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Iraqi Shia "prime minister" Nouri al-Maliki calls for making Karbala the new Qibla instead of Makkah

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Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia

Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, a Shiite Muslim with close ties to Iran, is often accused of promoting a sectarian agenda in Iraq. (Reuters)

Staff writer, Al Arabiya News
Friday, 27 December 2013

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s statements that the Shiite holy city of Karbala must be the Qibla - the direction to which Muslims pray - has stirred controversy among Islamic scholars.

“Karbala must be the Qibla of the Islamic world because Imam Hussein [the Prophet Mohammad’s second grandson, and an important figure in Shia Islam] is buried there,” Maliki said this week, Iraqi media reported on Friday.

Saudi religious scholars described his statements as incitement to strife and a call to divide Muslims.

“This issue is already agreed upon by all Muslim scholars, both Sunni and Shiite. They all agree that the Qibla is the Ka’bah [the shrine in Mecca towards which Muslims pray],” said Nasser al-Honeini, professor of religion and general supervisor at the Center of Contemporary Thought in Saudi Arabia.

Honeini added that Maliki’s statements distort Islam because the faith does not say that Muslims should pray in the direction of tombs.

Khaled al-Mosleh, professo of Jurisprudence at the University Qassim in Saudi Arabia, described Maliki’s statements as “nonsense” and incompatible with Islamic sharia law.

“The fact that such statements were made by someone as important as the Iraqi prime minister is a catastrophe considering he’s an educated person. If he made such statements, what should we expect from uneducated men?” Mosleh told Al Arabiya News.

Maliki, a Shiite Muslim with close ties to Iran, is often accused of promoting a sectarian agenda in Iraq.

When Maliki visited the United States in October several U.S. Senators sent a letter to President Barack Obama in which they accused Maliki of favouring Shiites over Sunnis in his country.

“By too often pursuing a sectarian and authoritarian agenda, Prime Minister Maliki and his allies are disenfranchising Sunni Iraqis, marginalizing Kurdish Iraqis, and alienating the many Shia Iraqis who have a democratic, inclusive and pluralistic vision for their country,” the senators wrote.

Maliki’s failures were pushing many Sunnis “into the arms of al-Qaeda in Iraq and fueling the rise of violence, which in turn is radicalizing Shia Iraqi communities and leading many Shia militant groups to remobilize,” the senators said.

They warned the situation threatened to pitch Iraq into an all-out civil war.

Last Update: Friday, 27 December 2013 KSA 21:15 - GMT 18:15


This small Shia Twelver sect have gone officially insane.


So this is the Islam your prime minister is preaching?

What is next?

Once a rafida always a rafida I guess.
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Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, a Shiite Muslim with close ties to Iran, is often accused of promoting a sectarian agenda in Iraq. (Reuters)


Those Shia Twelvers have gone officially insane.


So this is the Islam your prime minister is preaching?

What is next?

Once a rafida always a rafida I guess.
Well at least he is not preaching people to do suicide bombings or trying to ban women from driving cars because it 'damages their ovaries' like the pseudo cleric-scientist servants of the Kingdom of Al-Saud preach. That is what your religion over in the Kingdom of Al-Saud believes in doesnt it? :lol:
Maliki’s Karbala speech was filled with anti-Sunni rhetoric
Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Abdulrahman al-Rashed
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki recently returned from Tehran where he had travelled to seek help in winning parliamentary elections, set to be held in almost three months. Over the past few days, Maliki went to the city of Karbala where he escalated his sectarian rhetoric against the country’s Sunnis. Maliki traveled to Karbala under the excuse of participating in the Shiite commemoration of Imam Hussein’s death.

However, under the excuse of pursuing al-Qaeda and the terrorist organization known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, he used the occasion to deliver a hateful speech full of incitement and of threats against the protesters in al-Anbar.

Shiite leaders, not Iraqi Sunni figures, stood up against Maliki. Sayyid Muqtada al-Sadr said in a statement: “We heard from brother Maliki a threat against protests [in the] west [of the country.] This must not be an introduction to settle sectarian accounts with Sunnis, it must only target terrorism.” Sadr also called on Maliki “to transfer such issues to parliament to cast a vote [on them] before making any individual acts that everyone may regret [later.]”

Who is he targeting?
Although he sent thousands of soldiers - considering he is the supreme leader of the armed forces - to al-Anbar, the majority of which is Sunni, those who he really targets are his Shiite rivals. Maliki knows that his chances of winning the elections are relatively weak. He therefore thinks that he can improve his luck by escalating his sectarian rhetoric as this may intimidate Shiite citizens into voting for him.

Maliki failed to manage Iraq’s security, politics or development all the while attaining privileges which have placed him outside the sphere of accountability

Abdulrahman al-Rashed
An Iraqi Shiite leader I met a while ago raised my awareness of the point that Maliki is willing to ignite a sectarian war in order to make electoral gains. The same Iraqi Shiite leader also voiced fears that Maliki may lead the country into a worse situation, adding that if Maliki feels this will not be enough to win, he may resort to obstructing the entire parliamentarian electoral process under the excuse of fighting terrorism. He would thus be able to extend his term for two more years.

Maliki failed to manage Iraq’s security, politics or development all the while attaining privileges which have placed him outside the sphere of accountability.

This man has not given the Iraqis - whether Shiite, Sunni or of any other category - any reason to elect him. He emptied the government of its ministers and took over most posts, marginalized the parliament’s supervisory role, dominated institutions that are supposed to be impartial and supervisory. Corruption became common among his high-ranking officials and the common Iraqi citizen ended up with no security and no hope for a better future.

This article was first published in Asharq al-Awsat on Dec. 25, 2013.


Abdulrahman al-Rashed is the General Manager of Al Arabiya News Channel. A veteran and internationally acclaimed journalist, he is a former editor-in-chief of the London-based leading Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat, where he still regularly writes a political column. He has also served as the editor of Asharq al-Awsat’s sister publication, al-Majalla. Throughout his career, Rashed has interviewed several world leaders, with his articles garnering worldwide recognition, and he has successfully led Al Arabiya to the highly regarded, thriving and influential position it is in today.
Well at least he is not preaching people to do suicide bombings or trying to ban women from driving cars because it 'damages their ovaries' like the pseudo cleric-scientist servants of the Kingdom of Al-Saud preach. That is what your religion over in the Kingdom of Al-Saud believes in doesnt it? :lol:

Rafida, do you know the difference between a command of Allah (swt) delivered to Prophet Muhammad (saws) and the nonsense you are writing?

Nobody in KSA is preaching about any suicide bombings. Islam, which originated in the lands of Hijaz which is a part of KSA today, does not allow intentional suicide. Lastly there are no official clerics with that view.

Besides should you not be celebrating your 13 year old suicide bomber? He seems like a national hero of yours.

Mohammad Hossein Fahmideh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The ban on women has nothing to do with religion, clown. Besides that ban is going to get removed very soon.

Don't try to derail this thread.

This is a VERY serious matter for anyone that calls himself a Muslim. Since you are a rafida you don't condemn it and show your true colors.
When I look at Maliki...I don't look at Shia.

I look at who installed him into power in the first place: USA.

Start holding the USA accountable for it's actions it took which is similar to colonial powers actions in Africa and the Middle East.

The reason we have a conflict in Rwanda to this day still goes all the way back to European imperialism.
Well at least he is not preaching people to do suicide bombings or trying to ban women from driving cars because it 'damages their ovaries' like the pseudo cleric-scientist servants of the Kingdom of Al-Saud preach. That is what your religion over in the Kingdom of Al-Saud believes in doesnt it? :lol:

trying to ban women from driving cars because it 'damages their ovaries' like

Can you show us the fatwa you're talking about?

Speaking of Fatwas:

:lol: I never heard anything crazier than that.

Forget about the Kingdom, we have been stomping you ever since the " Islamic " republic was born.
Too much of intolerance...Need of the hour is the educated and people with modern vision rise up to the occasion rise and create a bond between all sects people...Think about the potential to develop your economy if Shia and Shunni issue can be resolved or sidelined and every one think about future...
Who's trying to derail the thread? I dare you to say it's me.
Try and guess who is trying to pathetically derail this thread by making up lies and making moronic comparisons with the commands of Allah (swt).

Post 3.

Lastly I quite frankly don't see what the hell USA has to do with this particular statement. Al-Maliki is a product of the Mullah's of Iran and the political Shia Islamist party, the Dawa party, that he belongs to, which are basically fake wannabe Arab Iranian Mullah stooges.
Too much of intolerance...Need of the hour is the educated and people with modern vision rise up to the occasion rise and create a bond between all sects people...Think about the potential to develop your economy if Shia and Shunni issue can be resolved or sidelined and every one think about future...

Dude, we just want them to keep distance that's all. :lol:
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