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Iraq leaning towards Iran, Turkey 'becoming hostile'


Jan 7, 2012
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Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has accused his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan of interfering in his country's internal affairs, saying Turkey is becoming a “hostile state” in the region.

“The latest statements of Erdogan are another return to the process of interfering in Iraqi internal affairs,” Maliki said in a recent statement posted on his website.

The Iraqi premier made the remarks in response to Erdogan accusing Maliki of taking an “egocentric approach” in politics.

“The current prime minister’s treatment toward his coalition partners, his egocentric approach within Iraqi politics… seriously concern Shiite groups, Mr. Barzani and the Iraqiya group,” Erdogan said after closed-door talks with President of the Kurdistan region Massoud Barzani in Istanbul on Thursday.

Maliki also said the statements made by the Turkish premier “confirms that Mr. Erdogan is still living the illusion of regional hegemony.”

“Insisting on continuing these internal and regional policies will damage Turkey’s interests and makes it a hostile state for all.”

“It is regrettable that his statements have a sectarian dimension which he used to deny before but which have become clear, and are rejected by all Iraqis,” Maliki added.

The latest development has come in spite of Turkey’s position as one of Iraq’s top trade partners, with bilateral trade between the two neighbors valued at 12 billion dollars in 2011.
May be he wants to go back to being a province of Turkish State.
Nouri El-Maliki is becoming more like a dictator and if he continues his quest the world will have a new civil war between Shia and Sunnis and it will give birth to a new nation in the ME. The Kurds are already doing there preps for independence and mr Maliki is barking to turkey. He is probable the biggest idiotic politician in ME.

Even a seagull has higher IQ than Mr wanabee Saddam.

I whant to apologize to the Iraqie members don't be offended Please.
what Iraqis think of this action
Iraq calls Turkey "hostile state" as relations dim - aliraqi Community

He is fine with USA..His problem is with Turkey..Funny dude this Maliki guy
He's not fine with the US. Do have a longer memory than a few months please. If you recall, the Americans wanted to leave 10,000 soldiers behind and he strongly opposed it till the Americans caved in. There were a ton of infighting and he eventually sided with Al Sadr (the most anti American figure in Iraq) and asked them to pack their bags.
A country which come from beyond the ocean is raping iraq's territories women than stealing it's natural resources but this dog is barking us.
The real dog is the one who interfere with another neighbor country affairs, the question is if another country like US invade Iraq is that gives the neighbor the right to do the same just because my neighbor lives in chaos what a comparison and what a neighbor.
Nouri El-Maliki is becoming more like a dictator and if he continues his quest the world will have a new civil war between Shia and Sunnis and it will give birth to a new nation in the ME. The Kurds are already doing there preps for independence and mr Maliki is barking to turkey. He is probable the biggest idiotic politician in ME.

Even a seagull has higher IQ than Mr wanabee Saddam.

I whant to apologize to the Iraqie members don't be offended Please.
So based on what fact you built your view, do you ever what's going on in Iraq do you know that terrorist Alhashemi that Turkey give him a refuge what has done do you know what the Kurdish want?????.

Nouri El-Maliki is becoming more like a dictator and if he continues his quest the world will have a new civil war between Shia and Sunnis and it will give birth to a new nation in the ME. The Kurds are already doing there preps for independence and mr Maliki is barking to turkey. He is probable the biggest idiotic politician in ME.

Even a seagull has higher IQ than Mr wanabee Saddam.

I whant to apologize to the Iraqie members don't be offended Please.
So based on what fact you built your view, do you ever what's going on in Iraq do you know that terrorist Alhashemi that Turkey give him a refuge what has done do you know what the Kurdish want?????.
He is fine with USA..His problem is with Turkey..Funny dude this Maliki guy
He is fine with every one just look at the trade amount between the two countries it's even bigger twice than Iran the one you accuse him with been ally to, so Turkey going to be the big loser if we the Iraqis who trade with keep sticking it's nose in our affairs.
The real dog is the one who interfere with another neighbor country affairs, the question is if another country like US invade Iraq is that gives the neighbor the right to do the same just because my neighbor lives in chaos what a comparison and what a neighbor.

Mate, Clean the terorists who threatens Turkey daily instead of feeding them. If you can't, Don't cry When Turkey dropped tonnes of bombs on your head.

Additions, Firstly Raise your voice against USA who invaded your country and seperated into two pieces After killed millions of Iraki people instead of advising them to proceed invasionWhen USA agreed to pull the troops back...

When It comes to threaten(with using economic-military assets) Turkey to point as enemy, You have to climb really difficult ladders to grow up against. Ok... Our hostility always gives bloody headaches to enemies.
There were a ton of infighting and he eventually sided with Al Sadr
I would have worded that sentence with "caved in" rather than "sided".

lol... aint turkiye a member of NATO?
Yup. NATO didn't invade Iraq. US did.

do you know that terrorist Alhashemi that Turkey give him a refuge
Order of arrest on charges of being in involved with terrorism acts. Not guilty until court makes a judgement on it. His defense on not returning to Baghdad for trial is, obviously, he doesn't find current Iraqi judicial system being fair and impartial.

The real dog is the one who interfere with another neighbor country affairs
Funny how undemocratic states bring up their "sovereignty" and "internal affairs" blunder whenever someone criticize their government in power. It's year 2012. You don't have a right to not be "criticized".
I think Iraq should focus on fixing its sectarian problems before getting into confrontation with any of its neighbours. Its time Iraqi people get the peace they always deserved.
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