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Is Indian anti tank missile more powerful than Israel’s Spike?

Yes. There are no overt relations but Israel and Pakistan have been cooperating covertly behind the scenes for many decades now.


The last thing I am looking for is a certificate or endorsement from a person who craves to be a staff of PDF.
Your dilemma is that neither Indians, nor Pakistanis, nor Israelis are dumb enough to believe your nonsense.
Regarding OP: tanks are dead. Drones are the future
The issue is not with the capability but the long time covert cooperation between Israel and Pakistan.

During war, Israel will support Pakistan over India just like how Israel is supporting Azerbaijan over Armenia.

Pakistan unlike Azerbaijan doesn't even recognize Isr*el. How can Isr*el help a country that doesn't even acknowledge its existence.
So u are isolated....pretty crazy policy of yours to isolate Pakistan then isn't it??

The whole isolation talk is nonsense.

Nations do business or not (isolate) is based on their interests.

For example, the SA & UAE are anti-Pakistan now irrespective of India's view of Pakistan.

So India's views or efforts about Pakistan are immaterial. What matters is what is the view of the others about Pakistan.
Pakistan unlike Azerbaijan doesn't even recognize Isr*el. How can Isr*el help a country that doesn't even acknowledge its existence.

That is how covert relationships work.
Your dilemma is that neither Indians, nor Pakistanis, nor Israelis are dumb enough to believe your nonsense.
Regarding OP: tanks are dead. Drones are the future

'Pakistan could be next to normalize ties with Israel'

"Pakistan has also not closed the door completely but its national interests do not permit it to announce open relations with the Jewish state. … Both states have had intelligence and military relations for decades. Pakistan has never considered the Jewish state as its enemy but may establish conditional relations with it in the future, after the Arab agreements."
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The whole isolation talk is nonsense.

Nations do business or not (isolate) is based of their interests.

For example, the SA & UAE are anti-Pakistan now irrespective of India's view of Pakistan.

So India's views or efforts about Pakistan are immaterial. What matters is what is the view of the others about Pakistan.

That is how covert relationships work.

'Pakistan could be next to normalize ties with Israel'

"Pakistan has also not closed the door completely but its national interests do not permit it to announce open relations with the Jewish state. … Both states have had intelligence and military relations for decades. Pakistan has never considered the Jewish state as its enemy but may establish conditional relations with it in the future, after the Arab agreements."
Try telling that to the pathetic chai wala in Delhi
That is how covert relationships work.
We fight against Israel in 6 days war, Youm-e-kapur war along with Arab countries (we send PAF pilots in those war), few covert cooperation doesn't means we have close or good relations to to Israel like you have currently, do you a mental disability problem:what:

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