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Is India big enough to be a superpower?

yay or nay?

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At 3 million square kilometers, in my opinion, no. China and the US are both 9.6 million square kilometers.
The size of a country is measured by its population, not by its area. China and India are the biggest countries in the world by a large margin. They are both the superpowers of the future. Current distribution of power is due to the difference between the quality of people in different countries. But what is happening in the world is that people are becoming similar. A time will come when people all over the world will be equally smart and able. Then power of countries will only depend on size i.e the number of people they contain.
Delusional indians,bearing babies is much easier than raising IQ.
Havent the Chinese people improved in past 60 years. Now they are more able and smarter. Back then they were weak in front of Japanese and Europeans. Similarly other weaker people are becoming stronger as well. World is getting even.
size doesnt matter....ability does (that sounds a little funny when you say it)

israel is a tiny little spec of land and yet its neighbours have failed to subjugate it (of course it helps to have a blank check and strangle-hold from/over America)
The only way any country can become a superpower is by defeating USA in a full fledged war :coffee:
It says multiple votes are allowed. So I didnt take any chances.. Voted yay and nay!! :pop:

@PlanetWarrior what you think?
@ 1.2 million sq mi + Indian administered Kashmir 40,000 sq mi totaling 12.4 million sq mi

Area wise India is huge , it has a 'lot of land , so geographically yes India can be a super power
demographically No, it just has too high a population , 1,2 billion people is way too much ,even for a & $5 trillion dollar economy ,India at present is $2.5 trillion , the population needs to be stabilized at around 80 crore
over all No it cannot be a Super Power like U.S , Russia & China ,
but Yes India can be a super power like France & the UK
At 3 million square kilometers, in my opinion, no. China and the US are both 9.6 million square kilometers.

1. It is 3.3 million sq km, not 3

2. It is larger than UK + France + Belgium + Norway + Sweden + Finland + Denmark + Germany + Austria + Hungary + Italy + Greece + Switzerland + Czech republic + Slovakia + Slovenia + city states combined.

50cent-Army could not comprehend that India is a subcontinent in itself. The reason that India does not seem large on World map is because World maps are drawn on mercator projections which magnify areas as one gains latitude.The reason that they are in widespread use is because the tell true bearing thus allowing even amatures to navigate using these maps.

The Mercator projection is a cylindrical map projection presented by the Flemish geographer and cartographer Gerardus Mercator in 1569. It became the standard map projection for nautical purposes because of its ability to represent lines of constant course, known as rhumb lines or loxodromes, as straight segments which conserve the angles with the meridians. While the linear scale is equal in all directions around any point, thus preserving the angles and the shapes of small objects (which makes the projection conformal), the Mercator projection distorts the size and shape of large objects, as the scale increases from the Equator to the poles, where it becomes infinite.

Mercator projection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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