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Is India Better-off With Partition?

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I thank him as well! Partition was better for India than Pakistan and BD. As a human QEA Jinnah was a great just like Sardar Patel, much better than others.
Speak for urself I have no intention of praying in mosques.Partition should have meant all muslims should have been transferred to pakistan as it was then.Did it happen.No.Now I want our own culture and religion's to be practised.Not imported from K.S.A

Sorry to sound bit confusing - Religion in pakistan is not imported from KSA - its version of islam specfically designed in CIA Labs to destroy and capture.
We all know Jinnah was most secular muslim than any other muslim we find today in Pakistan, if you see now its all gone down the drain.

There are many exg: i would not like to quota any but if you look at the higher side you would know what i mean.

Well indian muslims are well protected with this kinda of misuse in the name of religion, however i would also like to point out some people are continuing with their endless efforts just to fail.
its not the things u mentioned holding India together.. its the love for the mother country tat is holding us together... am an christian and some four generation back they were hindus and this doesnt make an European or an American... its my Indian blood tat makes me Indian. and one more thing culture and religion are not the same...

Chritians, parsis, jews, zorastrans are minorities I can comfortably live together with. Not a religion which espouses ghawa hind in my country.I know religon and culture are different but do have lot of commonalities.
its not the things u mentioned holding India together.. its the love for the mother country tat is holding us together... am an christian and some four generation back they were hindus and this doesnt make an European or an American... its my Indian blood tat makes me Indian. and one more thing culture and religion are not the same...

sorry for being off topic

So what makes you even consider, that united India would have been better? Stop living in Lala land.
Just close your eyes and picture it for one second!!!!
I hope that helped change your pseudo liberal views.
Chritians, parsis, jews, zorastrans are minorities I can comfortably live together with. Not a religion which espouses ghawa hind in my country.I know religon and culture are different but do have lot of commonalities.

bro dont forget there are many muslims in our armed forces who were guarding us 24x7.. there are even good muslims in pak too who love peace.. and the problem is brainwashed muslims like Kasab,etc who dont even know wat they were upto... they dont represent any religion. they are just a******s... no offence: i wud suggest you not to hate any religion or its followers jst bcz of some a******s....
Chritians, parsis, jews, zorastrans are minorities I can comfortably live together with. Not a religion which espouses ghawa hind in my country.I know religon and culture are different but do have lot of commonalities.

DONT bring religion into this....every Indian is INDIAN FIRST and hindu , muslim , sikh, christan later.
Let there be no doubt about it, we are far, far better off without them. Especially in the current context. As if India doesn't have enough to worry about already, imagine having to worry about ~170 million Bangladeshis ($690 per capita) and ~180 Pakistanis (Islamic terrorism, economy, global image).

For whatever its worth, India is growing steadily, we'll have a 2 trillion dollar economy in ~5 years, we've managed to remain a stable, secular democracy even through testing times etc. etc.

Cooperation? sure, but there is simply no benefit of uniting with Pakistan or Bangladesh, I don't see what either country has to offer.
Pakistanis and Indians both are happy that they got seperated...thats tells the story.

As an Indian i would say it was great that partition occured cause people with different ideologies got seperated and that certainly helped India to grow much more than their counterpart.

The only sad part just like every story has one is that several families and brothers got seperated and people who never had any enemity btween them had to leave their places and neighbours which was suffered by the people of both the sides... :pakistan:

But there is no way that we can think of getting united with Pakistn again.
Let there be no doubt about it, we are far, far better off without them. Especially in the current context. As if India doesn't have enough to worry about already, imagine having to worry about ~170 million Bangladeshis ($690 per capita) and ~180 Pakistanis (Islamic terrorism, economy, global image).

For whatever its worth, India is growing steadily, we'll have a 2 trillion dollar economy in ~5 years, we've managed to remain a stable, secular democracy even through testing times etc. etc.

Cooperation? sure, but there is simply no benefit of uniting with Pakistan or Bangladesh, I don't see what either country has to offer.

i do agree wit your views but do consider this if Pakistan's and Bangladesh's economy grows with a good growth, they would no would they will put their entire money to destabilize India and at that time we cannot grow at this rate for sure.. even with this low economy its already causing much headache to us.. u cannot deny this... its better act now than feel later...
Why are we discussing the issues of 1947 when we have tons of issues today to discuss about? This is a Lame and a stupid topic in today's scenario in my opinion

Ditto that, don't dwell on the past. I personally think Partition was the greatest thing for both of our countries.
Let there be no doubt about it, we are far, far better off without them. Especially in the current context. As if India doesn't have enough to worry about already, imagine having to worry about ~170 million Bangladeshis ($690 per capita) and ~180 Pakistanis (Islamic terrorism, economy, global image).

For whatever its worth, India is growing steadily, we'll have a 2 trillion dollar economy in ~5 years, we've managed to remain a stable, secular democracy even through testing times etc. etc.

Cooperation? sure, but there is simply no benefit of uniting with Pakistan or Bangladesh, I don't see what either country has to offer.

Lets not be shallow in the way we think - first lets understand what United india was -

1) United india had world's first university (Nalanda Takshashila)
2) India was more advanced than any other european nation
3) Hindus / muslims and other religions co-existed peacefully and also contributed to the growth
4) United India was the most prosperous country & had most successfull civilizations
5) United india had huge number of ancinet monuments (Hampi, Qutub Minar, Taj Mahal & many other places which i cant remember now.
6) United India had the most Arble land in the Asia with Natural Resources spread all over the country.
7) Most important United indians were the most civilized nation on the whole planet - when europeans were bashing each others heads with sticks and eating ants for survivial, we had civilizations such as Mohenjo-daro

I could go on for ever -

Lets now understand what went wrong!

1) British rule in india (Destroyed the fabric of society)
2) Destroyed our university systems like guru & shisha
3) destroyed our water preservations systems
4) destroyed our agriculture
5) destroyed our technology
6) destroyed our peace, intergrity & self tolerance.
7) finally broke united india is different peices by brining CIA designed religion.

Well now lets understand what could we had if we were united.

1) Single nation (that itself is a huge word)
2) No nasty neighbours
3) Peacefull co-existence - (arent we existing peacefully today ? in india)
4) United india would have developed far more faster than what today's india is - cuz it took decades for india to forgo the pain of partition.
5) People talk about afghanistan being a problem ? how would that have been a problem at all - India supported russian occupation in afghanistan we would have continued to do so - and our georgaphies would have been different - now dont tell me there would be spill over from afghanistan -if russians were still there.
6) United would have a say in the world and actually made decisions for the world
7) India as united could act a greater force and all the middle east would be sucking to us instead of USA.
I can go on and on and on .

We can still acheive all of that - its not gonna happen in a day or two - people need to change how to think and act today! it might take a decade of two but if we really wish to unite again, it has to start somewher.

Well we south asians have gone through a lot and its good that we stand up and realise what we could have been - we may go through hassles but at the end is very happy ending for us and our future generations to come!

If you want to comment of my post plz no personnel attacks.
Let there be no doubt about it, we are far, far better off without them. Especially in the current context. As if India doesn't have enough to worry about already, imagine having to worry about ~170 million Bangladeshis ($690 per capita) and ~180 Pakistanis (Islamic terrorism, economy, global image).

For whatever its worth, India is growing steadily, we'll have a 2 trillion dollar economy in ~5 years, we've managed to remain a stable, secular democracy even through testing times etc. etc.

Cooperation? sure, but there is simply no benefit of uniting with Pakistan or Bangladesh, I don't see what either country has to offer.

Oh well u forgot to mention - what would happen to stock markets all over pakistan india and bangladesh if we announced today india will be united! just imagine the scenario what will happen to investments not only investments people mindset will change and will be more patriotic and actually it will benfit us.

Let me ask you now to give me numbers in dollars

Give me numbers when our resources and potentials are unlocked ? will the GDP will go up or down ?
Will there be less or more employment oppurtunites ?
Would be there a terrorism threat ?
What would happen to our tourism ?
Sum and and give me numbers! lets not blindly make assumptions without valid points to support our claims

As i said and ill say it again it has to come from the heart not just cuz someone has forced us to unite every single invidual should strong belive we should be united, there are always some antisocial elements we have force to deal with them with strong hands if needed.
Oh well u forgot to mention - what would happen to stock markets all over pakistan india and bangladesh if we announced today india will be united! just imagine the scenario what will happen to investments not only investments people mindset will change and will be more patriotic and actually it will benfit the us.

As i said and ill say it again it has to come from the heart not just cuz someone has forced us to unite every single invidual should strong belive we should be united, there are always some antisocial elements we have force to deal with them with strong hands if needed.

man we( Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis ) have time only to show our hatred, we dont hav time to think beyond this...
man we( Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis ) have time only to show our hatred, we dont hav time to think beyond this...

Yup so true - well its just my opinion and my intention was to put my opinion accross in a clear way - re unification is gonna happen,

Be it tomorrow or a century after and its certain.

Our little efforts could only speed up our reunification! what say ?
Yup so true - well its just my opinion and my intention was to put my opinion accross in a clear way - re unification is gonna happen,

Be it tomorrow or a century after and its certain.

Our little efforts could only speed up our reunification! what say ?

sure bro...:cheers: jai hind
once tat happens i'l change my avatar..
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