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Iraq leaning towards Iran, Turkey 'becoming hostile'

NO, it's all about sectarian issue from side it's not the Maliki it's shia who bother you controlling there country that's what it is Turkey want the whole country under there influence think about it erdogan's saliva's flowing when he thinks about whole Iraq under his proposal but that's in his dream he's been caught by Alhashimy promise to be his closest ally if he helped him to overthrow Almaliki and he become the first man.
Iran is doing same in Syria and Pakistan, They had tried the same in bahrain too, Here problem is that we don't have any issue with Iraq or Iran, But in Syria or other states Wat Iran, its agencies are doing , trying to creating a minority influence. or Supporting Dictators, Thats wats make the other muslim states to realise that Iran don't have just nuclear ambitions. I know you can claim pro-iranian agendas ,but it don't change reality .. Their is lot going on undergrounds.. As far as Iraq is concerned, Its Maliki who is more responsible for Iraq current situation..
Iran is doing same in Syria and Pakistan, They had tried the same in bahrain too, Here problem is that we don't have any issue with Iraq or Iran, But in Syria or other states Wat Iran, its agencies are doing , trying to creating a minority influence. or Supporting Dictators, Thats wats make the other muslim states to realise that Iran don't have just nuclear ambitions. I know you can claim pro-iranian agendas ,but it don't change reality .. Their is lot going on undergrounds.. As far as Iraq is concerned, Its Maliki who is more responsible for Iraq current situation..

so what? so it is okay with saudis to export terrorism to pakistan and other countries. it is okay for Israel and USA to have influence? but when Iran has influence which in the end is used to counter the saudis exporting terrorism and countering the western influence then we are the bad guys?

I seen your post before, you're simply an anti-Iranian. but guess what? no one gives a donkey **** about you or your opinion.
so what? so it is okay with saudis to export terrorism to pakistan and other countries. it is okay for Israel and USA to have influence? but when Iran has influence which in the end is used to counter the saudis exporting terrorism and countering the western influence then we are the bad guys?

I seen your post before, you're simply an anti-Iranian. but guess what? no one gives a donkey **** about you or your opinion.
Just answer of my one question? Is it ok when any other try to create its influence on Iran? Whether is it anyone? Wat the problem is that since 1 year before I were one of among Iran's supporter, still I'm not against Iran's nuclear problem, ;lol: but it seems like your government is more focused in creating influence rather then defending their own nation. Well! I still Don't have idea that why Saudi's even support U.S when they were the one who fed the world with concept of Saudi's exported terrorism. Sanctions on Iran is something else, But Why U.S suppported pro-irani establishment before quiting in Iraq? Maliki is one of the supporter of Iran nuclear program still one of The favourite contender for U.S..
As far as My anti-Irani posts are concerns? Mate, Anti-ism is bit more then the stuff I post, and niether I tried anything related to pro-iran or anti-iran which create acidity in anyone's stomach.
What I meant by 'invasion' wasn't that they invaded as soon as the US did. They, the NATO forces, were inside Iraq during the war years.

so what? so it is okay with saudis to export terrorism to pakistan and other countries. it is okay for Israel and USA to have influence? but when Iran has influence which in the end is used to counter the saudis exporting terrorism and countering the western influence then we are the bad guys?

I seen your post before, you're simply an anti-Iranian. but guess what? no one gives a donkey **** about you or your opinion.

Iran, Saudi Arabia, USA, Israel can all just dream of doing anything to Pakistan. In fact, it's Pakistan who's having influence in Iran, and Afghanistan.
What I meant by 'invasion' wasn't that they invaded as soon as the US did. They were in side Iraq during the war years.

Iran, Saudi Arabia, USA, Israel can all just dream of doing anything to Pakistan. In fact, it's Pakistan who's having influence in Iran, and Afghanistan.

Incorrect Pakistan has zero Influence on China or Iran.
what Iraqis think of this action
Iraq calls Turkey "hostile state" as relations dim - aliraqi Community

He's not fine with the US. Do have a longer memory than a few months please. If you recall, the Americans wanted to leave 10,000 soldiers behind and he strongly opposed it till the Americans caved in. There were a ton of infighting and he eventually sided with Al Sadr (the most anti American figure in Iraq) and asked them to pack their bags.
Actually he was fine with it. Muqtda leader of Mahdi army(and who"studied" in Iran for years) is the one generally responsible for preventing longer US military presence.

The real dog is the one who interfere with another neighbor country affairs, the question is if another country like US invade Iraq is that gives the neighbor the right to do the same just because my neighbor lives in chaos what a comparison and what a neighbor.
You're absolutely right. Just because the US invaded Iraq that doesn't give Iran the right to interfere in Iraqi affairs.
Actually he was fine with it. Muqtda leader of Mahdi army(and who"studied" in Iran for years) is the one generally responsible for preventing longer US military presence.

You're absolutely right. Just because the US invaded Iraq that doesn't give Iran the right to interfere in Iraqi affairs.

what if the Iraqi political figures want Iran's support? Iran is also Iraq's neighbor and will forever live next door to Iraq. Both countries have vested interest in each other's affairs. Your naivity is cute and scary at the same time. It's up to Iraqis and their leaders. You wahabis aren't the ones voting Iraqi politicians into power, they are.

Also, if you read my post again, I said Al Sadr was the one that forced the Americans to leave. You said the same thing I said.
what if the Iraqi political figures want Iran's support? Iran is also Iraq's neighbor and will forever live next door to Iraq. Both countries have vested interest in each other's affairs. Your naivity is cute and scary at the same time. It's up to Iraqis and their leaders. You wahabis aren't the ones voting Iraqi politicians into power, they are.

Also, if you read my post again, I said Al Sadr was the one that forced the Americans to leave. You said the same thing I said.
Who are you to speak for the Iraqis?
Iraq is a diverse country:
Majority of Iraqis Don't want Iran to have a strong influence on Iraqi internal affairs and external relations.
Kurds, Arab Sunnis and majority of Shi3s.
The fact is that in Iraq if Shi3a organizations or parties becomes hostile towards Iran they get"liquidated" by other pro-Iranian militias.
No one is against good relations, but NO one in the region will accept Iraq as a satellite state of Iran.
Who are you to speak for the Iraqis?
Iraq is a diverse country:
Majority of Iraqis Don't want Iran to have a strong influence on Iraqi internal affairs and external relations.
Kurds, Arab Sunnis and majority of Shi3s.
The fact is that in Iraq if Shi3a organizations or parties becomes hostile towards Iran they get"liquidated" by other pro-Iranian militias.
No one is against good relations, but NO one in the region will accept Iraq as a satellite state of Iran.

who the fck are you?
Thəorətic Muslim;2855496 said:
Hey, Who the Fu<k are you? We liberated the country :angel: we get first dibs. ;)

who are the hell you ?
how was my comment aimed at you?
is your eyes twisted?
what if the Iraqi political figures want Iran's support? Iran is also Iraq's neighbor and will forever live next door to Iraq. Both countries have vested interest in each other's affairs. Your naivity is cute and scary at the same time. It's up to Iraqis and their leaders. You wahabis aren't the ones voting Iraqi politicians into power, they are.

Also, if you read my post again, I said Al Sadr was the one that forced the Americans to leave. You said the same thing I said.

But your policies are based on sectarianism, and that will lead to the separation of Iraq, it will cease to exist as one country and divided in to 3 small weak countries atleast. Shia part under influence of Iran , Kurdish region will come under full controll of Turkey and Sunni Arabs will be under Saudis.. Unfurtionately for Iraq it seems that this is going to become a reality.
Th&#601;or&#601;tic Muslim;2855514 said:
Yes Yes it was. We will not allow Iraq to become the B!t<h of some other country. Its our B!t<h
first. You can have it when the oil runs out.
Ohhh okay, I am sorry you are the boss.
while you're here, Do you want Iran too? maybe you want someone to wipe your *** for you asswell.
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