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Iran’s S Bavar 373 air defense system enters service

Western countries dont invent in long range SAMs because they rely on air force for air defence. Which is much more effective
When owned, add another bi-premise to your argument to save face.

Defence is multilayered! A good defense system has countermeasures to enemy threat. A great system has redundant countermeasures.

It burns your behind that Iran is now on a technological highway! Let that sink in! Iran will keep on innovating and improving. 100% self sufficient! Love the sound of that!
necessity is the mother of all inventions

this is a fruit of sanctions and western meddling..

They thought they were really smart by pressuring Russia into cancelling the s300.... I remember Irans response... It was furious, accusing Russia of sacrificing its relations with Iran, and an order came from Khamenei himself for this project.

Even the name "bavar" tells you something.

Hopefully Iran will make them pay in different sanctioned areas..... Iran would have never gotten off its addiction to oil revenue without forceful sanctions.. sanctions bring short term pain, but in reality make the Iranian nation much more powerful long term.
Extra-amsospheric missiles are by an order of magnitude more complicated technology than regular SAMs.

Western countries dont invent in long range SAMs because they rely on air force for air defence. Which is much more effective.

we will get there too in couple of years do not worry its one way road these systems like Bavar will only pay the way for more powerful systems, well yes i agree Fighter jets are better that's why they are called offensive but our is called defensive.
You're ahead of US and China??? Don't delude yourself and try to be reasonable for once.
Mish mash of different systems.

Currently only 2 countries have extra-atmospheric interceptor technology:

Israel (Arrow-2 and Arrow-3).

Atmospheric kinetic interceptors:

David's Sling
9M96 (S-400) - never really tested

All other systems are simple SAMs.
well i just simply categorized those systems based on their ABM altitude, range and radar wise robustness.
every one is welcome to challenge my category but i do not think the position of bavar will change in it.
I thought you are saying Iran is ahead of US and China in Air defense missile technology which I disagree with for obvious reasons. They have much bigger budget/brainpower than you do and are well ahead of you in this tech. That doesn't mean this isn't impressive, this is a good system for your country.
i said this before some people worship US.
i can assure you this system is way ahead of US patriot, this is the first time that Iran leaved it's quantity over quality doctrine behind and selected an expensive configuration.

Forgot the french aster 30
aster, DS, iron dome and similar systems to my opinion perform better under a saturated attack but compared to other systems lack the horrifying effect of <200 kg warhead.
Guys ... good old days :D


Is there any proof it can fire? Video?

Oh boy again?

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."


Then people can suck it up !

Well you guys seem to have too much fluff in between. Dilutes the good stuff.

Iran doesn't have budget to develop own air system. Especially since Iran is getting pounded by sanctions. I'm pretty sure this air system is a dummy like the Iranian fighter and most platforms they showcase. How do I know? They simply don't have the money and somehow without tech transfer and in very limited time they claim to have produce state of the art military products. And of course... no video or proof. There was proof of Qaher fighter and it turned out it was just a toy plane flying. :lol:

LOL ...

I didn't consider reverse engineering. But still I doubt they have produced anything noteworthy. They said they reserve engineered or engineered so many things and all of them failed or they show some shady photoshop pictures. For example that Gaher Iranian fighter or American stealth UAV. Most experts say those things can never fly. They are made of wood from the inside. Maybe this time they managed to do something and that air system can really fire but I wouldn't be surprised if those barrels are empty.

The difference between real military industrial countries and Iran is this. Iran says they produce something and let the whole world know by big billboards with big text behind mishmash products while the latter doesn't feel the need to do this. I mean we still haven't seen one Iranian product that worked. They simply don't have the trackrecord. They have been lying and manipulating so what is different this time? If somebody is lying for years he can be right once but I rather not believe him anyways since a liar doesn't change overnight.
Good old days :D part 2

I think it is bunch of drums glued together. The Jew in this forum can debunk it more.

The only think Iran produced was UAV but they are almost on the same tech level as the toy RC planes you can buy in toy stores.


well i just simply categorized those systems based on their ABM altitude, range and radar wise robustness.
every one is welcome to challenge my category but i do not think the position of bavar will change in it.
Based on ABM altitude:

1) GBI
2) SM-3
3-4) THAAD/Arrow-3
5) Arrow-2
Everyone else.
Based on ABM altitude:

1) GBI
2) SM-3
3-4) THAAD/Arrow-3
5) Arrow-2
Everyone else.

Iranians seriously are fallen so far in thr own falsified glory of superior technology they even rank themselves above china USA.. seriously guys haha..
Iran is like a little midget in comparison of real technological giants like US Russia France Japan....
If I would have to rank nations by thr technological advancements Iran wont even come in Top 25....
Would prefer any non-iranian or non shia source .

LOL ... :D


Oh boy ... LOL

Iranians seriously are fallen so far in thr own falsified glory of superior technology they even rank themselves above china USA.. seriously guys haha..
Iran is like a little midget in comparison of real technological giants like US Russia France Japan....
If I would have to rank nations by thr technological advancements Iran wont even come in Top 25....

Where r u from?
Iranians seriously are fallen so far in thr own falsified glory of superior technology they even rank themselves above china USA.. seriously guys haha..
Iran is like a little midget in comparison of real technological giants like US Russia France Japan....
If I would have to rank nations by thr technological advancements Iran wont even come in Top 25....
Whenever we needed to rank the countries based on fantasies, we will certainly invite you.

till that time we will rank the countries based on their achievements in the real world battlefields.

and as far as battlefield achievements is concerned (for example in Saudi Arabia/Yemen), the ineffectiveness of American Patriot system is exposed to whole world.

LOL, who is drowned in falsified glory! :lol:
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