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Is India Better-off With Partition?

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bro, those silly jehadis have withstood USA which is currently the most powerful country in the world, what makes you think that they can't withstand us?

Iam glad you came up with that question - however if you understand the whole concept of standing against USA. do you think its really possible for tiny bunch of jehadis standing against a mighty army without external support ?

USA wants those jehadis cuz the larger game plan is to make sure there is no peace.

Well Osama bin laden is long dead according to this news paper much before the september attacks, i might be wrong its just my opinion

bin Laden has funeral
It doesnt need a 'micro gram" of brain to understand i thanked jinnah for seperating pakistan from my country INDIA.

Well the first half of my question was beautifully answered - well why was the second half of my question missed ? was it purposefull ?

Well thanks i need that mirco grain of brain again to understand why was my second half of question beautifully evaded ?
Well the first half of my question was beautifully answered - well why was the second half of my question missed ? was it purposefull ?

Well thanks i need that mirco grain of brain again to understand why was my second half of question beautifully evaded ?

Hindus dont want to be dhimmis in their own country.Is it too difficult to understand.
I would like to see india unit again, start of with uniting bangladesh and see it goes! and then pakistan.

It's not gonna happen buddy. I think we have too many dissimilarities(ideology) between us to be one nation. It would be nice if we get along and respect our sovereignty, ideology, culture and cooperate each other for the interest of the people.
How many more Mumbai attacks do you need to realize the fact that your rant of Hindu-Muslim bhai-bhai is just PUNGENT GAS.. Does it take all that much calculus to make out that people like kasab are not an one off??.. Their types ring their numbers in millions.. Do thousands have to die before we realize that godhra was not a train accident.. Bombay Blast was not a one off.. Akshar-dham and Sankat Mochan massacre were not commited by foreigners..

The concept of Brainwashed Muslims is a myth.. Its a choice they make for themselves.. Go figure what is being taught to thousands of young brains in the madarasaas of Hyderabads and Aligarhs in India.. :angel:

When the mullas preach you even as teetotaler, that Hannouds are dimmis and inferiors beings to the BELIEVERS, and need to be exterminated at all costs to bring ISLAMIC rule on the earth, the concept of INDIAN FIRST dies a speedy and natural death..
Whome would you blame for this malice, the Government of India??.. And are the parents, who send their wards to such institutes of excellence not to be blamed?? Eh??..

So much for your Pseudo Secular Lalaland...:rofl:

You go live in your Alice in wonderland, while I love my Hindustan of today.. :smitten:

Thank You Mohammed Ali Jinnah.. You are the Best Leader our country ever had.. :pakistan:

the problem wit u people is not the pakistanis its the religion... and what do BJP, RSS,VHP preach??? peace???????????
the problem wit u people is not the pakistanis its the religion... and what do BJP, RSS,VHP preach??? peace???????????

I repeat BJP,RSS etc. are hindus like us and we dont wont to live like dhimmis in our own country.
It's not gonna happen buddy. I think we have too many dissimilarities(ideology) between us to be one nation. It would be nice if we get along and respect our sovereignty, ideology, culture and cooperate each other for the interest of the people.

I thought u were gonna come up come up some evidence which proves bangladesh/pakistan has more number of middle class than india,

We will further segregate those further into relgions and see if india's muslims has more middle class than bangladesh well ofcourse we will take care of percentages as well.
How many more Mumbai attacks do you need to realize the fact that your rant of Hindu-Muslim bhai-bhai is just PUNGENT GAS.. Does it take all that much calculus to make out that people like kasab are not an one off??.. Their types ring their numbers in millions.. Do thousands have to die before we realize that godhra was not a train accident.. Bombay Blast was not a one off.. Akshar-dham and Sankat Mochan massacre were not commited by foreigners..

The concept of Brainwashed Muslims is a myth.. Its a choice they make for themselves.. Go figure what is being taught to thousands of young brains in the madarasaas of Hyderabads and Aligarhs in India.. :angel:

When the mullas preach you even as teetotaler, that Hannouds are dimmis and inferiors beings to the BELIEVERS, and need to be exterminated at all costs to bring ISLAMIC rule on the earth, the concept of INDIAN FIRST dies a speedy and natural death..
Whome would you blame for this malice, the Government of India??.. And are the parents, who send their wards to such institutes of excellence not to be blamed?? Eh??..

So much for your Pseudo Secular Lalaland...:rofl:

You go live in your Alice in wonderland, while I love my Hindustan of today.. :smitten:

Thank You Mohammed Ali Jinnah.. You are the Best Leader our country ever had.. :pakistan:

Well i must say you have figured out everything whats going on in madrasas in aligarh and hyderabad or its just a hot gas ?

Can you provide the evidence,

Well my two paise if indian muslims stand up forget the theory of one nation - i would rather say do not even dream - there would be a nother partition of india.

So stop being silly and stop talking without any logic.
How many more Mumbai attacks do you need to realize the fact that your rant of Hindu-Muslim bhai-bhai is just PUNGENT GAS.. Does it take all that much calculus to make out that people like kasab are not an one off??.. Their types ring their numbers in millions.. Do thousands have to die before we realize that godhra was not a train accident.. Bombay Blast was not a one off.. Akshar-dham and Sankat Mochan massacre were not commited by foreigners..

The concept of Brainwashed Muslims is a myth.. Its a choice they make for themselves.. Go figure what is being taught to thousands of young brains in the madarasaas of Hyderabads and Aligarhs in India.. :angel:

When the mullas preach you even as teetotaler, that Hannouds are dimmis and inferiors beings to the BELIEVERS, and need to be exterminated at all costs to bring ISLAMIC rule on the earth, the concept of INDIAN FIRST dies a speedy and natural death..
Whome would you blame for this malice, the Government of India??.. And are the parents, who send their wards to such institutes of excellence not to be blamed?? Eh??..

So much for your Pseudo Secular Lalaland...:rofl:

You go live in your Alice in wonderland, while I love my Hindustan of today.. :smitten:

Thank You Mohammed Ali Jinnah.. You are the Best Leader our country ever had.. :pakistan:

Oye...look who's here:cheers: Babaji is back:lol: to give us gyan:D
Welcome back bro
Well i must say you have figured out everything whats going on in madrasas in aligarh and hyderabad or its just a hot gas ?

Can you provide the evidence,

Well my two paise if indian muslims stand up forget the theory of one nation - i would rather say do not even dream - there would be a nother partition of india.

So stop being silly and stop talking without any logic.

Ya we know u guys want another partition.Guess what : try it.
Lets not be shallow in the way we think - first lets understand what United india was -

1) United india had world's first university (Nalanda Takshashila)
2) India was more advanced than any other european nation
3) Hindus / muslims and other religions co-existed peacefully and also contributed to the growth
4) United India was the most prosperous country & had most successfull civilizations
5) United india had huge number of ancinet monuments (Hampi, Qutub Minar, Taj Mahal & many other places which i cant remember now.
6) United India had the most Arble land in the Asia with Natural Resources spread all over the country.
7) Most important United indians were the most civilized nation on the whole planet - when europeans were bashing each others heads with sticks and eating ants for survivial, we had civilizations such as Mohenjo-daro

I could go on for ever -

Lets now understand what went wrong!

1) British rule in india (Destroyed the fabric of society)
2) Destroyed our university systems like guru & shisha
3) destroyed our water preservations systems
4) destroyed our agriculture
5) destroyed our technology
6) destroyed our peace, intergrity & self tolerance.
7) finally broke united india is different peices by brining CIA designed religion.

Well now lets understand what could we had if we were united.

1) Single nation (that itself is a huge word)
2) No nasty neighbours
3) Peacefull co-existence - (arent we existing peacefully today ? in india)
4) United india would have developed far more faster than what today's india is - cuz it took decades for india to forgo the pain of partition.
5) People talk about afghanistan being a problem ? how would that have been a problem at all - India supported russian occupation in afghanistan we would have continued to do so - and our georgaphies would have been different - now dont tell me there would be spill over from afghanistan -if russians were still there.
6) United would have a say in the world and actually made decisions for the world
7) India as united could act a greater force and all the middle east would be sucking to us instead of USA.
I can go on and on and on .

We can still acheive all of that - its not gonna happen in a day or two - people need to change how to think and act today! it might take a decade of two but if we really wish to unite again, it has to start somewher.

Well we south asians have gone through a lot and its good that we stand up and realise what we could have been - we may go through hassles but at the end is very happy ending for us and our future generations to come!

If you want to comment of my post plz no personnel attacks.

We would have one thing that would overshadow all that you have tried to compile. TALIBAN!!
That answers your question.
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