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Iraq leaning towards Iran, Turkey 'becoming hostile'

Where is our friend Malik Alashter who replied to

Banu Umayyah's question

"Where's the Iraqi flag I wonder ?
They probably just forgot"

by saying:

"These pictures could altered easily especially from you people? who send terrorest to kill innocent Iraqis wont be hard for them to do any thing for there agenda. ":

on this thread : http://www.defence.pk/forums/irania...ks-security-council-fatwas-5.html#post2824282




The photos are for the news dated تأريخ النشر: ۲۳ تير ۲۰۱۲

لقاء رئيس الوزراء العراقي مع قائد الثورة الاسلامية (+صور)
Where is our friend Malik Alashter who replied to

Banu Umayyah's question

"Where's the Iraqi flag I wonder ?
They probably just forgot"

by saying:

"These pictures could altered easily especially from you people? who send terrorest to kill innocent Iraqis wont be hard for them to do any thing for there agenda. ":

on this thread : http://www.defence.pk/forums/irania...ks-security-council-fatwas-5.html#post2824282




The photos are for the news dated تأريخ النشر: ۲۳ تير ۲۰۱۲

لقاء رئيس الوزراء العراقي مع قائد الثورة الاسلامية (+صور)
They did it again?!!:eek:
Look at how stupid this Maliki looks like obliviously sitting there.
I think the Iraqi dude will come and say its photoshoped by wahabbies even though its from an Iranian website!!:D
They did it again?!!:eek:
Look at how stupid this Maliki looks like obliviously sitting there.
I think the Iraqi dude will come and say its photoshoped by wahabbies even though its from an Iranian website!!:D

Dude he is the result of Iranian brainwashing all we can do is have petty on his poor soul.
Iraq will soon become a power with the help of Iran... we will help their economy to improve, both countries have huge oil reserves, they will make good use of it and prosper their country while the Saudis are still struggling to keep women out of cars
Iraq will soon become a power with the help of Iran... we will help their economy to improve, both countries have huge oil reserves, they will make good use of it and prosper their country while the Saudis are still struggling to keep women out of cars

Really? This is not true, I'm totally terrified. ^^

Note: Arab Sunni are instead 32%–37% of the population. Not counting, that many reports only include Arab Sunnis as "Sunni", missing out the Kurdish and Turkmen Sunnis, who are predominantly Sunnis, which makes Sunnis almost half the population.

Actually there are no Shia suicide bombers. They love life too much for that. But you're right about the militias.
They love life for sure and you hate your life already proofed, but the question is if we do suicide bomb who will get killed mainly the innocent Arab Sunni I can swear in my god in the Quran in every thing holy in my believe that if we want we can do that and only if we have Fatwa to do that from our cleric and trust me if we do there will be no Muslim Sunni in Baghdad!!!! but the thing is that no Shia cleric would make that Fatwa due to there believe in that Sunni are Muslim therefore there blood is prohibited, not like you killing every one even kids and that's happen in Iraq for sure.
Don't you find it's a little weird that those people with the same background calling Sunni fighters, who liberated Iraq and fought American occupation for 11 years, terrorists. while Almahdi army who gave up their arms to US army and haven't once show any resistance to the occupation as rightful "Mojahdeen"?
Almalki becomes so suddenly an honorable man although he (literally) got the throne by American tanks, while Al-Saud who have full support and love of their people are traitors.
Its obvious, they are fighting Muslims not anyone else. All of us know how Iran&co paved the way for US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, and those are the same people who are defaming Sunni resistance in Iraq and Afghanistan and calling them and their backers terrorists.
So how come a freedom fighter is masked, but the Shia fighter are not masked when they fought the American or the Iraqi army do you why because they're man fought for there families against the Wahhabies raid against the country trust me the Wahhabies were lucky that Shia fighter didn't want to make it a civil war otherwise htey were crushed badly that why they targeted Alsadr city with there killers the suicide bomber.
Dude he is the result of Iranian brainwashing all we can do is have petty on his poor soul.
It's there country there decision when your king go there or any of that royal family ask them to use Alsaud flag.

Really? This is not true, I'm totally terrified. ^^

Note: Arab Sunni are instead 32%–37% of the population. Not counting, that many reports only include Arab Sunnis as "Sunni", missing out the Kurdish and Turkmen Sunnis, who are predominantly Sunnis, which makes Sunnis almost half the population.

ok so what's the idea? we're coming and we're controlling our country and we're building our country and we will prefail you will fail for two reasons we're democracy you're dictatorship we're free you're slaves.
They love life for sure and you hate your life already proofed, but the question is if we do suicide bomb who will get killed mainly the innocent Arab Sunni I can swear in my god in the Quran in every thing holy in my believe that if we want we can do that and only if we have Fatwa to do that from our cleric and trust me if we do there will be no Muslim Sunni in Baghdad!!!! but the thing is that no Shia cleric would make that Fatwa due to there believe in that Sunni are Muslim therefore there blood is prohibited, not like you killing every one even kids and that's happen in Iraq for sure.
Why do you insist on embarrassing your self?
no Shia cleric would make that Fatwa due to there believe in that Sunni are Muslim therefore there blood is prohibited
Countless Shia imams consider Sunnis as non Muslims and ill be happy to prove it but I don't think this is the right forum.
there will be no Muslim Sunni in Baghdad
How long have you been living in the US? Sunnis were ethnically cleansed form Baghdad back in 05-07. Very few left.

So how come a freedom fighter is masked, but the Shia fighter are not masked when they fought the American or the Iraqi army do you why because they're man fought for there families against the Wahhabies raid against the country trust me the Wahhabies were lucky that Shia fighter didn't want to make it a civil war otherwise htey were crushed badly that why they targeted Alsadr city with there killers the suicide bomber.
LOL did we forget Sistani's famous shameful fatwa. For which his bank account increased by 200 million$. Did we forget who brought the crusaders to Iraq? Did we forget the battle of falluja?

It's there country there decision when your king go there or any of that royal family ask them to use Alsaud flag.
How very sad indeed:disagree:
No wander Iranians treat Iraqis this way. Under Saddam No country in the world would contemplate doing that to Iraq.
This is symbolic, in diplomatic language it means we don't recognise you as a sovereign nation.
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Thəorətic Muslim;2856660 said:
Hey you forgot about the Shia suicide bombers who also killed innocent people. And the militias, I mean Holy Armies that are await for the return of the Mahdi.
Einstein, there are no shia suicide bombers.
Why do you insist on embarrassing your self?You wish!!!.

Countless Shia imams consider Sunnis as non Muslims and ill be happy to prove it but I don't think this is the right forum.You mean like ALaaregy this guy is still in his mid course learning Islamic plus there's no Shia cleric had Fatwa about Takfir Sunni Muslims period.

How long have you been living in the US? Sunnis were ethnically cleansed form Baghdad back in 05-07. Very few left.Sunni Muslims still in Baghdad since it's there home stop lying.

LOL did we forget Sistani's famous shameful fatwa. For which his bank account increased by 200 million$. Did we forget who brought the crusaders to Iraq? Did we forget the battle of falluja?Sistani do you know who is the sistani???, second how did you know about 200 million $ and who deposited those money? if he's that kind he would the richest with Saddam who would love to make him the richest for one Fatwa but you people gave your brain a nap only god know when the will wake up.

How very sad indeed:disagree:
No wander Iranians treat Iraqis this way. Under Saddam No country in the world would contemplate doing that to Iraq.
This is symbolic, in diplomatic language it means we don't recognise you as a sovereign nation.
how come they don't recognize us and who are they more than a neighbor to us, just wait untill we get rid off chapter 7 after that we will see>

How? You do not know interpret maps and their geopolitical issues. I'm amazingly surprised. Your country, totally Shia Iraq? It's just very very funny. ^^

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