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Iraq leaning towards Iran, Turkey 'becoming hostile'

No surprize here, The Shia's are currently rulling Iraq and the fact they support Shia iran rather then Sunni Turkey makes perfect sense. However since the entire north region of the Country is dependent on Turkey rather then Iraq or Iran themselfs, We could use Iraqi-Kurdistan against them.
No surprize here, The Shia's are currently rulling Iraq and the fact they support Shia iran rather then Sunni Turkey makes perfect sense. However since the entire north region of the Country is dependent on Turkey rather then Iraq or Iran themselfs, We could use Iraqi-Kurdistan against them.

Well i dont think this will be necessary..Maliki has no control over Northern Iraq..We will continue doing business with them..Thats more than enough..Remember Hashemi is in Turkey atm and last week Barzani came here and held talks with both Erdogan and Hashemi..Maliki can rant whatever he wants, holds no value here.

BTW i dont think this issue is about shia or sunni thing..Take a look
This problem is about Maliki`s personal agenda imho
nato iraka girseydi, bizde tabii olacaktik orada, bu it maliki böyle havlayabilirmiydi ?
seytan azapta gerek, bunlarin yularini siki bagliyacaksin ki basi kici ayri oynamasin.

neticede iraka girmemekle büyük hata yapildi bence.
Maliki is definitely playing secterian politics. Turkey and rest of Islamic world must wake up as soon as possible to destroy the formation of a shia crescent which will be a damaging development for Islam and muslims. Turkey and Saudi Arabia must take the initiative as soon as possible to arm FSA, create No Fly Zones and humananitarian corridors and at last invade the Muslim land of Syria to liberate and purify it from the animal minded Asad regime.

Turkey must act fast to eliminate this conspiracy and for this try to solve inter muslim disputes e.g. Iraqi Kurd vs Sunni arab, Good relations with Iraqi Kurdistan, elimination of genuine kurdish grivences, Unity of Syrian Sunni Arabs and Kurds etc.
He is fine with USA..His problem is with Turkey..Funny dude this Maliki guy

USA supported Alavi against Maleki, and Alavi is ally to some other counties as well.

Mate, Clean the terorists who threatens Turkey daily instead of feeding them. If you can't, Don't cry When Turkey dropped tonnes of bombs on your head.

Additions, Firstly Raise your voice against USA who invaded your country and seperated into two pieces After killed millions of Iraki people instead of advising them to proceed invasionWhen USA agreed to pull the troops back...

When It comes to threaten(with using economic-military assets) Turkey to point as enemy, You have to climb really difficult ladders to grow up against. Ok... Our hostility always gives bloody headaches to enemies.

terorist inter to Turkey from Iraq's Kurdestan which Turkey has a good relation with the head of state( Barezani)

Order of arrest on charges of being in involved with terrorism acts. Not guilty until court makes a judgement on it. His defense on not returning to Baghdad for trial is, obviously, he doesn't find current Iraqi judicial system being fair and impartial.

whatever it is, it is Iraq's internal affair. does it make right for Turkey to interferer in Iraqi domestic affair?

I think Iraq should focus on fixing its sectarian problems before getting into confrontation with any of its neighbours. Its time Iraqi people get the peace they always deserved.

for whom used to dominate the majority it is hard to accept return right to majority that is the reason of confilict in Iraq.
as long as foreign finance inter to Iraq you will see the conflicts

Well i dont think this will be necessary..Maliki has no control over Northern Iraq..We will continue doing business with them..Thats more than enough..Remember Hashemi is in Turkey atm and last week Barzani came here and held talks with both Erdogan and Hashemi..Maliki can rant whatever he wants, holds no value here.

BTW i dont think this issue is about shia or sunni thing..Take a look
Iraqi Shia leader appeals for calm in Turkey ties - Region - World - Ahram Online
This problem is about Maliki`s personal agenda imho
one side Turkey blame Maleki and iraq for exporting Kurd terrorists to Turkey at same time is the friend of Kurd leaders

Well i dont think this will be necessary..Maliki has no control over Northern Iraq..We will continue doing business with them..Thats more than enough..Remember Hashemi is in Turkey atm and last week Barzani came here and held talks with both Erdogan and Hashemi..Maliki can rant whatever he wants, holds no value here.

BTW i dont think this issue is about shia or sunni thing..Take a look
Iraqi Shia leader appeals for calm in Turkey ties - Region - World - Ahram Online
you are right
This problem is about Maliki`s personal agenda imho
I would disagree.
Maliki is definitely playing secterian politics. Turkey and rest of Islamic world must wake up as soon as possible to destroy the formation of a shia crescent which will be a damaging development for Islam and muslims. Turkey and Saudi Arabia must take the initiative as soon as possible to arm FSA, create No Fly Zones and humananitarian corridors and at last invade the Muslim land of Syria to liberate and purify it from the animal minded Asad regime.

Turkey must act fast to eliminate this conspiracy and for this try to solve inter muslim disputes e.g. Iraqi Kurd vs Sunni arab, Good relations with Iraqi Kurdistan, elimination of genuine kurdish grivences, Unity of Syrian Sunni Arabs and Kurds etc.

Go play with your camel kiddo and stay out of this.
The real dog is the one who interfere with another neighbor country affairs, the question is if another country like US invade Iraq is that gives the neighbor the right to do the same just because my neighbor lives in chaos what a comparison and what a neighbor.

Then I guess your country is Cerberus (the mythological 3 headed guardian dog of the underworld) since Iraq has for many years been interfering with Turkey given your lack of willingness to clamp down on PKK activities, but then again every country in the region still quakes with fear of the Ottoman Turk so I guess it is to the Iraqi mindset a justified acceptable activity of the destabilization of Turkey.

Let me remind you that Iraq and Syria are a pure fantasy state created out of British and French desires in post WW1 era to deny Turkey oil wealth, your future in the region depends solely on how nice you are to Turkey. Demand your government stamps down on PKK activity while Turkey still views getting involved in military conflicts due to post WW1 demographic lethargy otherwise I would not want to be an Iraqi citizen in a decade or so.
No surprize here, The Shia's are currently rulling Iraq and the fact they support Shia iran rather then Sunni Turkey makes perfect sense. However since the entire north region of the Country is dependent on Turkey rather then Iraq or Iran themselfs, We could use Iraqi-Kurdistan against them.

I do not know if you have realized this but, you have a problem with kurds too.
do you want Iraq using the PKK against you?
70% of Iraq are shia and the sunnis have not chance of taking over the country again.
Mate, Clean the terorists who threatens Turkey daily instead of feeding them. If you can't, Don't cry When Turkey dropped tonnes of bombs on your head.

Additions, Firstly Raise your voice against USA who invaded your country and seperated into two pieces After killed millions of Iraki people instead of advising them to proceed invasionWhen USA agreed to pull the troops back...

When It comes to threaten(with using economic-military assets) Turkey to point as enemy, You have to climb really difficult ladders to grow up against. Ok... Our hostility always gives bloody headaches to enemies.
First of all we never supported PKK who support it is Barzani your friend congrats second the American came for SAddam while we were under his rule so to enemies fighting each other plus we are against that animal so we just did nothing since we wanted to get rid of him so it was pointless fighting the American who actualy helped us in that case third we don't threatening Turkey we just saying stay away of Iraqi issues and be friend of all Iraqis instead foruth we love to see Turkey rich and strong since theu're our brother and we don't plan go to war against you killing each other is a big loss for both god forbidden.
The nations in the region still quake with Ottoman fear, Armenia & Greece still claim BS genocide despite genocide claims being in vast majority a Soviet fabrication, circa 1965 (see Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, 1965 - for original fabricated sources of massive proportions), Greece also pops out a new one at everything Turkish, Syria & Iraq have supported PKK in the past in an attempt to keep Turkey relatively weak and Cyprus foolishly attempted to eliminate ethnically Turkish civilians in Cyprus during the 1960-74 years. Additionally Bulgaria also committed atrocities during her communist dictatorship.

The fact is though that Turkey is a new nation still trying to find her place in the modern post colonialism world and her population still carries the lethargy to conflict since 30 years of warfare in the dying days of the Ottoman empire made the population very reluctant to get into conflict, however this is lifting and the population of Turkey is finally realizing that it is a powerful nation that is also well educated and motivated & it can do anything given that it has the financials and that it acts within international law. As Turkey rises nations that continue to poke a stick at her will one day find that they have messed with the wrong people.

Russia is a demographically doomed nation, Greece population is demographically doomed & Iran is cornered and unable to get out of it's stranglehold, it would be prudent for people of nations that consider Turkey to be a threat to shake of their fear and embrace Turkey as a friend which can only benefit both parties, otherwise I in the future would not want to be a person living in that country as their prospects are very grim.
No surprize here, The Shia's are currently rulling Iraq and the fact they support Shia iran rather then Sunni Turkey makes perfect sense. However since the entire north region of the Country is dependent on Turkey rather then Iraq or Iran themselfs, We could use Iraqi-Kurdistan against them.
You could do whatever you want but we will see who's going to laugh later on.
Well i dont think this will be necessary..Maliki has no control over Northern Iraq..We will continue doing business with them..Thats more than enough..Remember Hashemi is in Turkey atm and last week Barzani came here and held talks with both Erdogan and Hashemi..Maliki can rant whatever he wants, holds no value here.

BTW i dont think this issue is about shia or sunni thing..Take a look
Iraqi Shia leader appeals for calm in Turkey ties - Region - World - Ahram Online
This problem is about Maliki`s personal agenda imho
NO, it's all about sectarian issue from side it's not the Maliki it's shia who bother you controlling there country that's what it is Turkey want the whole country under there influence think about it erdogan's saliva's flowing when he thinks about whole Iraq under his proposal but that's in his dream he's been caught by Alhashimy promise to be his closest ally if he helped him to overthrow Almaliki and he become the first man.
Maliki is definitely playing secterian politics. Turkey and rest of Islamic world must wake up as soon as possible to destroy the formation of a shia crescent which will be a damaging development for Islam and muslims. Turkey and Saudi Arabia must take the initiative as soon as possible to arm FSA, create No Fly Zones and humananitarian corridors and at last invade the Muslim land of Syria to liberate and purify it from the animal minded Asad regime.

Turkey must act fast to eliminate this conspiracy and for this try to solve inter muslim disputes e.g. Iraqi Kurd vs Sunni arab, Good relations with Iraqi Kurdistan, elimination of genuine kurdish grivences, Unity of Syrian Sunni Arabs and Kurds etc.
See someone awake the kids:coffee: go back to bed kid still early for you wake up.
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