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IRGC missile war games to begin tomorrow, 100 designated targets

WHY? This is funny thing is missile shield is a defensive project againts rouge nations who want send balistic missiles to devatate cities , a protection againts mass murder weapons.Why are you guys offend by this shield? Are you guys planning send balistic missiles againts our nation?

This shield's purpose is to neutralize Iran's retaliation after attacks is committed against Iran. Therefore shield purpose is not peaceful, its to make an attack on Iran easier and less painful for West and its alies.

In such case Turkey would be an accomplice in criminal war against Iran, even if they wouldnt send its own fighters to attack Iran.
unfortunately turkey has proved she doesnt act smartly in regional issues as well.
guys do you know what kind of missiles are needed for destroying NATO radar base in Turkey?can we hit them with our recently-unveiled anti radar balistic missiles?
well , so what is sukhoi PAKFA ? even if it don't be better than F22 it's equall to it
and if iran launch missile at israel and turkey destroy it is a act of war but , if he just be a good boy and let them pass then ...

First of all, the missile batteries that will destroy any possible threat are located on Poland and Romania. There is only the radar in Turkey.

And i don't think Israel would rely on a radar that located in Turkey too much. I'm sure they have their own toys.

Russia is not focussing on a possible war with the US, although some people think otherwise. Russia's air force industry is primarily based on selling's, a good alternative for countries who doesn't want (or can) buy American aircraft fighters. Besides that, Russia have better access to new generation fighters than Iran have.

I'm just saying that you sounded like it is totally a waste of money to invest in airforce if your enemy will remain superior.
First of all, the missile batteries that will destroy any possible threat are located on Poland and Romania. There is only the radar in Turkey.

And i don't think Israel would rely on a radar that located in Turkey too much. I'm sure they have their own toys.

I'm just saying that you sounded like it is totally a waste of money to invest in airforce if your enemy will remain superior.

yes true ! but russia have enough air force to stop US superior air force , Su35 , PAKFA etc ...
so they didn't waste their money
for hitting the radar if its less than 300km away we can use missile lite Fateh-110 but if its distance is more we can use shahab missiles with cluster warhead .
The cluster war head is a 1 ton warhead with 1400 bomb-let .

for hitting the radar if its less than 300km away we can use missile lite Fateh-110 but if its distance is more we can use shahab missiles with cluster warhead .
The cluster war head is a 1 ton warhead with 1400 bomb-let .
Sejjil 2 is much better for hitting radars , because wee need speed and low CEP
watched and loved the video thanks I pray for Iran to become the Supreme leader of the Islamic Countries

who will bring peace and prosperity to other
Armed Karrar (PressTV):

Very beautiful photos.
What are those curly smokes? I wonder.

Also, the new painting for the Persian Gulf missile looks great. Finally a proper painting for an Iranian missile.

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