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Is Pak the national self-expression of the Indus Valley or is it remnant of N.Indian Islamic empires

anyways let's steer back the conversation to the metaphysical rather than religious history...You have to define the soul for me...which is not strictly an Islamic concept...but an all encompassing human concept...we will leave out the Islamic only characteristics of the definition out and we will debate on the general definition

Actually only soul that can get closer to the God as both are similar in essence. You can feel Him through your soul, not brain or other physical sense. The law of soul is simple and you can prove there is soul in your body and God near you from this simple action. If you do something right and you worship Him, you will feel close to Him but if you do something wrong like watching **** and dont worship Him, you will feel distant from Him.

Right now you feel distant from Him, that is why you dont believe God is exist. This is particularly because your action that dont believe in Him in the first place and also doesnt need Him that create a reaction from Him by He is distancing His present from you.

For someone that has close relation with Him, His present is very strong. Many Muslim for instant will wake up in the middle of the night without using alarm to pray Tahajud. Tahajud pray is not an obligated prayer but important to improve relation and closeness to God.
they are the original and authentic custodians of monotheism

Judaism after the reconquista has become a mess. It's no longer a religious identifier that it used to be. It is entirely ethnic at this point...

According to halakah a jew is still a jew even if the jew renounces their belief in God. It's even worse given how practically all prominent israelis/early zionists were athiest (Herzl - Athiest, Ben Gurion - Athiest, Golda Meir- Athiest)
Judaism after the reconquista has become a mess. It's no longer a religious identifier that it used to be. It is entirely ethnic at this point...

According to halakah a jew is still a jew even if the jew renounces their belief in God. It's even worse given how practically all prominent israelis/early zionists were athiest (Herzl - Athiest, Ben Gurion - Athiest, Golda Meir- Athiest)

it always was a racial religion (as all religions should eb and all religions are to some extent) but the racial part of the religion has now inched up to 90 percent instead of the previous 50 percent
Our culture has been preserved, the only reason you're Arab is because Saudis raped your ancestors and like a dog you took the culture of your rapists. Not too different to all the Indians who follow Hinduism, an Indo-European religion that started in the Indus (if anyone doubts me, I can bring out all the Tamil genocide quotes from Hindu scripture).

Idk if it's just because Iraqis are stupid or because the US bombed your house too hard, but there are more Pashtuns in Pakistan than Afghanistan. We also have Hazaras, one of our first military generals was literally a Hazara. Not to mention other ghazis like Raja Shadab Khan.

If we were so weak, you sand monkeys wouldn't have to keep barking at us to protect the Hijaz. Now, go lose another war to Israel in under a week.

They called the region Sind, as compared to the rest of the region which was called Hind.

He recognised it as being part of the Ghaznavid empire, again, unlike the rest of the sub-continent.

He recognised it as part of the Lodi empire, also unlike most of the Indian sub-continent.

Pakistan owes a fair bit to both, with Punjabis owing more to the Sikhs, and Pashtuns more to the Durranis.

The Sikhs firmly ensured KPK's destiny (and subsequently most Pashtuns) lay with the rest of the Indus Valley by conquering it. On the other hand, the Durranis also ensured that Islam maintained influence within the region.

Please leave India and hindus out of the discussion. This is about you guys.
Please leave India and hindus out of the discussion. This is about you guys.

Your religion started in our land, so I'll mention it as much as I please.

Your religion started in our land, so I'll mention it as much as I please.

technically its haryana where the religion of the vedas is said to have started, so its still in india, the map shows the geographical knowledge mentioned in the vedas, but one thing which is missing is the kikatas as shown in your map were not from the indus valley but Bihar.

technically its haryana where the religion of the vedas is said to have started

What matters is where the people themselves initially lived, and it was in our land, not theirs.
What matters is where the people themselves initially lived, and it was in our land, not theirs.

Aryan migration theory is a BS, they initially lived here BS, according to the same theory the aryans completely abandoned the indus region when they settled in gangetic plains for good


Aryan migration theory is a BS

I never mentioned it, but it's pretty much fact. Even if you subscribe to the out of India theory, they still think the Indus Valley was the starting point.

they initially lived here BS

My map speaks for itself:


according to the same theory the aryans completely abandoned the indus region when they settled in gangetic plains for good

Another false statement. These people became what we now call Punjabis, Sindhis, Kashmiris, etc.

Don't spout shit.
I never mentioned it, but it's pretty much fact. Even if you subscribe to the out of India theory, they still think the Indus Valley was the starting point.

My map speaks for itself:


Another false statement. These people became what we now call Punjabis, Sindhis, Kashmiris, etc.

Don't spout shit.

Again you are trying to make a bogus claim based on bogus maps when i have already educated you about kikatas not being from indus plain but from bihar which would virtually make vedic map extend from eastern india to north western south asia, you bring such nationalistic BS based on your delusional complex or what ever. I neither believe in this theory or that, but i do believe in something called ''FACTS'' why dont you accept the facts and let down your nationalist tripe here.

Your religion started in our land, so I'll mention it as much as I please.

That still doesn't make us a party to your past, present and future. Dead people are dead

You are just looking at a narrow window in their history. It took them 2000 years to reach this point. That isn't exactly an achievement. Even after reaching these heights they exactly aren't preaching the values of Torah to the rest of the world
Perhaps they don't need numbers to have political power in the world

technically its haryana where the religion of the vedas is said to have started, so its still in india, the map shows the geographical knowledge mentioned in the vedas, but one thing which is missing is the kikatas as shown in your map were not from the indus valley but Bihar.

No. Vedas were sang in the frontier mountains only right until kashmir.

What matters is where the people themselves initially lived, and it was in our land, not theirs.

People are important, land is not. Same land can produce saints and sinners
Why its Pakistan whose identity is always questioned?
Why not USA or india or any other multi ethnic state?
Who is "us"?

High caste Hindus are genetically closer to Pakistanis for a reason.

Us here is indians, hindus atleast. There is genetic similarity between manu castes or hindus and muslims across India and Pakistan. But when the mind has accepted Islam, what do genetics matter for?

Why its Pakistan whose identity is always questioned?
Why not USA or india or any other multi ethnic state?

India also has had many questions regarding identity, we have religion,caste,varna,region,language everything. It is not only for Pakistan.
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