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Is Pak the national self-expression of the Indus Valley or is it remnant of N.Indian Islamic empires

Your post prove how much religious brainwashing have effected you first as we said it million times before the evolution doesn’t say we are apes but as and the apes have one ancestor so what you religious clowns doing is spread lies and don’t know what the fck evolution is all about.

LOL do you think the ancestor of apes doesnt look like apes and cannot be called as apes ? :D

There is nothing wrong with my post, this is what human evolution theory always tell through picture


So why other apes dont evolve then ???

As my second question that you cannot answer of why all modern human comes from Africa as reveal by DNA finding despite the fact that many Homo Erectus live in other regions like Europe, China, Indonesia (Java) ?

The extinction of those Homo Erectus reveal a very big possibility that all Homo Erectus on earth have vanished like what happen with Dinosaurus before modern human are created by God. Something must have happened in the earth on that period.

The verse that I posted also reveal the fact that Quran have hint the existence of Homo Erectus hundred years before human (Westeners) ever found that such creature is exist.
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They are stupid they believe in a carpenter Jew in Israel who was nailed on by some Italians as their savior lol.

Wasn't he also the son of a Roman centurion?

You are a kind person, so I would ask you where that kindness is originated from ? Can universe and physics create kindness or morality ? For Muslim we believe that we have soul that comes directly from God. It is stated clearly in Quran. Soul is not physic and it has immortal trait from God, that is why despite our body cannot function anymore after we die, our soul is still alive.

This is the time where God created Adam.

So when I have proportioned him and breathed into him of My soul, then fall down to him in prostration."

QS 38: Verse 72

If the soul is immaterial then it cannot interact with the physical--->point blank...Period
Wasn't he also
Reading too much into Pharisaic hearsay

No body knew who is father is.
Because he didn't have one

Use all the blasphemous language you want against him Jesus (AS) but you can't deny the fact that his followers have to date achieved more than any other religious group in the history and to date are still ruling the world (for now)
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Reading too much into Jewish hearsay

Because he didn't have one

Use all the blasphemous language you want against him Jesus (AS) but you can't deny the fact that his followers have to date achieved more than any other religious group in the history and to date are still ruling the world (for now)

What's wrong with Jewish hearsay..they were there in the area when all this went down
Reading too much into Jewish hearsay

Because he didn't have one

Use all the blasphemous language you want against him Jesus (AS) but you can't deny the fact that his followers have to date achieved more than any other religious group in the history and to date are still ruling the world (for now)
Lol how come a son have no father you retard?!
anyways let's steer back the conversation to the metaphysical rather than religious history...You have to define the soul for me...which is not strictly an Islamic concept...but an all encompassing human concept...we will leave out the Islamic only characteristics of the definition out and we will debate on the general definition
Lol how come a son have no father you retard?!
Parthenogenesis is an established fact in all life forms. Why can't it happen in humans? I am pretty sure his case is not the only one in history. Only one known due to it's mention in religious books

What's wrong with Jewish hearsay
They had an axe to grind against him. He challenged the authority of the Pharisees.

They persecuted him and his followers yet they had to eat the humble pie when they saw Christianity rise right before their eyes much to their utter dismay
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Parthenogenesis is an established fact in the animal kingdom. Why can't it happen in humans? I pretty sure his case is not the only one in history. Only one known due to it's mention in religious books

They had an axe to grind against him. He challenged the authority of the Pharisees.

They persecuted him and his followers yet they had to eat the humble pie when they saw Christianity rise right before their eyes much to their utter dismay

But Jews have persisted as a race and religion inspite of millions of endeavours from many world superpowers to wipe them out...They are the original Abrahamic religion ..
But Jews have persisted as a race and religion inspite of millions of endeavours from many world superpowers to wipe them out...
If I were Jewish and well versed in history, now is the time I would be worried about the future than any other time in history. They have been replaced by Muslims in every way
They are the original Abrahamic religion
Arabs monotheists following Abraham existed parallel to the Israelites
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If I were Jewish well versed in history now is the time I would be worried about future than any other time in history. They have been replaced by Muslims in every way

Arabs monotheists following Abraham existed parallel to the Israelites

They are still one of the most tech advanced cpuntries in the world...the race with the highest IQ, highest amount of nobel prize winners, highest amount of billionaires, highest amount of patents per capita...How exactly have they been replaced?...
They are still one of the most tech advanced cpuntries in the world...the race with the highest IQ, highest amount of nobel prize winners, highest amount of billionaires, highest amount of patents per capita...How exactly have they been replaced?...
You are just looking at a narrow window in their history. It took them 2000 years to reach this point. That isn't exactly an achievement. Even after reaching these heights they exactly aren't preaching the values of Torah to the rest of the world
You are just looking at a narrow window in their history. It took them 2000 years to reach this point. That isn't exactly an achievement. Even after reaching these heights they exactly aren't preaching the values of Torah to the rest of the world

They don't have to preach...They have a take it or leave it attitude..which is a correct attitude...Their extraordinary achievements make peple curious about their faith...and people fall over themselves to learn JUdaism...but that's not all..a new convert has to prove himself for several years before he can join in...not every aira gaira natthu khaira makes it...quality over quantity...that 15 million have 100 times more Nobel Prize than 2 billion Muslims...how exactly they have been replaced? without the existence of the Jews, the whole monotheism project on Planet Earth falls flat on its place...they are the original and authentic custodians of monotheism
If the soul is immaterial then it cannot interact with the physical--->point blank...Period

Are you the one who make such law bro ? The truth is every creature that has personality have soul in it. Where do you think the personality come from ? Animals are not like plant. If you have cats, you will know each of their kids have their own personality. Some thing that you cant find in plants, although both of animals and plant are living creature.
Are you the one who make such law bro ? The truth is every creature that has personality have soul in it. Where do you think the personality come from ? Animals are not like plant. If you have cats, you will know each of their kids have their own personality. Some thing that you cant find in plants, although both of animals and plant are living creature.

the personality can be explained by the brain itself...it's one of the most fascinating things in the Universe...severe damage to the brain change a lot of things in a person including personality....soul cannot help you if brain is damaged

and the law has been ade by physicists....you have to define how soul interacts... I can make this thread a link fest...but I want an organic discussion
They don't have to preach..
Then why are the encouraging the rest of humanity to follow the Noahide(AS) laws? A set of laws that pre-dates even Abraham? Was Abrahamic Law, Jewish and only for them as they claim? What modern Jews can't come to terms with is the fact that we have a divine law system that not only supersedes Noahide laws but the Law of Torah as well

......make peple curious about their faith
Only for people who don't know their history. We and the Jewish people go a long way back

.that 15 million have 100 times more Nobel Prize than 2 billion Muslims.
What great greatness did the Jews achieve during the Babylonian exile or while they were living under the Pharaoh?
Muslims are going through a similar phase right now. Just like the everyone hated the Jews in past, a clear bias against Islam exists in the current world order which is pretty much apparent now
not every aira gaira natthu khaira makes it...quality over quantity
Why is God only for them. Reminds me of a post made by an Indian who said we don't give our truth to melieechs
how exactly they have been replaced?
Do all Jews believe in God nowadays? They have pretty much moved on from belief in One God as their core belief to tribal supremacy. They believe their greatness comes form their tribe rather than belief in a God
Who are the true believers in Monotheism right now?
without the existence of the Jews, the whole monotheism project on Planet Earth falls flat on its place
True but as I have said before they were not the first. They do indeed give continuity to the story of Abrahamic faiths but they were kept monotheistic at the pain of divine retribution. for God's sake, they started worshipping the golden calf just before they were given the 10 commandments. And as I said before as modern day Jewish person you don't even have to believe in God to remain Jewish

In fact they act pretty much like Brahmins. No wonder you Hindus and Jews have symbiotic relationship with them where you support their "chosen status" while they are OK with your higher caste privileges
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