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IRGC establishes red lines on any Military Invasion into Armenia

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I'm a Palestinian born and raised in Chicago. You are a namak harami going on tinder dates with bikini-clad Florida women. All while annoying us about Islamic Iran.

You're a zionist in Occupied Palestine and Beny Karachun is your second user account. When logged in as Falcon29, you pretend to be a Palestinian refugee in Detroit, and spread sectarianism among Muslims because that's what the regime in Tel Aviv is paying you for. That's why you were banned a hundred times or so.

Btw clown, you guys already made this accusation before and a moderator shut it down. I don't have vpn like you. If you have nothing to hide disable your vpn.

Of course you're using a VPN, harlequin. Disable it now and stop concealing your identity.
You're a zionist in Occupied Palestine and Beny Karachun is your second user account. When logged in as Falcon29, you pretend to be a Palestinian refugee in Detroit, and spread sectarianism among Muslims as per the zionist agenda.

Of course you're using a VPN you harlequin. Disable it now and stop hiding your identity, Beny boy.
Niswanjee kalb you drive a Audi A3 in Florida. I know your boys. You go clubbing on weekends and come on PDF trying to sell us about some Islamic Iran. And you admitted to mods you have a vpn for 'security reasons'. And you guys went to Waz profile to ask if I am Beny, and he already said no its not the same person. I don't have vpn like you.
Niswanjee kalb you drive a Audi A3 in Florida. I know your boys. You go clubbing on weekends and come on PDF trying to sell us about some Islamic Iran.

Beny, you're a so-called Isra"el"i-Arab in Occupied Palestine collaborating with the zionists. Earning pennies from spreading sectarianism on this website and trying very had to instigate Shia-Sunni animosity between Pakistani forum users, under the fake identity of an Irish-Palestinian asylum seeker in Detroit. When in reality you're doing this as a part time job, your main occupation consists in cleaning the homes of zionist corporals in an illegal West Bank settlement. Stop denying the obvious, Beny.

And you admitted to mods you have a vpn for 'security reasons'.

For privacy reasons. But, what exactly are you using a VPN for? Now that is the real question. While not being brave enough to admit it, Beny, huh? Yes, we know. We know it all.

And you guys went to Waz profile to ask if I am Beny, and he already said no its not the same person. I don't have vpn like you.

You'd need to turn off your VPN so that mods will be able to verify. We demand that you do it now! Of course, considering that you're on the payroll of regime institutions in Tel Aviv, they've equipped you with high end software to conceal your disingenuous game, Beny. But I'm smarter than that, and I just proved everything I stated.
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Beny, you're a so-called Isra"el"i-Arab in Occupied Palestine collaborating with the zionists. Earning pennies from spreading sectarianism on this website and trying very had to instigate Shia-Sunni animosity between Pakistani forum users, under the fake identity of an Irish-Palestinian asylum seeker in Detroit. When in reality you're doing this as a part time job, your main occupation consists in cleaning the homes of zionist corporals in an illegal West Bank settlement. Stop denying the obvious, Beny.

For privacy reasons. But, what exactly are you using a VPN for? Now that is the real question. While not being brave enough to admit it, Beny, huh? Yes, we know. We know it all.

You'd need to turn off your VPN so that mods will be able to verify. We demand that you do it now! Of course, considering that you're on the payroll of regime institutions in Tel Aviv, they've equipped you with high end software to conceal your disingenuous game, Beny. But I'm smarter than that, and I just proved everything I stated.

I can confirm he is not Benny. I have taken falcon out for lunch at a shitty falafel place and bought him some Nike air max 2’s. He is like my little brother that my parents didn’t want. So stop the lies.
I can confirm he is not Benny. I have taken falcon out for lunch at a shitty falafel place and bought him some Nike air max 2’s. He is like my little brother that my parents didn’t want. So stop the lies.

And I can confirm he is indeed Beny. The fact that he's using a VPN and not admitting it is proof enough.

By the way, it's this user who has constantly been attempting to bug me with some utterly psychotic hallucinations they're having.

I've been patient for long enough, never reacted as they were repeating the nonsense maybe thirty to forty times over a period of many months. So I'm sorry, but as long as this subject keeps it up, they shall receive a higher caliber response of the same type. If this bothers you, it's them you'll need to enjoin to cease mentioning me in their silly trash talk. Otherwise I'll have to show them what well inspired creativity actually looks like.
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And I can confirm he is indeed Beny. The fact that he's using a VPN and not admitting it is proof enough.

By the way, it's this user constantly trying to bug me with some completely psychotic hallucinations they're having about me.

I've been patient for long enough, did not react when they repeated the nonsense for maybe thirty to forty times. So I'm sorry, but as long as this subject keeps it up, he shall receive a higher caliber response of the same kind. If this bothers you, it's them you'll need to enjoin to cease mentioning me in their trash talk.
You are having a mental breakdown, go outside.
You are having a mental breakdown, go outside.

As usual, you fail at analyzing online posts and gleaning proper conclusions about their authors. It's okay though Beny, keep trying, even a broken clock is right twice a day as the saying goes. Maybe, just maybe you too will manage to produce something worthwhile sometime in a very distant future.
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Salahuddin was the Brain and majority of his fighters were non-kurds.... Kurds, armenian and Farsis are not warrior material or stock...

Look I am unbiased this 6 are even better fighters then arabs ..> Turkics, Caucaus, Pakthuns, Azeris, Turks and Mongols but when it comes to these 3 I mentioned above they are the opposite of good whereas Arabs are in the middle but definitely far above these Iranic adminstrators
what happened when Persians gulf Arabs invaded Iran with the backing of west and east in 1980
who stopped Roman expansion to the east. who stopped Othman empire expansion to the east , who destroyed Omayyad dynasty , who made a vassal of Abbasid Caliph ? who throw Purtoguese out of Persians gulf? which country in middle east never colonized ?
Yeah, but we cannot trust Armenia with our weapons and military intelligence when Pashinyan is in power. Although Pashinyan has a very shaky position in Armenia and can be toppled any day if a new war erupts. People already blame him for the poor performance of Armenia in the last war.
the last round of war it was drones that gave Azerbaijan the upper hand , if it become necessary we can provide ATGM and Drones to Armenia. and those thing won't effect our security at all, but when it become necessary ? the answer is that if Azerbaijan Attack mainland Armenia , that will be crossing our redline which is the border of our neighbors . about Karabagh well Iran stand many time stated , it belong to Azerbaijan but we don't support capturing it by war as it result in displacement of hundred of thousands of peoples , just like what happened several decade ago, we don't want that and that's why we insist Armenia and Azerbaijan must solve it at a table not battlefield . to me best solution for it would be something like China and Hongkong or what china is offering Taiwan
I already proved to forum staff and audience that you are double user @Aspen whom resides in Florida.

He is really entertaining though, makes the forum exciting again. Everytime he gets banned and comes back with new accounts about flattening Houthi's and invading Iran, lol.
I guess you also believed I reside in Japan :undecided:
I guess you also believed I reside in Japan :undecided:

Beny didn't know what a VPN is nor how it works until we taught him. To think they don't even teach their Isra"eli"-Arab online footmen basic network concepts down there in Occupied Palestine.

Then he thought he has a crystal ball and can blindly guess when our VPN's are turned on and when they're off... Seems like they'll don't just have to attend classes on network technology, but also to be handed some appropriate medication for when the hallucinations and delusions of grandeur set in.
You destroyed nothing. Ummayyid was inherited by another arab ruling house that lasted for another centuries in your lands. Besides Saddam who was weak himself but beat you still and his not even gulf but rather babylonian arabs
another ruling Arab that we put there , and changed Amin and placed Mamoon in his place when we preferred Mamoon and then some year later at the time of Al-Buyed turned into our vassal

and Saddam was not weak he was the must determined Arab leader. and he had full support of Arabs , European , USA and Russia.

and by the way do you like me to recite the story of battle of ray in 811ad again
You are a zionist from Occupied Palestine trying to pass yourself off as a Gazan refugee in Michigan :lol: . And Beny Karachun is your twin ID. Both your accounts were banned multiple times.

I proved it already, no need to be repetitive.
Look, i swear on my coscience, i have this SKETCHY dude"ignored" since the last Gaza war, you know why? HIS takes on things.....they made me know this person, is either paid, or working for intelligence, or something else. Now that you say all this now, i cant disagree, thats matches with my i've had him ignored on PDF for almost a year now.
There is a fundamental misunderstanding of Iran's position towards what Azerbaijan is doing and where Iranian national security concerns lie when it comes to recent Azeri/Turkish expansion. .

Many of you here suffer from borderline (or just outright) radical anti-Iranian sentiments which harbor extreme racist/prejudiced worldviews that cannot be reconciled with at all. For those of you who sincerely think I.R.I is weak or a push-over, then please lobby your local leaders and openly advocate for a war against Iran. We will see just how fruitful that endeavor will turn out, if you want it that bad then what's stopping you from achieving it? Iran is waiting :)

Aside from the usual bigoted rants against Iranians (PDF is well known for this). The Islamic Republic has the power and initiative to see these threats through if Azerbaijan goes to far. You anti-Iranian dolts misconstrue this as "Persian intrusion/meddling" but it's simply a matter of national security. -- Unabated access to the Northern Caucuses regions for Iran, isn't up for negotiation whatsoever. Recent developments have raised concern in this field, so naturally Iran will have to advocate for itself in this matter much to the dismay of the lay-PDF user who overwhelmingly think from a racist/bigoted/prejudice sectarians standpoint, especially when it comes to "Persians" (I guess you repugnant jack-offs fail to understand that Iran is comprised of IRANIANS, NOT JUST PERSIANS).

If this bothers you, then grow up and get over yourself and your fanatical delusions. Support Azerbaijan and Turkey all you want. But Iran has red-lines that if crossed, will result in devastating repercussions.

NOTE: IRAN isn't explicitly against one-side over the other. It simply wants to make sure certain territorial/security issues are kept in check and freedom of movement continued.
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anothr ruling arab that we put there , and changed Amin and placed Mamoon in his place when we preferred Maamoon and then some year later at the time of Al-Buyed turned into our vassal

and Saddam was not weak he was the must determined arab leader. and he had full support of Arabs , European , USA and Russia.

The hallucinations is to great here.. Claiming that you changed the Ummayyid with the Abbasid aka two rivaling arab houses:lol: oright you can keep tight to that opinion I won't counter it... Saddamn strong:rofl:

what happened when Persians gulf Arabs invaded Iran with the backing of west and east in 1980
who stopped Roman expansion to the east. who stopped Othman empire expansion to the east , who destroyed Omayyad dynasty , who made a vassal of Abbasid Caliph ? who throw Purtoguese out of Persians gulf? which country in middle east never colonized ?

You destroyed nothing. Ummayyid was inherited by another arab ruling house that lasted for another centuries in your lands. Besides Saddam who was weak himself but beat you still and his not even gulf but rather babylonian arabs
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