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Iraq leaning towards Iran, Turkey 'becoming hostile'

Abii, you're free to believe what you want. There have been Shia suicide bombers in the past, and while only making up a small percentage of the total Islamic population, it is still very low compared to the Shia/Sunni ratio I must admit.

You keep constantly swearing, so that should get you banned for a few weeks.

You did not answer my question. Why?

Face it up: Al-qaida don't care who they kill be it sunni or shia. You are hypocritically trying to portray it according to your anti-Iranian hatred.
Oh, and Abii, you're putting assumptions on me 'supproting' Al Queda terrorists.

Funny, aren't you the same person who supports the terrorist Al Bashar?

1) Bashar isn't on any terrorist list that I'm aware of

2) Bashar is a head of state and a diplomat and thus cannot be a terrorist

3) The law states that no person shall defend a known terrorist organization or ask for its removal from the list

4) I don't support him per say, I just don't support the Al Quida terrorists on the other side.
1) Bashar isn't on any terrorist list that I'm aware of

2) Bashar is a head of state and a diplomat and thus cannot be a terrorist

3) The law states that no person shall defend a known terrorist organization or ask for its removal from the list

4) I don't support him per say, I just don't support the Al Quida terrorists on the other side.

1.) He's on about every country's terrorist 'list'.

2.) Wrong. It's very well possible to be a terrorist while being a head of state.

3.) The law in which country?

4.) Using your 'number 1 point' listed here,
1) The protesters aren't on any terrorist list that I'm aware of
brain ? for what ? iran dont need a dog with brain.
Do you understand what insult you committed against my country by calling it dog you dog, Iraq with us will resurrect no doubt while with Ba'athis and those before Ba'athis almost gone one more Iraq is our country and no one from USA to Iran to Saudi will be a master for us period and forget it look now how they tried by the Ba'athis Kurds and they failed and they will we got the country in our hands and no one will take it out of our hands as long as we have brave man like Almaliki.
1.) He's on about every country's terrorist 'list'.

2.) Wrong. It's very well possible to be a terrorist while being a head of state.

3.) The law in which country?

4.) Using your 'number 1 point' listed here,

1) show me (Canada please, I don't need a list from bananaramaistan)

Here's something for you to get started

3) Canada's and the United States'

4) The regular folks aren't, but many among them, including many of their leaders are associated with Al Quida and various extremist wahabi groups around the region, just like the ones in Libya were.
how come they don't recognize us and who are they more than a neighbor to us, just wait untill we get rid off chapter 7 after that we will see>

I forgot to say my answer in red too inside the quote.

Any sane Al Queda member would not blow up a mosque with people of the same sect.
Then you don,t know them they're Takfiri they believe all Muslims are Kuffar!!!! have you heard about bombing Daraa in Syria arn't they Sunni how about Algeria aren't they Sunni too.
Abii, you're free to believe what you want. There have been Shia suicide bombers in the past, and while only making up a small percentage of the total Islamic population, it is still very low compared to the Shia/Sunni ratio I must admit.

You keep constantly swearing, so that should get you banned for a few weeks.
can you name one Shia every where that did suicide bomb in innocent people I see sectarianism show it self in you sorry to say so but that's obvious, may Allah mercy us.
Definately you dont expect Iraq to lean toward GCC which were instrumental in its destruction and the only other dominant force in the PG is Iran..Funny how Arabs talks about brotherhood when they are constantly backstabbing each other.
The reality is, Turkey is Iraq's one of the best trade partners, Iran isn't. The reality is, TPAO is extracting oil in Iraq, Turkish firms are reconstructing the whole country, Arçelik and Beko are selling their goods like peynir ekmek. (bunu bağlayacak birşey bulamadım!)

Maliki can rule Iraq, for now. But the good thing is, thanks to our Yankee friends, there is a democracy in Iraq, and sooner or later, he will be replaced by another man.

Economy of Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Main import partners Turkey 24.2%, Syria 18.6%, China 14.4%, U.S. 6.6% (2010)

Turkey?s Soft Power in Iraq - Slide Show - NYTimes.com
(Iraq - country- sovereignty) sory but not a meaningful combination! Iraq is a loose political entity which has been failed in nation building process like most of the other ME countries!

and there is this other question; Which Iraq is leaning towards Iran and becoming hostile to us?!?
Turkey should start working for supplying sunni and kurd with heavy armor, turkey would always been looked by maliki clan as a sunni power and they will give nothing to it.
Arab are also seeing the large marginalization and expulsion of sunni in all government jobs even in sunni majority provinces
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