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Is tide turning finally ? Angry mob sets ablaze house of Lashkar operative in Kashmir

I see, you're right about that. Deluded people do exist everywhere, a recent west point study illuminated that fact quite well when it researched the LeT's composition, surprise surprise, a majority of recruits were not Kashmiris.


This is the reality of the "indigenous Kashmiri struggle".
There is nothing sterling about it.

You are erroneously suggesting that the only people who are against Indian rule in Kashmir are foreigners in LeT.

The LeT is only a subset of the people opposing Indian rule in Kashmir.

The important point here is that Kashmiris are expressing their displeasure with Indian rule.

Whether that expression is legal or illegal is a different subject.

Indeed, I certainly should not have focused on the LeT. Such purisrar bandeys and their actions can never be highlighted by one such as me.

Of course, only if said expression is illegal then the punishment under the law applicable shall also be forthcoming.

The Kashmiri freedom movement is swimming in money.
Unlike the cash-strapped Indian army backed by a trillion dollar economy.

You are right .But that is money from ISI that means money of poor Pakistani tax payers .So there is no other reason for regular IMF bail out.
@Abingdonboy none taken.. but I refuse to believe in super soldier and super nationalist character that is attributed to all sikhs... they are human like rest of us.
And if you are telling me people get recruited to IA to serve their 'motherland' and live and die for their motherland, well I suggest you talk to somebody who is in the IA. The motivations are much less filmy and much more humanlike.
I am not unfairly targetting specific community, btw. I am blaming IA not the sikhs.
You are erroneously suggesting that the only people who are against Indian rule in Kashmir are foreigners in LeT.
The LeT is only a subset of the people opposing Indian rule in Kashmir.
Says you. It's merely a coincidence that once India had erected an almost water tight fencing system along the LoC that militancy in the valley all but stopped? Nowadays most of the militants are being killed whilst trying to infiltrate IN to India and the few that are engaged in the Valley itself more often than not turn out to be from Pakistan, hmm.....how very peculiar.

Yes, of course, there is going to be a minority of Kashmiris that has issues with the status quo but it is not nearly as many as you would like to believe over there in Pakistan. Kashmiris are not nearly as stupid as you think, you really believe they can't see they are better off with the pluralist, economically thriving democracy that is India than with, well.........the mess that is Pakistan.

As with any other people in the world Kashmiris just want a healthy and comfortable existence, your govt, your nation is the only obstacle to this- FACT. By continuing to ferment trouble in the valley you are only showcasing your true colours....

This is the reality of the "indigenous Kashmiri struggle".

Sush how can one discuss the LeT, after all they are not the ONLY one's "fighting" against India. We must not single them out, even if they be the largest proscribed terror organisation involved in said issue, even if they are the single rallying point of all jihadis since the UJC went underground.

@Abingdonboy none taken.. but I refuse to believe in super soldier and super nationalist character that is attributed to all sikhs... they are human like rest of us.
And if you are telling me people get recruited to IA to serve their 'motherland' and live and die for their motherland, well I suggest you talk to somebody who is in the IA. The motivations are much less filmy and much more humanlike.
I am not unfairly targetting specific community, btw. I am blaming IA not the sikhs.

The IA does not think that Sikhs make super soldiers, if that were the criterion then the best candidates would be the Nunus.:agree:

Ki Ki So So Lhargyalo!!
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Sush how can one discuss the LeT, after all they are not the ONLY ones "fighting" against India. We must not single them out, even if they be the largest proscribed terror organisation involved in said issues, even if they are the single rallying point of all jihadis since the UJC went underground.

True enough.

Especially when those who have long promoted them are getting a taste of their own medicine.

LET is part of the Difa E Pakistan council that has many openly Shia killers among it's ranks.

And some of the biggest cheerleaders of this terrorist group seem to be some Shia.

But I guess we are not supposed to talk about that too.
No. What I am stating is that they apply in such large numbers that the pool of their applicants who meet the criteria generally swells. Surely you can grasp rudimentary statistics and the concept of sample sets. As a community the Sikhs and Gorkhas treat military service as a family tradition so you have a deluge of applicants which singularly outnumbers applicants from any other community. In all honesty I do not think a fellow Delhi yuppie form my circle will ever forego a MBA he was already working towards and embrace martyrdom for the nation like a Sikh officer recently did in J&K. This obviously does not mean that Sikhs make better soldiers or more valiant warriors, it just shows that as a community more of them are interested in serving than others. Otherwise take a look at out PVCs, they come from all communities and social classes. When a particular community lays emphasis on military service you will end up with a large number of recruits from said community, so should the IA tell them to pack up because there are too many of them? Because if we did constitute such a cap it would be ACTUAL and EFFECTIVE discrimination.

Recruitment rallies are held all over the country, on a state by state basis. IF say a rally in Punjab or Assam simply attracts more applicants then statically a larger number of fit applicants will be gleaned from that set ergo leading to a larger representation in the IA. This doesn't mean that one community produces better soldiers..just that they apply in larger numbers in ABSOLUTE terms.
so basically IA did not hold recruitment rally somewhere because they got numbers in punjab. Is that what you are saying. Somehow the maths does not add up.
Punjab is around 3 % of India's population, why are we recruiting 15 % from there when most rallys are popular all over India.
Two possible conclusions:
not enough recruitments elsewhere because we are getting eligible cadidates in punjab.
Others are not fit enough to fill the number of vacancies for the rally hence we end up getting more from punjab.
@Abingdonboy none taken.. but I refuse to believe in super soldier and super nationalist character that is attributed to all sikhs... they are human like rest of us.
And if you are telling me people get recruited to IA to serve their 'motherland' and live and die for their motherland, well I suggest you talk to somebody who is in the IA. The motivations are much less filmy and much more humanlike.
I am not unfairly targetting specific community, btw. I am blaming IA not the sikhs.
Bro, my uncle was in the IA, my cousin was in the IA (until he passed away, so I can talk with a degree of knowledge on this matter.

I am not trying to claim that Sikhs are these "super soldiers" either merely that having a group, Sikhs in particular, over represented in the forces does NOT present an inherent risk. Sikhs have served in vast numbers in the Indian Mil for decades upon decades with almost no blemishes, so should they be barred from entering purely because of one dreamed up potential risk? Or should communities in India only be allowed to be represented in the Military based on their proportion of the national populous?That would be quite absurd especially when India is 80% Hindu.

It would be one thing if there was a noticeable issue with Sikhs serving in the military- an inherent flaw in being a Sikh and a member of the Indian military but there is no such issue, just like there is no issue with a Jew being in the Indian Mil or A Christian or a Muslim etc

Once again you need to understand there is no such thing as religion in the Indian Military- it is a personal belief but it has absolutely ZERO bearing on how you perform your job or conduct yourself.

Every single Sikh (and other soldier) in the Indian Mil is there on MERIT, end of story.
Says you. It's merely a coincidence that once India had erected an almost water tight fencing system along the LoC that militancy in the valley all but stopped? Nowadays most of the militants are being killed whilst trying to infiltrate IN to India and the few that are engaged in the Valley itself more often than not turn out to be from Pakistan, hmm.....how very peculiar.

Yes, of course, there is going to be a minority of Kashmiris that has issues with the status quo but it is not nearly as many as you would like to believe over there in Pakistan. Kashmiris are not nearly as stupid as you think, you really believe they can't see they are better off with the pluralist, economically thriving democracy that is India than with, well.........the mess that is Pakistan.

As with any other people in the world Kashmiris just want a healthy and comfortable existence, your govt, your nation is the only obstacle to this- FACT. By continuing to ferment trouble in the valley you are only showcasing your true colours....

Nice speech.

Too bad the Kashmiris aren't buying it.

Kashmiris Celebrates Pakistan's Win Over India
I know a punjabi Sikh, he said for them , having a gun,bullet ( motor cycle )
Tractor, and a job in army is one' s life' s passion..

And almost every family will one in army..
I respect that..

But I didn't feel any way inferior , coz I felt we are contributing to nation in some way
They can have the jhunjhuna of such "celebrations"!

While we have Kashmir.

I think we can live with it...
so basically IA did not hold recruitment rally somewhere because they got numbers in punjab. Is that what you are saying. Somehow the maths does not add up.
Punjab is around 3 % of India's population, why are we recruiting 15 % from there when most rallys are popular all over India.
Two possible conclusions:
not enough recruitments elsewhere because we are getting eligible cadidates in punjab.
Others are not fit enough to fill the number of vacancies for the rally hence we end up getting more from punjab.

NO! IA holds its recruitment rallies everywhere..from Kashmir to every other corner of the nation.
@Abingdonboy none taken.. but I refuse to believe in super soldier and super nationalist character that is attributed to all sikhs... they are human like rest of us.
And if you are telling me people get recruited to IA to serve their 'motherland' and live and die for their motherland, well I suggest you talk to somebody who is in the IA. The motivations are much less filmy and much more humanlike.
I am not unfairly targetting specific community, btw. I am blaming IA not the sikhs.

As a sikh I like ur comment.

Those were diff times when sikhs formed backbone of the army,its not the trend anymore,these days we are more interested in migrating abroad for $ which is perfectly normal too.

But history does tell that sikhs were a resilient bunch like no one else.

U just need to scan for ppl sent to kala pani and see the proportion of sikhs
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