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Iraq and Iran plot oil revolution in challenge to Saudi Arabia


Arab cuisine is 100 times more well-known in the world than Iranian cuisine, LOL.

Most non-Middle Eastern people think that Iran is an Arab country, LOL.

Just go to London, Paris or any other major European/Western city etc. Full of Arab restaurants.

Hell, stable Arab dishes such as shawarma, falafel, hummus etc. can be eaten on every street corner of the world.

Coffee too which is an Arab drink.

KSA/Yemeni cuisine is Arab cuisine.

Lol. Persian cuisine is world known, and has more restaurants than which Arab cuisine whatsoever.

This is your cuisine.



Ignorant desert-dwellers.
It is closer than ever. If Iran and the US would make a final deal.

Let just not jump the gun in this. Once a full agreement is sealed, we might talk about the outcome of it.

I personally do support the nuclear agreement. But I suspect that the sanctions would be lifted soon.

investors would start to invest in Iran's petroleum sector again. Iran could easily increase its production to pre-sanction levels. And within a couple of decades we could surpass KSA's production

The thing is that If Iran is going to develop its oil infrastructure, Other countries like KSA are moving ten times fold ahead of it, which eventually means that it is most likely impossible that Iran will catch up.

These aren't the 80s anymore. OPEC countries don't have the same influence as back then. Iran has already proven that it can handle oil-related sanctions i.e. less export and revenue.

Didn't you claim that the more oil Iran produces the lower prices of oil will become?

Nothing Iran would worry about. Iran's oil minister already said that they would increase production even if oil prices would fall to 20 dollars per barrel.

Iran never sold oil at lower prices, as a matter of fact, this was nothing less than a bless to us. The lower the prices go, the more oil we will be selling.

Is that why the Saudis invited Rouhani to come for pilgrimage to Mecca this year, like they did the same with Rafsanjani before?

Once again you're wrong :lol:

We don't invite world leaders to Hajj whatsoever. If we did such thing with an X or Y state, other heads of the states will expect us to do the same to them. This is way the door is kept widely open for everybody.

Like buying overpriced Western fighters with your petrodollars.

The same huge amount petrodollars you're spending on crappy North Korean missiles, submarines. :lol:

On contrast, we fly the world's most advanced jets which had always caused a psychological set back to the mullahs' regime. That's why the mullahs managed to keep their mouth shut when we took their down their jets.

First thing first. Like Syria for example.

So you're willing to let your people die for nothing.

A LONG way before the Syrian issue, Iran failed to protect its people.

It is closer than ever. If Iran and the US would make a final deal, investors would start to invest in Iran's petroleum sector again. Iran could easily increase its production to pre-sanction levels. And within a couple of decades we could surpass KSA's production.

These aren't the 80s anymore. OPEC countries don't have the same influence as back then. Iran has already proven that it can handle oil-related sanctions i.e. less export and revenue.

Nothing Iran would worry about. Iran's oil minister already said that they would increase production even if oil prices would fall to 20 dollars per barrel.

Is that why the Saudis invited Rouhani to come for pilgrimage to Mecca this year, like they did the same with Rafsanjani before?

Like buying overpriced Western fighters with your petrodollars.

First thing first. Like Syria for example.

Lol at the mentally twisted Saudi (or half Iraqi/Spanish/French/Yemeni/Omani/Shimmari/Emirati) calling others stateless while living in the land of the House of Saud. A family which a century ago still lived like primitive nomads. :lol:

GCC is hot air. Nothing to worry about.
LOL, Arab cuisine is much more widespread. Everyone knows this. Most people outside of the Middle East think that Iran is an Arab country. That's how insignificant your failed country is.

Arab cuisine is much, much more diverse and much more well-known and so are the Arab dishes eaten across the world and found on every street corner in the world nearly.

That Is UAE you dumb stateless Kurd.

EATING | Bespoke Cashmere | Page 3


So what? They are eating camel with some rice dishes. Big deal. While you consider cow heads such as these a delicacy. I know what I would eat.:lol:



Roasted camel meat is excellent anyway and exported as a delicacy to the remaining world. It is a staple dish in Egypt for instance and many more Arab and non-Arab countries of the world.
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the oil is bound to run out I guess, soon the entire ME will be replaced.....for now Iran and Iraq seem to be going on the up side with the Sauds bound to decline
the oil is bound to run out I guess, soon the entire ME will be replaced.....for now Iran and Iraq seem to be going on the up side with the Sauds bound to decline

Going down? What are you talking about?

GCC is the financial power in the ME by a LARGE margin. The GCC relies less on oil and gas than those two countries, especially Iraq.

List of countries by real GDP growth rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The growth of the GCC is among the highest in the world and the GCC is already one of the most wealthy regions of the world and not an Iraq or Liberia that is bound to grow each year since they came from nothing in recent times.

KSA has an abundance of natural resources, minerals, gold (largest gold mine in the ME) etc. that is not going to disappear soon. Large amounts of shale gas too. Anyway the economy is moving away from an economy based on natural resources to more self-sufficiency on the long run.

There is an immense potential when it comes to solar, wind etc. energy. Nuclear as well.

KSA has the 4th highest number of students in the world that are enlisted at American universities. More than any other country per capita. Most of them will return back home and contribute to the booming economy. We are talking about nearly 200.000 students enlisted at top universities in the USA and elsewhere.

The future is bright and only a major war can stop us from continuing to moving ahead.

Tourism will also be a big thing in the immediate future. KSA is already the 16th most visited country in the world but if certain laws will be changed and the absurdly strict visa rules will change then tourism has an enormous potential in KSA and then it is safe to say that KSA will enter the top 10 of most visited countries in the world once that has been implemented. Which again will create thousands upon thousands of jobs. Already a thing that the government has openly talked about so it will happen at one point.
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Its useless to compare GCC economy with Iran, because the playing field is not equal.
I would like to see KSA manage ONE day with the same sanctions placed on it, as on Iran. Not only sanctions on gas/oil but even the CENTRAL BANK. Which prevents other countries from doing extensive business with us of any kind.
You would crumble in the same fashion as if someone stepped on a cockroach.
GCC economy is good because it complies with US. KSA is conquered as it is an American mandate.

If sanctions were lifted on Iran,Iran would crush the GCC. We have for example the largest auto industry in the ME, and one of the largest in Asia. A market that has not reached its potential yet because of sanctions. And we have so much more potential other than that. This is just one example.
We are also gearing up to become the main energy hub in the region. That is why we are building an INDIGINOUS nuclear infrastructure, that in the future will become much more extensive and even massive. You see, Iran actually does the work. It does not TALK about it. It walks the walkt, while other countries that spew fantasy garbage about "green energy" (solar, wind bla bla) only talks the talk. Have some balls and build something. Oh I forgot, you cant. :lol:

I also think that our tourism industry has VAST potential.
This on top of the oil and natural gas resources

We border Central Asia, which will be a crucial pathway for trade and transport and be huge economic center. Iranhas the potential to become one of the largest economies of the world, in medium to long term.
We have the longest coastline on Persian Gulf AND the Caspian Sea to the north (the worlds largest reserves of natural gas).
Our strategic location is extremely favourable to say the least.
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KSA's coastline alone is longer than Iran's let alone the whole GCC which is over 2 times bigger and with an access to the Gulf, beautiful Red Sea and the Arabian SEA. Through the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean just like from the Arabian Sea.

How is it KSA or anyone else's problem that you are ruled by a bunch of dumb fake wannabe Arabs? The GCC has many obstacles that they themselves have created for further economic growth. Such as many unfavorable laws.
Besides those sanctions are not really working 100%. You are dealing with Russia, Turkey, China etc. like there were no sanctions.

Besides GCC will not be beaten by any country of the region in our lifetime. That is not possible. According to all leading experts that is not going to happen. On the economic field that is.

The GCC has a continuous growth and it will only get bigger as it moves more and more away from an economy mainly based on natural resources.

The GCC has bigger oil and gas reserves than Iran. Significantly bigger aside from shell gas. Much, much bigger. Qatar alone has nearly as big gas reservers as all of Iran.
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Coastline on Persian Gulf (as stated in my post). Hell UAE has bigger coastline in the Persian Gulf than KSA.
Iran is simply the dominant conventional state of the Persian Gulf (as we have always been), and all geostrategic analysts agree with this fact. There is a reason why Iran was policeman of the Gulf in the days of the Shah. We'll become that again. Its inevitable, as all attempts to prevent it goes aganst the geopolitical forces of gravity.
"Beautiful red sea" lmao. Starting to sound a little ridiculous :lol:

We are dealing with Russia and China like there were no sanctions? LOLOLOL
We are still selling oil but cant get hard cash for it. Our money is trapped in their own banks an we can only "profit" by buying commodoties of THEIR choosing. Did you hear what I said before? We have sanction on our banks, including the CENTRAL bank. Capiche? Comprende? Plus we sell it at discounted price.
Talk some damn sense, or not at all if you dont know what the hell you are talking about.

And again, compare your economy when it is placed under the same sanctions. Would KSA even exist at that point? My guess is the different tribes would riot like the desert dwelling monkyes that they are and form their own ehtnic enclaves within the peninsula. lol
Or compare it with Iran being fully reintegrated into the world economy with no sanctions. Makes no sense to boast and compare under these conditions because KSA does not have to put up with some of the harshest sanctions in world (complying with American foreign policy as it is a US mandate)
We would absolutely crush you like a bug.
The Arabian economy would collapse without their migrant workers, who work in the private sector and do the real jobs.
Actually, the vast majority of of foreign workers work in non-professional fields like cleaning and construction jobs.
Lol. Persian cuisine is world known, and has more restaurants than which Arab cuisine whatsoever.

This is your cuisine.



Ignorant desert-dwellers.
The funny thing here is that you're not even Persian.. :bounce:
Iraq was banned from oil export 1991-2003, they deserve the right to export more, after all it is needed to rebuild, I agree with what Tareq Aziz said about this in the 90’s.
Keep having fairytales.

KSA's coastline alone is bigger than ALL of Iran's coastline. The GCC TOTAL coastline is over 2 times bigger than that of Iran and has access to the beautiful Red Sea and from there to the Mediterranean Sea, to the Gulf and to the ARABIAN SEA and from there the Indian OCEAN.

As I said you are behind on practically every level and will continue to be so.

UAE's economy is nearly as big as that of Iran, LOL. Let alone the living standards in GCC which are 4-5 times better.

Mind you the GCC will only expand in the future. The aim is an united Sunni Arab world. Iran is no match to the GCC alone then think about an united Sunni Arab Arab world. No chance whatsoever. There is a bigger chance of you Farsis returning to the Kazakh Steppe than you ever being a worthy opponent to such an entity.

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