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Is it time to recognize Israel

Tell that to the Arabs who just sat around, dwidling there thumbs while all this was happenning in their own backyard, with their full knowledge and blessings, i might add.

makes me wonder the same man what were they doing ? didnt get the anknowledgement and blessing part ... who did that ? was it when the jews were flooding in from Europe?
makes me wonder the same man what were they doing ? didnt get the anknowledgement and blessing part ... who did that ? was it when the jews were flooding in from Europe?

I meant that the formation of a Jewish State was done by the full backing of the Arabs........

Checkout the "Hussein-McMahon Correspondance" and the "Balfour Declaration".

my dear brothers in QURAN SHAREEF ALLAH PAK clearly prohibits us from having relations with jews ..... and Pakistan was wounded on name of ISLAM so there is no reason to have relations with ISRAEL ...
word diplomacy don,t apply here in this case....
no relations with israel....
we should have enough moral courage to call a spade a spade....
The Pakistan should more importantly accept the dominance of India in the region.....&& then think of something else
The Pakistan should more importantly accept the dominance of India in the region.....&& then think of something else


Man stop posting these Pictures they all are Fake and Photoshopped & the Zionist army is a bunch of angels who go around and do nothing to Civilians and yes BTW the Palestinian kids throwing rocks at Markeva are TERRORISTS !!:hitwall::hitwall:
Non-Jews are second class citizens in Israel. There have been any number of documented instances of anti-Arab discrimination within Israel, particularly in Jerusalem.
The civil and property rights of Arabs in Israel are greater than any other nation in the Middle East. In several ways Arabs have superior rights to Jews - for example, they don't have to serve in the IDF and thus they can finish their college educations sooner.

Any Jewish person anywhere is automatically an Israeli citizen.
No. Any Jew whose mother was Jewish or who converted to Judaism via the Orthodox rite has the right to become an Israeli citizen.

Arabs evicted from their homes by Jewish terror groups are still living in refugee camps and do not have the right to return to their rightful homes.
The half-million plus Jews who fled Arab lands don't have the right to return home, either. Israel has successfully absorbed them. The Arab leaders took the Jews' property and gave it away as favors to their followers, strengthening their own dictatorships, rather than distribute them to Arab refugees. They wanted the displaced Arabs to suffer as a means to pressure the Jewish State.

Finally, Israel did have a law-of-return on the books for decades; all Arabs had to do was swear loyalty to the Jewish state. Over a quarter of the displaced Arabs accepted the offer.

It is not the Arabs' responsibility to help Israel in its colonial ambitions, although they do have an obligation to support their Arab brothers in terms of living conditions.
It isn't? Well, I'll take that for a yes, that you agree that peace in the Middle East could be achieved practically overnight if the Saudis willed it - but that you don't want to see that happen.

So what is the role for Pakistan? To help destroy Israel, or to help alleviate suffering and help bring peace to the Middle East?
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Tell that to the Arabs who just sat around, dwidling there thumbs while all this was happenning in their own backyard, with their full knowledge and blessings, i might add.


Thats an interesting point. The logic is simple, in todays world, well being of your country, your people is above bonds of religion. The arabs are smart enough to recognize that, maybe Pakistan should learn the lesson too. Well this is my point of view as an Indian, or to be more precise a non muslim, it may not suit Pakistan as being an islamic nation, the concept of ummah comes into the picture.
Following this thread, i have seen the passion in the hearts of pakistanis, for their nation and also their religion, which deserves a salam!! cheers guys! both our nations have the drive and passion to achieve a better world for ourselves. We should put this passion to good use and PEACE. God willing a shining future awaits us.
in these recent days when indian PM visiting KSA and other arab states enjoy v good relations with india.and also enjoying israel arab both .why we pakistani just sitting in one cage? we have also right to move forward and recognise israel relese some presure from us.i have long debate with arabs on this issue and they have no busness even we recognise evil as there words.so what you people think if there is no velue of our interst there we also ignore palistine issue and move forward to israel.:)

Your logic is right and i guess we need to debate on this one. I mean we have to see the merits and demerits of this Pak- Israel relationship. I don't think that Pak will get anything defence related from Israel as some are hoping for but we can attain other benefits. However i disagree with you that we should leave Palestinian issue altogether. I guess by having relations with Israel, we can play a bigger role in solving this issue.
And please guys don't pelt me with stones but rather than writing off Jews as pure evil, i guess we need to see the human side of them as well. Calling Jews as cursed or evil is as unfair as considering every Muslim a terrorist.:frown:
The civil and property rights of Arabs in Israel are greater than any other nation in the Middle East.

In Jerusalem, an uptick in demolition orders of Arab homes / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

But for Palestinians, and for others supporting a two-state solution, equally troubling is the creation of new Jewish settlements in East Jerusalem – Israel calls them neighborhoods – while building in existing Palestinian neighborhoods is severely curtailed.

No. Any Jew whose mother was Jewish or who converted to Judaism via the Orthodox rite has the right to become an Israeli citizen.

You are playing with semantics. The mother-is-Jewish requirement is simply the Orthodoc definition of being a Jew.

The half-million plus Jews who fled Arab lands don't have the right to return home, either. Israel has successfully absorbed them. The Arab leaders took the Jews' property and gave it away as favors to their followers, strengthening their own dictatorships, rather than distribute them to Arab refugees. They wanted the displaced Arabs to suffer as a means to pressure the Jewish State.

We have already covered this before. Any displaced Jews should also have the right to return to their homes in other countries.

Finally, Israel did have a law-of-return on the books for decades; all Arabs had to do was swear loyalty to the Jewish state. Over a quarter of the displaced Arabs accepted the offer.

In other words, accept a second-class citizen role in a Jewish landgrab, and we will let you live. No thanks!

It isn't? Well, I'll take that for a yes, that you agree that peace in the Middle East could be achieved practically overnight if the Saudis willed it - but that you don't want to see that happen.

Not peace, but the Palestinian suffering could be alleviated if the Arabs helped more. I agree that the Arab governments are also to blame for the Palestinians' suffering. This, too, we have covered before.

So what is the role for Pakistan? To help destroy Israel, or to help alleviate suffering and help bring peace to the Middle East?

Pakistan's role should be stand firmly besides the Palestnians and against colonialsm (Israel). Israel's true history and ongoing crimes should be highlighted to the world. Military option is not reasonable, both because young Israelis should not be killed for their parents' crimes, and as a matter of realpolitik.
I think we should just recognize them, and lets see what then...
After all, all great inventions are a product of experimenting.
Not peace, but the Palestinian suffering could be alleviated if the Arabs helped more. I agree that the Arab governments are also to blame for the Palestinians' suffering. This, too, we have covered before.
Too vague. There is no shortage of details of what Israel is required to do, to atone, to amend, to concede, etc...etc...So what in equal details, are the Palestinians, the Arabs and the Iranians, to be held culpable?
Too vague. There is no shortage of details of what Israel is required to do, to atone, to amend, to concede, etc...etc...So what in equal details, are the Palestinians, the Arabs and the Iranians, to be held culpable?

With their petro-dollars, the Arabs can build schools, hospital and infrastructure in the Palestinian areas. They can provide jobs to Palestinians to reduce their 41% unemployment rate. They can provide scholarships so Palestinian youths can go to college instead of wandering around jobless and be recruited by Hamas.

Traditionally, the Palestinians used to be amongst the most educated and urbane of the Arab subgroups.

This may not directly impact the peace process, but it would at least rescue the Palestinians from having a lost, uneducated generation.

If the Palestinians see a healthy economy and future, insetad of bleak desolation, they may even be less inclined to support Hamas.

Just imagine if Saudi Arabia dedicated the revenues from just one oil well to go to Palestinians. It would instantly neutralize Iranian influence with Palestinians and make Saudi Arabia a hero on the Arab street.
With their petro-dollars, the Arabs can build schools, hospital and infrastructure in the Palestinian areas. They can provide jobs to Palestinians to reduce their 41% unemployment rate. They can provide scholarships so Palestinian youths can go to college instead of wandering around jobless and be recruited by Hamas.

Traditionally, the Palestinians used to be amongst the most educated and urbane of the Arab subgroups.

This may not directly impact the peace process, but it would at least rescue the Palestinians from having a lost, uneducated generation.

If the Palestinians see a healthy economy and future, insetad of bleak desolation, they may even be less inclined to support Hamas.

Just imagine if Saudi Arabia dedicated the revenues from just one oil well to go to Palestinians. It would instantly neutralize Iranian influence with Palestinians and make Saudi Arabia a hero on the Arab street.
Nope...Not good enough...The economic issue is ALREADY addressed by the world community, via the UNRWA, with the US as the largest singular donor...

UNRWA: Donors
Over 60 bilateral and multilateral donors contribute to the financing of UNRWA’s field programmes and projects. In 2008, the European Union (EU) was the most substantial donor with nearly US$ 190 million dollars pledged to UNRWA activities. The EU was followed by the United States, the second largest contributor over the same period followed by Sweden, the United Kingdom and Norway.

UNRWA works in partnership with a multitude of donors - national governments and aid agencies, private foundations, grassroots organizations, companies, other United Nations agencies and more.
The EU is a group. The US is a standalone.

Advisory Commission members have been generous in providing funding for the initiatives and in the past months we have received additional pledges from Australia (AUD 205,000), Italy, (EURO 1,000,000) the Netherlands (EURO 500,000) and the United States of America (USD 2,050,000)...

UNRWA was created in 1948 for the Palestinians. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) was created in 1950 to address refugees at large.

UNHCR - History of UNHCR
...the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was established on December 14, 1950 by the United Nations General Assembly with a three-year mandate to complete its work and then disband. The following year, on July 28, the United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees - the legal foundation of helping refugees and the basic statute guiding UNHCR's work - was adopted.

The UNHCR continues to operate with 1/5th the staffing of the UNRWA...

http://www.zawya.com/Story.cfm/sidZAWYA20090908063948/UNRWA's employees go on strike /
The strike falls in line with others carried by the 28,500 UNRWA employees in Syria, Lebanon, West Bank, and Gaza Strip, he said, adding that the agency serves 4.8 million Palestinian refugees.

...For a greater amount of refugees, then and now.

From only 34 staff members when UNHCR was founded, it now has 6,650 national and international members of staff, including 740 in UNHCR's Geneva headquarters. The agency works in 118 countries, with staff based in 108 main locations such as regional and branch offices and 151 often remote sub-offices and field offices.

UNHCR now deals with 34.4 million people of concern to UNHCR: 14.4 million internally displaced people, 10.5 million refugees, 2 million returnees, 6.6 million stateless people and more than 800,000 asylum seekers. An organization with a three-year mandate to solve the problem of refugees will soon be celebrating its 60th anniversary, aware that the humanitarian needs are unlikely to disappear.
So we have nearly 30k UN employees dedicated to the Palestinians since 1948 with the US the most generous donor while the world's greater general refugee problem is somehow managed just fine with the UNHCR who operate with far less staffing level.

But it is the Arabs' fault for the Palestinians' economic woes?


Wrong...This is essentially a religious war between the muslims and the Jews and the Arabs are perpetuating the Palestinians' miseries in the cause of this war.
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