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Saudi Arabia & Qatar destabilise Iraq


I have now deleted you from my "friend list" and put you on my ignore list.

I will ask Webmaster to ban you from this section and the Arab Defense section as well.

In fact I am thinking about more drastic measures:

I think it is best that we pretend never to have talked to each other. That is a war declaration.

I dont fight girls :D



Another frustrated Mullah he cannot stop Islam Ahmadiyyat. :lol:

Thank you Zia ul lanti. You wanted to destroy us in Pakistan, we spread to the world thanks to the hard work done by ahmadi ulema who worked for all their lives and in difficult situations.

Who are we? I am not a Pakistani.:lol:

I first learned about your sect through this forum since you do not exist in the Arab world aside from a few thousand misguided souls at most since your cult is native to India/Pakistan and not the ancient ME.

So why don't you recognize Prophet Muhammad (saws) as the final messenger of Allah (swt) like ALL other Muslims do regardless of sect?

What is wrong with you people? Yet you desperately want to associate yourself with Islam.
Anyway to get back to topic.

Don't you guys find it hilarious that this sellout called Al-Maliki and part-time Gypsy is throwing such accusations around when he has literary flooded Syria with Iraqi Shia terrorists in the thousands and tolerates Shia extremists?

Yet there is no proof of any state support. Individuals that are going to country x or y on their own have nothing to do with any state.

KSA built a long secured fence along the border of Iraq and Iraq is a place that Saudi Arabians cannot travel to due to the security reasons. Just as Afghanistan. KSA also has one of the strictest anti-terror laws out there and have been banning such groups since forever. Hence why OBL's passport was revoked 5 years prior to 9/11.

Yet that sellout has been cooperating with the biggest state terrorism supporter entity (Iran) for years and plotting with them.

In short pfuck him.

@JUBA @Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa
This has been the case since long time back.
KSA is feverishly supporting extreme Wahhabi terror all over the Middle East.
No one takes that clown seriously. He is trying to score some points prior the coming elections. Ayad Alawi the head of The National Iraqi Alliance has rejected Al-maiki accusation couple days ago.

Here is the video inside the link, Sry for some reason I could not embed it up here.
No one takes that clown seriously. He is trying to score some points prior the coming elections. Ayad Alawi the head of The National Iraqi Alliance has rejected Al-maiki accusation couple days ago.

Here is the video inside the link, Sry for some reason I could not embed it up here.

He is basically an Shia Islamist and so is his party. An sellout as well. Hopefully he gets removed. We should support the forces that want him removed. Gang up with the Kurds in the future if they try to stir something up. The Sunni Arab heartland of Iraq already can't stand him and the rule he represents.

Those two alone would make the Shias irrelevant again as always before.
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@RazPaK @Jaanbaz is insulting your great relative.


That is all what these guys can do.
Be it Irani sect, or the Indian sect, their favorite pastime is to curse people.

Truth of the matter is that these are ignorant people, who were probably not even alive in those times.
@al-Hasani for some reason I cant send u a pm, dont know if they disabled it or what. See if u can start a
Arabic gava tried it :


U should try it with dates, and u will have a completely different reaction. this one is not bad either. lol exactly how I reacted the first time I had a sip.
@al-Hasani for some reason I cant send u a pm, dont know if they disabled it or what. See if u can start a

U should try it with dates, and u will have a completely different reaction. this one is not bad either. lol exactly how I reacted the first time I had a sip.

La habibi once was enough.
When I need ur opinion that is not even worth shit, I will call u. Till then mind your own self. Just because u cant see beyond ur own self. Dont mean that we are all equally as stupid. And I wonder why the hell have I not put u on my ignore list yet. Ta Ta clown.

Typical retarded answer from a obvious retard.
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