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Is India big enough to be a superpower?

yay or nay?

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People specially the racials cannot digest a former colony, non christian, non white, non western country going to superpower...that why they bring different parameters if u overcome that they set another parameter or say toilet, rape like worlds.But India was a superpower will again became superpower .

when india was super power ?
At 3 million square kilometers, in my opinion, no. China and the US are both 9.6 million square kilometers.
WHO WANTS to be superpower ? sorry not interested. its an expensive toy we can not afford it.
Chanting false and defaming india can't hide the truth.Only India and USA have the successful mars mission, don't count failed missions or those missions which failed to achieve its primary target like ESA mission.
That's just unfair. India's Mars mission had the lowest criteria for "success" of any Mars mission so far - get into orbit around Mars. Everyone else is trying to land there, and using closer orbits, multi-part designs, etc. Putting your one success above those missions is pathetic.

Further, everyone else has missions elsewhere as well. You have 1 mission to Mars. Nothing to anywhere else. Calling that "2nd best" is just dishonest.

Economy history of last 2000 years.....from 1st CE to 1000 CE indian economy was no. 1...
The Economic History of the Last 2,000 Years in 1 Little Graph - The Atlantic

Sorry but this a direct quote from the link you yourself posted above.. This is far from any criteria of being any power let alone a global super power..

In Year 1, India and China were home to one-third and one-quarter of the world's population, respectively. It's hardly surprising, then, that they also commanded one-third and one-quarter of the world's economy, respectively.

Before the Industrial Revolution, there wasn't really any such thing as lasting income growth from productivity. In the thousands of years before the Industrial Revolution, civilization was stuck in the Malthusian Trap. If lots of people died, incomes tended to go up, as fewer workers benefited from a stable supply of crops. If lots of people were born, however, incomes would fall, which often led to more deaths. That explains the "trap," and it also explains why populations so closely approximated GDP around the world.

Plus India as a political entity is only few hundred years old when the British colonists demarcated the area known as British India for administrative purposes and as state is only 67 years old.. Before that it was a geographical notion of a cluster of small states/kingdoms without any boundaries nor central power called Indian sub continent or hindustan.. Where from time to time certain kingdoms took over others increasing/decreasing the land area's
Sorry but this a direct quote from the link you yourself posted above.. This is far from any criteria of being any power let alone a global super power..

Plus India as a political entity is only few hundred years old when the British colonists demarcated the area known as British India for administrative purposes and as state is only 67 years old.. Before that it was a geographical notion of a cluster of small states/kingdoms without any boundaries nor central power called Indian sub continent or hindustan.. Where from time to time certain kingdoms took over others increasing/decreasing the land area's

India was a country before the born born of United Kingdom. United india existed before 400 BC.Before British rule the country was united check MOURYA empire, Martha emirate, Mogul empire .British er only divided the nation and made independent 555 princely states.
History of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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India was a country before the born born of United Kingdom. United india existed before 400 BC.Before British rule the country was united check MOURYA empire, Martha emirate, Mogul empire .British er only divided the nation and made independent 555 princely states.
History of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

India was never fully united. India is a collection of smaller sub kingdoms. A mini continent IMHO. It is actually worth congratulating Indian leaders to keep it united for the last 60 or so years. This is a feat never undertook in history before. AFAIK anyway India cannot become a global superpower because of the powerful internal political dynamics.

I would say India people is too proud and too eager to be admitted as superpower, than to face the reality
India is not small in size and population.
It has the potential to be a big power..
Yet its current economy and society stop it from release its potential.
As China join the competition of industrialization, there is hardly any room left for India..

Yes. The mentality of Indian people keeping them for reaping their full potential.

Chanting false and defaming india can't hide the truth.Only India and USA have the successful mars mission, don't count failed missions or those missions which failed to achieve its primary target like ESA mission.

Don't try to elate with just one victory. What India achieved was indeed significant. But don't condemn the efforts of other countries like USSR/Russia, Europe etc., because they have a proven track record on space travel.
in terms of space tech, china is leap and bounds ahead of india, fact. there are so many accomplishments by china that indian hasn't achieved, it's not even worth my time to list them here.
India is enough populated to be super power, strong contender after china but lacks potential and will that a nation require to be a super power, Its not Land size matters in becoming a super power but effective strategies to achieve long term goals and unity of a nation matters . India lacks both they can dream but not every dreamer achieve their goal, only the best one able to find his destination.
in terms of space tech, china is leap and bounds ahead of india, fact. there are so many accomplishments by china that indian hasn't achieved, it's not even worth my time to list them here.
Your above post is also a waste of time and memory space.

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