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Iraqi Prime Minister receives authorization to use all means to fight 'terrorism' in Fallujah

There are many other rebels in the area, I don't believe the situation could be de-escalated by insisting on means through force. The truth is the vast majority have nothing to do with lightly armed ISIL militants. So why are we painting the picture that way? And why are you as an Iranian quick to defend the governments policies? Do you remember their past?

I'm not defending Maliki government, I'm just amazed at level of hypocrisy of some members when it comes to Iraq or Syria.
How some people cheered for ISIL when it fought Assad, how it suddenly became a 'terrorist' group when it started fighting other groups and how it's seen as 'Rising Sunni people of Anbar' in Iraq, the very same damn group. There are no other rebel groups in Anbar, no major ones. ISIL is the strongest in area and even tribesmen have started fighting these animals. Being an Iranian will not affect my judgement on reality of events, be it Iraq or another country.

Iraqi army has done a good job eradicating too many of them, but not enough obviously.
Al-sisi is sunni, as well most of assads army including defence minister (also past defence ministers). Iraqis have lost 100000 to 200000 lifes because of suicide attacks by those who you call sunni population.

I don't care for the situation in Egypt, which is very unlike this sectarian situation. He tries crushing any political dissent. And let's refrain from discussing Syria especially since many rebuttals have been presented against your argument on Syria. My opinion is both Iraqi government and ISIL factions are not rational at all and don't want a solution to the problems. I learned this after I though Iraqi Shia stood against the US invasion, until their militias ended all attacks under orders by their leaders and made relations with US which put them into power in Iraq. Together they were torturing Sunnis in Abu Gharib, so if you want to sympathize with Iraqi government I need to see different representation.

I'm not defending Maliki government, I'm just amazed at level of hypocrisy of some members when it comes to Iraq or Syria.
How some people cheered for ISIL when it fought Assad, how it suddenly became a 'terrorist' group when it started fighting other groups and how it's seen as 'Rising Sunni people of Anbar' in Iraq, the very same damn group. There are no other rebel groups in Anbar, no major ones. ISIL is the strongest in area and even tribesmen have started fighting these animals. Being an Iranian will not affect my judgement on reality of events, be it Iraq or another country.

Iraqi army has done a good job eradicating too many of them, but not enough obviously.

You're speaking of other Arab members here, let's not discuss hypocrisy because some members here are equally as hypocritical when they claim they're fighting against 'terrorism' in every single place they exist while claiming to support the resistance. While members condemn the Palestinian resistance at the same time. So let's not go there...

Iraq's problems as a society aren't related to ISIL/Iraq violence, it's much more than that and much more complicated. Iraq's problems when it comes to violence is largely due to militias. But, that doesn't justify social issues in the country.
I don't care for the situation in Egypt, which is very unlike this sectarian situation. He tries crushing any political dissent. And let's refrain from discussing Syria especially since many rebuttals have been presented against your argument on Syria. My opinion is both Iraqi government and ISIL factions are not rational at all and don't want a solution to the problems.

I learned this after I though Iraqi Shia stood against the US invasion, until their militias ended all attacks under orders by their leaders and made relations with US which put them into power in Iraq. Together they were torturing Sunnis in Abu Gharib, so if you want to sympathize with Iraqi government I need to see different representation.

The money that went to Palestinians of Saddam who lived in Iraq and tortured shia, who killed Iraqi shia kids, that money now goes to shia people. I know Palestinians are mad because their hero saddam was hanged by Shia Muslims during their eid.

As I said before hundred of thousands shia were killed in 1991 and again since 2003 by sectarian terrorists and someone has to pay the bill. Maliki is a soft coward and if he takes no measures the shia militias will.
You're speaking of other Arab members here, let's not discuss hypocrisy because some members here are equally as hypocritical when they claim they're fighting against 'terrorism' in every single place they exist while claiming to support the resistance. While members condemn the Palestinian resistance at the same time. So let's not go there...
Iraq's problems as a society aren't related to ISIL/Iraq violence, it's much more than that and much more complicated. Iraq's problems when it comes to violence is largely due to militias. But, that doesn't justify social issues in the country.
Right, speaking of hypocrisy, there is just too much of it here. The suicide bombings started from day 1, it has nothing to do with social problems. You don't solve social issues by blowing yourself up among Shias. Saddam ruled Iraq with iron fist for decades and all other Arab countries seemed too fine with it, why? Because it was Shias who were being suppressed. Now everyone in region seems to care so much for well being and prosperity of Iraqis, their social freedoms and rights. You know, it's just sickening, beyond disgusting.

Iraq does have many internal issues and they should be discussed properly, between prominent and 'real' Sunni figures and Shias/government. With ISIL on the other hand, the solution is a bullet in their head, no matter how much others are whining about it. ;)

Here are tribes trying to reach a diplomatic solution:

Al-Anbar tribes will not lay down weapons unless all demands are met

You can also read about the food shortages here. I'm sick of the ISIL in Syria and Iraq and it's agenda and actions. They cause problems for everybody, however, I'm also equally as sick at Shia people and members who refer to any Arab or Sunni as an 'wahabi' or 'takfiri' with the exception of a few Palestinians. Although lately Hamas has also become a 'wahabi' group and it's only a matter time before Islamic Jihad is added on to that list, lol.

You guys seriously need to stop framing the struggle in Syria from your perspective as a fight against 'takfiris'. When it's a crackdown against demonstrators that has evolved into an armed conflict. The same way with the Iraqi government, it uses that pretext to advance their largely Shia interests. And frankly I'm tired of it, this goes for Arabs as well who blame much problems on 'Mullahs' or 'Farsi's'. Both sides are guilty in one way or another so stop seeing this issue as black and white.

Right, speaking of hypocrisy, there is just too much of it here. The suicide bombings started from day 1, it has nothing to do with social problems. You don't solve social issues by blowing yourself up among Shias. Saddam ruled Iraq with iron fist for decades and all other Arab countries seemed too fine with it, why? Because it was Shias who were being suppressed. Now everyone in region seems to care so much for well being and prosperity of Iraqis, their social freedoms and rights. You know, it's just sickening, beyond disgusting.

Iraq does have many internal issues and they should be discussed properly, between prominent and 'real' Sunni figures and Shias/government. With ISIL on the other hand, the solution is a bullet in their head, no matter how much others are whining about it. ;)

I clearly made a distinction between bombings and social issues, meanwhile Shia militias also did many bombings. Of course the ones against Shia far exceed the ones against Sunnis but bombing isn't needed against Sunnis since the state can introduce reform or policies which can discriminate against them and advance Shia interests only. Saddam was criticized for his policies, he also killed many Sunnis and some of my favorite Islamic scholars. I don't think we should make a generalization like that on the situation pre Iraq war. As for Arabs, I agree with you some of the outsiders justify oppression against Shia, those same people also justify oppression against the Palestinians, just secretly. But, for you and your brothers to justify Syria because of the past, this will only dig a bigger hole for you. You need to outsmart Arabs if you seek to have moral ground, currently your moral ground is destroyed due to what's occurring in Syria. The Arabs don't need a moral high ground to hold anything against you.

Everybody took serious Iraqi social freedoms before this as well. I just told you I can't see this getting anywhere when Arabs insist Persians are their enemies and while Persians and Shia Arabs for some reason also insist on fueling sectarian agenda.

Btw, it seems like Sunni militias are causing lots of problems for the Iraqi army so you can't solve things through force.

@Serpentine , why don't you make this 'bullet to head' notion to Israelis? Why is it always against Arab Sunnis? The same goes for Arab members here.
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Here are tribes trying to reach a diplomatic solution:

Al-Anbar tribes will not lay down weapons unless all demands are met

You can also read about the food shortages here. I'm sick of the ISIL in Syria and Iraq and it's agenda and actions. They cause problems for everybody, however, I'm also equally as sick at Shia people and members who refer to any Arab or Sunni as an 'wahabi' or 'takfiri' with the exception of a few Palestinians. Although lately Hamas has also become a 'wahabi' group and it's only a matter time before Islamic Jihad is added on to that list, lol.

You guys seriously need to stop framing the struggle in Syria from your perspective as a fight against 'takfiris'. When it's a crackdown against demonstrators that has evolved into an armed conflict. The same way with the Iraqi government, it uses that pretext to advance their largely Shia interests. And frankly I'm tired of it, this goes for Arabs as well who blame much problems on 'Mullahs' or 'Farsi's'. Both sides are guilty in one way or another so stop seeing this issue as black and white.

Seriosuly? How many times Shias have been called 'Rafidis' on this forum or real life? Dude please stop it. No one sees 'Sunnis' as takfiris, this is bs and if 'Shias' saw it like this, Iran would start killing Hamas members instead of helping them.

If they don't want to lay down weapons, that's their choice, but the situation in their areas is only getting worse. I bet they are too happy that ISIL established Sharia rules in their cities, beheading, executions for infidels and etc. If they don't want a diplomatic solution and want to fight only, then good luck with that. They should fight till last of them.

The Syrian case is not a 'demonstration' and simple 'opposition' case anymore. It's too messed up and it's not a revolution now, far from it by every means.

And since you seem to care so much about social rights of Iraqis, why haven't we seen you criticize what's going on in Bahrain?
Seriosuly? How many times Shias have been called 'Rafidis' on this forum or real life? Dude please stop it. No one sees 'Sunnis' as takfiris, this is bs and if 'Shias' saw it like this, Iran would start killing Hamas members instead of helping them.

If they don't want to lay down weapons, that's their choice, but the situation in their areas is only getting worse. I bet they are too happy that ISIL established Sharia rules in their cities, beheading, executions for infidels and etc. If they don't want a diplomatic solution and want to fight only, then good luck with that. They should fight till last of them.

The Syrian case is not a 'demonstration' and simple 'opposition' case anymore. It's too messed up and it's not a revolution now, far from it by every means.

And since you seem to care so much about social rights of Iraqis, why haven't we seen you criticize what's going on in Bahrain?

I'm equally criticizing Arabs for that behavior as well, did I not just mention that in every single post!? I also am very critical of social rights in Bahrain, just ask Arab members especially Saudi members here how many times I've criticized them over Bahrain. Although Iraqi is a much worse case, it's a government which is seeking to advance it's interests and Sunnis are paying a price.

In regards to Syria and Hamas, Syria can't be in a state of revolution due to ongoing violence. However, you still can't distort the real cause which was that the population was fed up with the regime and the regime is being aided to stay in power. It didn't take a genius to realize it would evolve into a crackdown then an armed conflict in which civilians are still paying the price. You simply can't be that nationalistic when it comes to Syria you're justifying lots of brutal things, Arabs equally who portray the issue as black and white are also justifying brutal and sectarian motives. Now to Hamas, I wasn't referring to Iran, Iran and Hamas have relations. I was referring to a select few amongst iranian community but largely the Shia community has been behaving this way. Which is really odd since it gives the impression that they're concerned not about Palestine but their own personal interests.

The Iraqi government insists on force to advance it's interests so I'm sorry I don't see it from your perspective. The Sunnis had no choice but to raise the rifle in their remaining province.
The money that went to Palestinians of Saddam who lived in Iraq and tortured shia, who killed Iraqi shia kids, that money now goes to shia people. I know Palestinians are mad because their hero saddam was hanged by Shia Muslims during their eid.

As I said before hundred of thousands shia were killed in 1991 and again since 2003 by sectarian terrorists and someone has to pay the bill. Maliki is a soft coward and if he takes no measures the shia militias will.

Why do you keep bringing up Saddam and the past? I'm an Islamist, Islamists were persecuted by his regime. There's no need to discuss fallacies, let's focus on the present situation. You're not being clear enough, if you believe this action against Anbar was due to an imminent threat then please present a source. And don't lop all Shia together, there's a difference between Iranian Persian Shia and Arab Iraqi Shia. They aren't the same race if that's how you view it.
Like always, Iraq is making another comedy drama by making this deceleration.

It won't help it. The brute use of force will haunt them back.

Hope you recover soon.
Let them fight each other, they're born this way.

You can't help it.
Like always, Iraq is making another comedy drama by making this deceleration.

It won't help it. The brute use of force will haunt them back.

Let them fight each other, they're born this way.

You can't help it.

I already made the point that brute force won't solve social issues in Iraq. So should I thank you for the contribution you made in this thread? Please refrain from generalizations and meaningless posts.
Why do you keep bringing up Saddam and the past? I'm an Islamist, Islamists were persecuted by his regime. There's no need to discuss fallacies, let's focus on the present situation. You're not being clear enough, if you believe this action against Anbar was due to an imminent threat then please present a source. And don't lop all Shia together, there's a difference between Iranian Persian Shia and Arab Iraqi Shia. They aren't the same race if that's how you view it.
There is no difference anymore little saddami. Iraq and Iran are neighbors, do trade, have same interests. In your Palestinian dreams that ISIL or islamists will win in Iraq or that Israeli/british made MB will be free from the iron fist of sisi.
The big difference is between you and your sunni jordonian and Egyptian brothers who are tired of your terror and want to kick your *** haha :lol:
There is no difference anymore little saddami. Iraq and Iran are neighbors, do trade, have same interests. In your Palestinian dreams that ISIL or islamists will win in Iraq or that Israeli/british made MB will be free from the iron fist of morsi.
The big difference is between you and your sunni jordonian and Egyptian brothers who are tired of your terror and want to kick your *** haha :lol:

Didn't expect anything other than trolling from you. :lol:

Who else than the half Saudi above makes people here hate and talk shit about the Saudis ? Making fun of innocent people getting killed now, it's already known he's mentally ill but now you know why so many insult Saudis here, the cretin posts over 10.000 posts in a few months of which most are insults.
We know you hate us to death but keep it inside of you. More people die in Pakistan due to terror than Iraq yet you put up a show of worshipping them.

It is an insult to human inetligence to compare Pakistan's war on terror to Iraq's own doing.

I don't really hate you, but I don't like you either. I just despise your regime's masquerade.

Make a real contribution instead of your typical moronic posts. I don't want to have to report you.

Calling someone a moron is worth reporting as well.

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