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Iraq leaning towards Iran, Turkey 'becoming hostile'

who installed maliki? was it Iran? who overthrow sadam? was it Iran?
the biggest hole in your logic is that you think if something is pro Iran then It was Iran who created it.

Its just the majority gaining power. Natural outcome of any elections. US overthrew Saudi-backed shia-killer Saddam and held elections. It is normal shias will come to power as majority of Iraq is shia
Its just the majority gaining power. Natural outcome of any elections. US overthrew Saudi-backed shia-killer Saddam and held elections. It is normal shias will come to power as majority of Iraq is shia

Yes, and they are blamming Iran for maliki being Iran lover.
shia have no choice but to look towards Iran, it is either be with Iran, or be on your own and risk getting massacred.
I am talking about you backing a shia killer.
who the **** said anything about a militia? call him whatever you want, call him an ayotollah if it makes you feel better.
nothin can hide the fact you were backing him whilst he was killing shia.
This is the quate you replied to:
If yes, then if you provide a single credible source that "our government was engaged with any militia in Iraq" I will delete my account in this forum. How is that?
Saddam's Ba3thi government is not a militia. Clearly we were are talking about post-US invasion of Iraq.
I did not say he was did I? I am talking about you backing a shia killer.
stop trying to change the subject.
Yes, and they are blamming Iran for maliki being Iran lover.
shia have no choice but to look towards Iran, it is either be with Iran, or be on your own and risk getting massacred.
Bro the biggest problem is that we even can't revenge of those who support terrorist hence the killing keep going all that for some ****** Wahhabi and Bathi get benefits.
Well that's what the west want and you Turkey, Saudi, and Qatar while look @ Iranian how they deal with Iraqi politicians they meat and talk to all @ same level, any way if that's happen the biggest loser going to be our poor brother the Iraqi Suni.

Not at all, it is in everyones including Turkeys interest to have a united, strong Iraq what i said was IF we continue to divide them from various sides, iran/turkey/saudi etc then the end seems clear for me! It is psyical separation of Iraq.
Bro the biggest problem is that we even can't revenge of those who support terrorist hence the killing keep going all that for some ****** Wahhabi and Bathi get benefits.

wait for Iraq to become the next shia power alongside Iran, then you will see what will happen to them.
for now we need to concentrate on containing those little insect trying to kill shia and build up your nation.
Saddam gets overthrowned by the US, elections are held with US in control of the country, the shia majority gets power after a long time and they naturally side with the shia country next door.

drum roll for wahabi logic

wahabi logic: "Iran is responsible for everything."

@ the saudis: Saudi suicide bombers, like the ones who flew into the NY buildings, like Osama and hundreds of others, are blowing themselves up in the middle of Baghdad. These saudis are killing and massacring Iraqis. They're killing tens of thousands of innocent people. Your country supports the minority sunni groups and creates friction with the kurds and shias, who represent 80 percent of Iraq. You supported saddam and his dogs who massacred millions of shias and Kurds.

In the end your wahabi logics kick in and say Iran is responsible for secterianism. The smallest watermelon has more logic than all you people combined.
@ the saudis: Your country supports the minority sunni groups and creates friction with the kurds and shias,You supported saddam and his dogs who massacred millions of shias and Kurds.
Well you can thank to Baghdad government for the friction with Barzani. ExxonMobil rings any bells?
@ the saudis: Saudi suicide bombers, like the ones who flew into the NY buildings, like Osama and hundreds of others, are blowing themselves up in the middle of Baghdad. These saudis are killing and massacring Iraqis. They're killing tens of thousands of innocent people. Your country supports the minority sunni groups and creates friction with the kurds and shias, who represent 80 percent of Iraq. You supported saddam and his dogs who massacred millions of shias and Kurds.

Hey you forgot about the Shia suicide bombers who also killed innocent people. And the militias, I mean Holy Armies that are await for the return of the Mahdi.
Thəorətic Muslim;2856660 said:
Hey you forgot about the Shia suicide bombers who also killed innocent people. And the militias, I mean Holy Armies that are await for the return of the Mahdi.
Actually there are no Shia suicide bombers. They love life too much for that. But you're right about the militias.
Actually there are no Shia suicide bombers. They love life too much for that. But you're right about the militias.

Don't you find it's a little weird that those people with the same background calling Sunni fighters, who liberated Iraq and fought American occupation for 11 years, terrorists. while Almahdi army who gave up their arms to US army and haven't once show any resistance to the occupation as rightful "Mojahdeen"?
Almalki becomes so suddenly an honorable man although he (literally) got the throne by American tanks, while Al-Saud who have full support and love of their people are traitors.
Its obvious, they are fighting Muslims not anyone else. All of us know how Iran&co paved the way for US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, and those are the same people who are defaming Sunni resistance in Iraq and Afghanistan and calling them and their backers terrorists.
Saddam gets overthrowned by the US, elections are held with US in control of the country, the shia majority gets power after a long time and they naturally side with the shia country next door.

drum roll for wahabi logic
Yea! Its make me laugh that how Irani blames on other as a Zionist agent while they are the one of the most favourite slaves of Zions. How you guys really trust on U.S's carried elections in iraq and his proxy Almaliki. Irani play boys are kind of exposed. They don't really have any Guts on wat they can proudly says that they are eligible of creating influence on others. Irani militia never won a single war against anyone. Com'on Why are you hiding your true face, show it to world that wat you guys really want.. Hebrews must be proud of you.
wahabi logic: "Iran is responsible for everything."
Iran? :lol: No one even as mad to expect something from Iran and from its proxies.
Saudi suicide bombers, like the ones who flew into the NY buildings, like Osama and hundreds of others, are blowing themselves up in the middle of Baghdad. These saudis are killing and massacring Iraqis. They're killing tens of thousands of innocent people. Your country supports the minority sunni groups and creates friction with the kurds and shias, who represent 80 percent of Iraq. You supported saddam and his dogs who massacred millions of shias and Kurds.

In the end your wahabi logics kick in and say Iran is responsible for secterianism. The smallest watermelon has more logic than all you people combined
:lol: Thats more sounds like iranis and pro-iranis. Well ! Al-assad That Iranian terrorist almost killed more then twenty thousands innocent syrian civilians and wat more bad is that he is openly supported by iran. I don't know why a nation which support terrorist can blame anyone other when its proxies are hostile towards almost all nieghbouring nation. Blaming others is like an old tradition for you guys.
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