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Is India Better-off With Partition?

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Yeah, sure.. Got a lil carried away..

Happens, when you are discriminated in your own country FOR BEING IN MAJORITY..

Result of extreme and applied Pseudo Secularism by our Netas :angel:
Nothing personal mate..:angel:

Why do you feel that way - why do you think you are being discriminated for being hindu! ? see ive been out of india for very long i dont know the ground realities but ive got lots of hindu friends in uk and lot more in india & i have never heard of any discrimination for being a majority!

See at the end of the day we are all indians we should stand up as one - not as an individual.
Why do you feel that way - why do you think you are being discriminated for being hindu! ? see ive been out of india for very long i dont know the ground realities but ive got lots of hindu friends in uk and lot more in india & i have never heard of any discrimination for being a majority!

See at the end of the day we are all indians we should stand up as one - not as an individual.

Bcause pseudo securalism is being thrust down our throughts by netas with mollah from outside lands.Again I repeat, we dont want to be dhimmis in our own land.
I think he is talking about all the minority appeasing which scum bags like lalu and mulayam practice.......which in no way improved the social conditions of the indian muslims
Ok guys now...just tell me where will you people keep all the islamic extremists of Pakistan (who are always against India due to its hindu majority)if India and Pakistan is united??? Kashmir??? Do you think they will stop their activities against India?? dnt forget they are the reason why India and Pakistan has such relations today.
And I'll ask again to any Indian who talks about reunion...are they going to accept you ?? You can find the answer in this thread itself by our Pakistani counterpart...check it out.

bro, why keep them.. just follow chinese rules...:lol: if India Pakistan united ther wont be any kashmir issue.. the problem of the islamic extremists to my knowledge was the muslims being targeted by the majorities and u too know tat... and some idiots take advantage of these situation... forget about the pakistani counterpart first lets voice together... we call our country secular and there are still communal clashes... when there is a fight between two religions we side wit one of the religion and blame other... isnt it?
The fact of the matter is the 2 countries india and pakistan are born based on 2 different philosophies ( secularism ) and islamic philosophies. So it is not a conflict between 2 religions hindu or muslim but between 2 philosophies/ideologies. Pakistanis have grown up living in an different society than us, i don't think they can fit in. We are what we are because of our ideology not religion, race, caste or culture

Well i see you point of view - but why did it all happened ? see even jinnah regretted the seperation, my opinion can it be undone! cant it ?

If you ask for exg: see turkey it was hardcore islamic but things have changed havent they ? see the current turkey its very modern and its population is muslim.
Well i see you point of view - but why did it all happened ? see even jinnah regretted the seperation, my opinion can it be undone! cant it ?

If you ask for exg: see turkey it was hardcore islamic but things have changed havent they ? see the current turkey its very modern and its population is muslim.

That is why they are not being accepted in the E.U and even in europe, there is a systematic campaign to target muslims including in canada.Just proves my point.
Well put simply, partition was best for both countries. Otherwise civil war would have erupted. Even during the partition millions were killed.

The only way India would have been one piece was if the majority of religious leaders from both sides were smart, tolerant people. Unfortunately they weren't.

Seriously, i don't see the point of this thread. Partition happened. And I don't see India and Pakistan uniting anywhere in the near or distant future. I really do wish we can all get along without fighting, but I don't think uniting will work.
Well i see you point of view - but why did it all happened ? see even jinnah regretted the seperation, my opinion can it be undone! cant it ?

If you ask for exg: see turkey it was hardcore islamic but things have changed havent they ? see the current turkey its very modern and its population is muslim.

may be, may not be, but first they have to change their way don't they, let them embrace secularism for a start, we can talk about remerging later i will bet my indian passport that they won't. You see it is never a problem about moderates whether in india and pakistan. I am sure the moderate pakistani muslims will continue to live as peacefully as they are now. But it is about the extremists we are on about. They don't give a **** about love and peace, same culture etc. They will blow up a few kaffirs(to use their word) if they can. I don't think india as a nation can't take it.

You quote turkey, but turkey has been undergoing a transformation for the last 60 years. So may be we can talk about unification after a century may be. :cheers: hope you see my point.
That is why they are not being accepted in the E.U and even in europe, there is a systematic campaign to target muslims including in canada.Just proves my point.

Its just matter of time before turkey becomes part of EU,

Well if you look at the situation in europe turkey is more of less part of it as visas to turks are given as handouts if they wanna travel to europe and settle down!

Turkey gets majority of tourists from europe - well ive been there myself and travelled around to europe - Everywhere u see turkish they are fastly replacing pakistanis be it in opening up a take aways or any other business pakistanis had.

See again - if you are european u dont need a visa to visit turkey - well, and most of the europeans are busy buying holiday resorts in turkey, see the integration is happening! it would be sometime before it fully integrates.
Why do you feel that way - why do you think you are being discriminated for being hindu! ? see ive been out of india for very long i dont know the ground realities but ive got lots of hindu friends in uk and lot more in india & i have never heard of any discrimination for being a majority!

See at the end of the day we are all indians we should stand up as one - not as an individual.

Have you heard of ghazwa hind.Do u know that hindu and muslim ideoligies and people clashed thousands of years ago and are still doing .Now do u should get a history lesson of how our vedic land was treated.Even Kashmir belonged to rishi Kashyap for a tattered portion of which we are fighting.
bro, why keep them.. just follow chinese rules...:lol: if India Pakistan united ther wont be any kashmir issue.. the problem of the islamic extremists to my knowledge was the muslims being targeted by the majorities and u too know tat
and some idiots take advantage of these situation..

No brother you are wrong !! Kashmir is nothing more than a cover up for all these anti India element....your point is not completely wrong so I would say yes few people who actually fight for Kashmir would come to terms with it but what about the majority of brainwashed people who target India without any logic??? If these people wanted Kashmir issue to be solved then why did they chose Mumbai?? how is it connected??
forget about the pakistani counterpart first lets voice together... we call our country secular and there are still communal clashes... when there is a fight between two religions we side wit one of the religion and blame other... isnt it?

our country is secular brother and I am very proud of it..it feels great to see minorities like me living in peace with all other religions..but its just we Indian people (sikh,muslims,hindus,etc) who think that way and the reason is that we are secular.I can show you thousand of hindus and muslim in India talking about reunion because they are ideology is such that they want a peaceful and brotherly environment...its the democratic culture of India that has allowed us to think that way...everyone does not think that way !!
you can join communities in orkut trying to reunite the two countries ,but just check it once ,how many people from the other side are its member...who does not want peace??? sad but true !
Add to that Devi Sonia And Rahul Baba and a majority of congresswalahs:angry:

You just hate congress dont you lol ?

do you support the likes of prakash karat, mayawathi , george fernandes (the big coffin scammer) or the likes of thackerys or the likes of reddy brothers in karnakta bjp - see they are looting karnataka resources in daylight,

Sorry bit out of topic what would u want and who do you want us to lead ?

I understand the current bread of politicians are crap - but younger generation like, rahul, schindia arent bad!

I dont know when was the last time you voted ? iam sorry just a random question - i read it somewhere most of the educated lot dont wanna vote!
No brother you are wrong !! Kashmir is nothing more than a cover up for all these anti India element....your point is not completely wrong so I would say yes few people who actually fight for Kashmir would come to terms with it but what about the majority of brainwashed people who target India without any logic??? If these people wanted Kashmir issue to be solved then why did they chose Mumbai?? how is it connected??

our country is secular brother and I am very proud of it..it feels great to see minorities like me living in peace with all other religions..but its just we Indian people (sikh,muslims,hindus,etc) who think that way and the reason is that we are secular.I can show you thousand of hindus and muslim in India talking about reunion because they are ideology is such that they want a peaceful and brotherly environment...its the democratic culture of India that has allowed us to think that way...everyone does not think that way !!
you can join communities in orkut trying to reunite the two countries ,but just check it once ,how many people from the other side are its member...who does not want peace??? sad but true !

Yaar I am half sikh, I am not a minority , why do u call yourself minority.Sri Guru gobind singh Ji did not make such huge sacrificies thinking of himself as a minority.Pls dont do that if u are a minority so am I but I dont consider it to be so.
Have you heard of ghazwa hind.Do u know that hindu and muslim ideoligies and people clashed thousands of years ago and are still doing .Now do u should get a history lesson of how our vedic land was treated.Even Kashmir belonged to rishi Kashyap for a tattered portion of which we are fighting.

Muslims invaded india and spread the religion, apart from few theives who ever invaded india stayed here and loved the peacefull nature of the humans and and built monuments.

Akbar & jodha, tippu sultan build temples for hindu brothers! tell me one ruler of india - apart from those theives who actually destoryed the fabric of india like the english did ?

history lessons will do wont they ?
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