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Is India big enough to be a superpower?

yay or nay?

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I was wondering if there is going to be another India superpower thread today. There is one almost every day.
Japan lost war because Japan was too small.

Japan almost become a economical super power but in its eagerness to produced everything in Japan by japanese, Japan economy get stuck to a level. Had japan taken an globalization route like US did, It would have been a different case alto gather. Japan seem to have realized that and is taking corrective measures.

So far as military super power is concern, It was not a goal of Japan after second world war. So question of Japan to become a superpower does not arise.

I was wondering if there is going to be another India superpower thread today. There is one almost every day.

You can counter that by posting some article on open defection (In which CHina is second in the world) or by posting Kalam's statement of india becoming super power by 2012.

Is India ......

Top 3 GDP ecomonic power ? - No>>> Yes in PPP
Top 3 manned space power ? - No>>>> Why maned? We are third country to reach Mars and first in first attempt.
Top 3 sport power ? - No>>>>> Correct but This is no way connected with being economic or Military super power.
Top 3 declared Nuclear power ? - No >>>>>There are 7 declared nuclear powers and we are one them.
Top 3 with a credible nuclear deterrent ? - No>>>> Yes, we have credible Nulear deterance to deter our all enemy. We are getting strong day by day.
UNSC Seat with veto power ? - No

Top 3 GDP ecomonic power ? - No>>> Yes in PPP
Top 3 manned space power ? - No>>>> Why maned? We are third country to reach Mars and first in first attempt.
Top 3 sport power ? - No>>>>> Correct but This is no way Related to being economic or Military super power.
Top 3 declared Nuclear power ? - No >>>>>There are 7 declared nuclear powers and we are one them.
Top 3 with a credible nuclear deterrent ? - No>>>> Yes, we have credible Nulear deterance to deter our all enemy. We are getting strong day by day.
UNSC Seat with veto power ?>>>Yes, But our effort are on. We have emerged as one of the very important global player and Nobody can deny us this status. Infact UNSC is just incomplete without India being a member of that.
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lack of knowledge friends india have...
11.Its only second to USA to reach the Mars. India is very advanced in space technology.

I think India is likely to be a "superpower" soon, but this point is incorrect. USSR ran 5 successful Mars missions in the 70s and 80s, Europe has run 2 successful missions (also before India). Further, the USSR in particular has run a number of successful Moon and Venus missions. Europe just landed on a comet, an extremely challenging proposition.

I think a fairer ranking would be tied for 4th with China (who have put people in space, run lunar missions and mars missions, with mixed success). China has run more stuff, with a more mixed record, but putting people in space a pretty big milestone that China has gotten to, but India has not (yet). Overall, their programs are at a similar level in my view.
Can India be a super power ? Yes
Will it be one in the near future ? Highly unlikely
Is India comparable with china in the world stage ? Not even close, Even though the West likes to hype things up to counter China
Can India overtake China as a global super power ? Nothing is impossible, Time is infinite

As a neutral perspective and as somebody who has widely traveled to both countries, I can safely say that China is ATLEAST 30 years ahead of India in all spears of development, Infrastructuraly, quality of life wise and economically, If India is to surpass China, It would have to be in an unlikelihood of total collapse of China, All those doom says about a slowing down Chinese economy need to realize even with a slowing down, It's still growing not regressing

About the argument on one party governance vs democracy i have seen first hand the pro's on cons of it.. The only thing India has over China in that regard is it's media freedom and it's vibrant upper middle class civil society activism.. Everything else China is either equal or more progressive
India is already super power in the aspect of population.
"Raphael, post: 6500913, member: 137607"]Unlike the naysayers in this thread, I s believed India will be a superpower. Just look for "India 2 benevolent world ruled by the Dharmic Shupa Powa
Dharmic Superpower means league of nations having same values of religions like nepal, india, japan, srilanka, burma, china, cambodia, laos, vietnam, china, mongolia, bhutan, indonesia (bali, sumatra).....yes india and all this nations share same spiritualism and india is a spiritual superpower.
I think then Russia is superpower and USA, China is nothing according to your post and also Canada :D
If size was a determinant Greenland would have been a super power

Huge population,wide territory, strong central government and diligent people are necessary conditions for being a superpower. There is only ONE country meet these conditions. China! (BTW, USA is already a Superpower)
USA is a hyperpower. China is 2nd superpower and India ranks 3rd as major power. Superpower does not means you have to no 1 or 2 , the world no 3 must be a power to recon.
regardless what 'will' India become, at the current stage India is no-where near the category of an influential world power,
there is no place for India in economy field
there is no place for India in high tech field
there is no place for India in manufacturing field
there is no place for India in social development field
there is no place for India in e-commerce field
there is no place for India in sports field etc......

so only if they start working 3 times as hard as others, there would be no place for India for at least 50 years (all assumption is valid under the condition that it will still be intact within 50 years time)
I would say when China started its reform 30 years ago, China is only slightly better than India.
Both countries had a lot of people in poverty without job.
Yet China put a lot of effort on base infrastructure, education, medical, industrialization in the past 30 years
These basic thing are what India lack...
If India cannot solve these basic issue, still a lot of people uneducated, unemployed, India is not likely to be a superpower...

Can India be a super power ? Yes
Will it be one in the near future ? Highly unlikely
Is India comparable with china in the world stage ? Not even close, Even though the West likes to hype things up to counter China
Can India overtake China as a global super power ? Nothing is impossible, Time is infinite

As a neutral perspective and as somebody who has widely traveled to both countries, I can safely say that China is ATLEAST 30 years ahead of India in all spears of development, Infrastructuraly, quality of life wise and economically, If India is to surpass China, It would have to be in an unlikelihood of total collapse of China, All those doom says about a slowing down Chinese economy need to realize even with a slowing down, It's still growing not regressing

About the argument on one party governance vs democracy i have seen first hand the pro's on cons of it.. The only thing India has over China in that regard is it's media freedom and it's vibrant upper middle class civil society activism.. Everything else China is either equal or more progressive
regardless what 'will' India become, at the current stage India is no-where near the category of an influential world power,
there is no place for India in economy field
there is no place for India in high tech field
there is no place for India in manufacturing field
there is no place for India in social development field
there is no place for India in e-commerce field
there is no place for India in sports field etc......

so only if they start working 3 times as hard as others, there would be no place for India for at least 50 years (all assumption is valid under the condition that it will still be intact within 50 years time)
economy- alaready answeds many
high tech-- see where most R& D stuff ..
manufactuing - yes we are behind but we ahve own reason .. can you tell me which model to follow ..?
social develipment-- its slow but best model to follow ..
e-commerce-- first thing needed for nay intternet stuff is fredom.. of speech and expression ..
sports - yes ... its still not priority iht of comon a man nor to govt
I would say India people is too proud and too eager to be admitted as superpower, than to face the reality
India is not small in size and population.
It has the potential to be a big power..
Yet its current economy and society stop it from release its potential.
As China join the competition of industrialization, there is hardly any room left for India..

Japan almost become a economical super power but in its eagerness to produced everything in Japan by japanese, Japan economy get stuck to a level. Had japan taken an globalization route like US did, It would have been a different case alto gather. Japan seem to have realized that and is taking corrective measures.

So far as military super power is concern, It was not a goal of Japan after second world war. So question of Japan to become a superpower does not arise.

You can counter that by posting some article on open defection (In which CHina is second in the world) or by posting Kalam's statement of india becoming super power by 2012.

Top 3 GDP ecomonic power ? - No>>> Yes in PPP
Top 3 manned space power ? - No>>>> Why maned? We are third country to reach Mars and first in first attempt.
Top 3 sport power ? - No>>>>> Correct but This is no way Related to being economic or Military super power.
Top 3 declared Nuclear power ? - No >>>>>There are 7 declared nuclear powers and we are one them.
Top 3 with a credible nuclear deterrent ? - No>>>> Yes, we have credible Nulear deterance to deter our all enemy. We are getting strong day by day.
UNSC Seat with veto power ?>>>Yes, But our effort are on. We have emerged as one of the very important global player and Nobody can deny us this status. Infact UNSC is just incomplete without India being a member of that.
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