic force emerged lead by west to undermine Islamic way of life. Their main goal is to liberalize Islam in the name of enlightenment.

Hindus will be united.

Hinduism is dead in Hindustan. You are behind the Zionist force lead by Israel.

Dont you think this will cause religious rivalries among each other. and this can cause problems of people Islamic faith living in non Islamic land.... As you said in the previous post that it is because of Quaran but will it be justified when it jeopardizes the whole world community into a polarized hostile world.

An American citizen protected in any land because American super power status. A strong united ummah formed by Islamic nations can look after the interest of Muslim living in non Islamic land under inhumane condition. Our people are dying like seeps because we don't have retaliate force in place.

Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon are some latest example come in to play.
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Than you should not be tell us how to conduct our business. A strong Islamic world also mean a peace full co existence of humanity. Muslim world is suffering the most right now and we are fighting against all odd. Our lands and faith are being attack thus we as the follower of Ummah must unite to rescue our people from inhumane world.

Our enemies would hate it if all Muslim majority countries united.

An Islamic Union would be the most powerful and wealthiest nation on earth.

Israel and India would especially hate it if Muslim majority regions united, because Israel and India would be surrounded by the Islamic Union and Palestine and Kashmir would join the Islamic Union.
India is pretty much Hindu union whether you like it or not.If it was not for that India would have been divided into several pieces by now and that is a fact i am sure many many indians will agree with me.Hinduism plays a huge role in Indian nationalism whether you indians accept it or not.If Islamic Union become a reality (only a dream currently) no nation will threat Iran like they do currently.India will easily resolve water issue etc.Having said this, the main role of the union would be to protect Islamic interest over the world not to dominate and kill all non-muslims like Nazi.Thats a huge misconception.
Israel and India would especially hate it if Muslim majority regions united, because Israel and India would be surrounded by the Islamic Union and Palestine and Kashmir would join the Islamic Union.

We would like it. Whats there to hate can you please explain in details ?
India is pretty much Hindu union whether you like it or not.If it was not for that India would have been divided into several pieces by now and that is a fact i am sure many many indians will agree with me.Hinduism plays a huge role in Indian nationalism whether you indians accept it or not.If Islamic Union become a reality (only a dream currently) no nation will threat Iran like they do currently.India will easily resolve water issue etc.Having said this, the main role of the union would be to protect Islamic interest over the world not to dominate and kill all non-muslims like Nazi.Thats a huge misconception.

That's very funny, have you been to India? Have you got first hand account of India. Dude I have never posted a single comment about how Pakistan is in this forum why? I feel there is lot of difference between reading about country and actually feeling it while there, I realized this once I came to USA. I thought I knew a lot, to find out I knew nothing. So if you have never been in India you have no idea what you are talking about.
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