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Is India Better-off With Partition?

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We would have one thing that would overshadow all that you have tried to compile. TALIBAN!!
That answers your question.

Lol you guys are ganging up aren't you:),

Well i have answered your questions in my previous post -

Who created taliban, jehadists and why were they created ?

thanks for reading my post.

Again iam not saying unification should be forced it should be mutual.
Ya we know u guys want another partition.Guess what : try it.

I dont want to disappoint you further - if you dont want to participate and have a healthy debate - why would u get on personal ? this same type of thinking destroyed us - lets not make that happen again , iam matured to take that comment of urs as a joke :)

Hope you had a good weekend so far.:toast_sign:
Lol you guys are ganging up aren't you:),

Well i have answered your questions in my previous post -

Who created taliban, jehadists and why were they created ?

thanks for reading my post.

Again iam not saying unification should be forced it should be mutual.

How can it be mutual when only 2 guys in India support it and none on the other side? Wake up!!
how come we are discussing getting united with bangladesh and Pakistan if the topic title simply asks - is india better - off with Partition??
I personaly do not like the idea of reunion cause our ideoligies do not match at all...whoever supports th reunion must know given a chance they would never opt for reunion..and thy are actually correct cause they know we cant exist together and thus they decided to go away from united India..its not that they were thrown out forcibly.
If reunited instead of more becoming more powerful..Indian system will go haywire..and on top of that new problems like Taliban and other terrorist groups who live in Pakistan in disguise will get a safe heaven and will be wasier for them to operate against us.
But most importantly - how can you forget Pakistan can never be our friend..they were never our friend and they are our biggest enemy who fought two wars with us.
**My opinion about Pakistan here is not based on religion but a country as a whole.
u are in complete contradiction wit yr signature...

And my mind is mature not in dreamland, and I am a peace lover, I don't want to end up on Taliban side of things. Hope you can draw parallels with my signature now.
Well the first half of my question was beautifully answered - well why was the second half of my question missed ? was it purposefull ?

Well thanks i need that mirco grain of brain again to understand why was my second half of question beautifully evaded ?

Second half of the question is indeed for your micro brain.

Hey nothing personal.. peace???:cheers:
How can it be mutual when only 2 guys in India support it and none on the other side? Wake up!!

there are more people who support this... if u wish u could visit orkut communities... only those who cant even think about true fruit of reunification will oppose it blindly...
How can it be mutual when only 2 guys in India support it and none on the other side? Wake up!!

Its not hard to convince the 3rd you ist ?

See we have the majority now - :victory:

On the brighter side dont think our dicussion will lead to anything of that sort - chillax and relax its a debate - jump in with your thoughts yeah ofcourse with logic.

Chilling out in a forum with a topic instead of getting personal isnt too hard ist ?
how come we are discussing getting united with bangladesh and Pakistan if the topic title simply asks - is india better - off with Partition??
I personaly do not like the idea of reunion cause our ideoligies do not match at all...whoever supports th reunion must know given a chance they would never opt for reunion..and thy are actually correct cause they know we cant exist together and thus they decided to go away from united India..its not that they were thrown out forcibly.
If reunited instead of more becoming more powerful..Indian system will go haywire..and on top of that new problems like Taliban and other terrorist groups who live in Pakistan in disguise will get a safe heaven and will be wasier for them to operate against us.
But most importantly - how can you forget Pakistan can never be our friend..they were never our friend and they are our biggest enemy who fought two wars with us.
**My opinion about Pakistan here is not based on religion but a country as a whole.

And no matter how much I fight with indian jatt or brown guy or how much we hate each other nobody will call for partition.Sometimes the truth from the other side spills out.Dont worry have a nice day.
Over and out.
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