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Iran’s S Bavar 373 air defense system enters service

Origin , region and culture affect people's logic!

why dont you logically reason tell me kind of military grade processor being used in Bavar373 kind of solid fuel mix and how much advance AESA radars are present in Iran, Americans are pioneer in almost every single technology how advance is electronic counter measures of Bavar373,
EA-18G Growler systems can effectively jam S-300.
why dont you logically reason tell me kind of military grade processor being used in Bavar373 kind of solid fuel mix and how much advance AESA radars are present in Iran, Americans are pioneer in almost every single technology how advance is electronic counter measures of Bavar373,
EA-18G Growler systems can effectively jam S-300.

You are "logically" asking such questions ?
trust me the day missiles start falling over Iran you guys will kill for getting some battle tested PAC-3s, this BAVAR 373 will be of zero use,
Iran is no where closer to USA in any technology and almost every field at least 50 years behind, this BAVAR373 is not some technological breakthrough by Iran, same things like these were deployed and then decommissioned by Soviets and Americans in 60s/70s
Obviously you are from some ex-colonized country still believing in your own inferiority or the superiority of any one from Europe....Turks were choked, kicked and dragged to buy your beloved American Patriot....they are smart enough to resist and opted for S400..so stop worshiping your Western masters and go back to your roots.
I can present a very simple logic to show where modern nations stands on technological ladder.
From time since we have recorded history of mankind the technology which makes a group of men more likely to
dominate other group is metallurgy, the stronger your metal is more likely you will dominate your foe or gather more food fuel, this is also true in modern era, the more stronger and lighter alloy a nation can make
more likely that nation will manufacture better machines, by machines I mean everything from better armor to better engines, ohh yaa better Jet Engines so currently if we see the life span/thrust and ease of maintenance of a Jet Engine, Americans have no comparison.
The GE, P&W manufactures the most technologically advance alloys to manufacture the most durable, better thrust and much better life span engines.

The latest American Fighter Jet engine has almost 3 times the life span of engine in comparison with Russians.
so if we go by average of engine advancements

If we rate American engines of 2019 most probably Europeans will reach the the current american metallurgy standards in 15 years that is French Snecma and Rolls Royce Jet engine core division in Germany.
And after this Russians might reach same standards if they keep putting same resources as of now in like 25 years, and Chinese with the kind of money they are pouring will probably be able to reach the same 2019 standards of American metallurgy in 35 years.

There is some truth to what you say, but you are off on ranking due to western PR.

Quick check:

Two comparable generation western and Russian engine.

Weight 1800kg
Thrust 156kN

Weight 1500kg
Thrust 176kN

kN per kg engine weight:

F119: 0,087
Al-41: 0,117

Means Al-41 is 26% superior.

Point is simple: Russian/Soviet doctrine does not require as long lifetime as western engines due to different operation and training concepts. Operate your Al-41 at 26% lower power and I'm sure its TBO comes close to the F119.

That's the Iranian section, not F-16.net :)
And after this Russians might reach same standards if they keep putting same resources as of now in like 25 years, and Chinese with the kind of money they are pouring will probably be able to reach the same 2019 standards of American metallurgy in 35 years.

russians always dominated metallurgy, I dont know how u come up with this numbers...
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Obviously you are from some ex-colonized country still believing in your own inferiority or the superiority of any one from Europe....Turks were choked, kicked and dragged to buy your beloved American Patriot....they are smart enough to resist and opted for S400..so stop worshiping your Western masters and go back to your roots.

ok if you say so I accept I am from a country which has zero technology base and consider American tech. highly matured and advance than Euro or Russian tech. in many fields, now tell me how much advance Iranian processor and Solid fuel mix is and what Iranian gen of AESA is being used specially in long range missiles. thanks
ohh no I am not underestimating Iran, Iran might be doing alright but saying they have surpassed USA China that seems just too much for average person on a defense forum.

I can present a very simple logic to show where modern nations stands on technological ladder.
From time since we have recorded history of mankind the technology which makes a group of men more likely to
dominate other group is metallurgy, the stronger your metal is more likely you will dominate your foe or gather more food fuel, this is also true in modern era, the more stronger and lighter alloy a nation can make
more likely that nation will manufacture better machines, by machines I mean everything from better armor to better engines, ohh yaa better Jet Engines so currently if we see the life span/thrust and ease of maintenance of a Jet Engine, Americans have no comparison.
The GE, P&W manufactures the most technologically advance alloys to manufacture the most durable, better thrust and much better life span engines.

The latest American Fighter Jet engine has almost 3 times the life span of engine in comparison with Russians.
so if we go by average of engine advancements

If we rate American engines of 2019 most probably Europeans will reach the the current american metallurgy standards in 15 years that is French Snecma and Rolls Royce Jet engine core division in Germany.
And after this Russians might reach same standards if they keep putting same resources as of now in like 25 years, and Chinese with the kind of money they are pouring will probably be able to reach the same 2019 standards of American metallurgy in 35 years.
Now here I am talking about basic metallurgy technology that basically defines in modern era how much powerful weapon system a nation can manufacture but there are many other technologies where basic R&D is not even started in advance nations to match Americans and here I am hearing Iran created this superb SAM system that is better than PAC-3 not even possible by any logical reasoning, this is reverse engineered Soviet tech of 70s with few inputs from modern Russian and Chinese system for which Iran paid with an arm and a leg.
If I have to rate Iran in metallurgic scale of development you are easily 50 years behind Americans. No hard feeling this is just the plain truth.

Im not always agreeing what Yakov Kedmi says but maybe u can take a look at this one:

There is some truth to what you say, but you are off on ranking due to western PR.

Quick check:

Two comparable generation western and Russian engine.

Weight 1800kg
Thrust 156kN

Weight 1500kg
Thrust 176kN

kN per kg engine weight:

F119: 0,087
Al-41: 0,117

Means Al-41 is 26% superior.

Point is simple: Russian/Soviet doctrine does not require as long lifetime as western engines due to different operation and training concepts. Operate your Al-41 at 26% lower power and I'm sure its TBO comes close to the F119.

That's the Iranian section, not F-16.net :)

Thrust is not the only factor when it comes to Jet engine tech., its mainly the efficiency, life span and ease of maintenance which factor in maturity of technology in all these fields Russians are good decades behind latest American engines.
One of the most used engines from both Amricans and Russian are AL-31FP and F404-GE for which data is available online from various countries using them, thr maintenance and overhaul cycles, the Russians dont even come close to the maturity of F404, seems like an average F404 has around 4000 TAC cycles against Russian 1000 that is rarity. I am not even talking about latest American engines.
Mish mash of different systems.

Currently only 2 countries have extra-atmospheric interceptor technology:

Israel (Arrow-2 and Arrow-3).

Atmospheric kinetic interceptors:

David's Sling
9M96 (S-400) - never really tested

All other systems are simple SAMs.

but still Iran is advancing so quickly .. now can't think to be close to Iranian border ( bavar - s 300 - tor m1 - khordad 3 ) etc ! the occupied Palestine ( OR faked Israel state ) feels v. worried in many aspects ! the Persians have much broader mind than other mid eastern ! THEY ARE V. TACTICAL ! something related to history !

I feel so happy !:)
When owned, add another bi-premise to your argument to save face.

Defence is multilayered! A good defense system has countermeasures to enemy threat. A great system has redundant countermeasures.

It burns your behind that Iran is now on a technological highway! Let that sink in! Iran will keep on innovating and improving. 100% self sufficient! Love the sound of that!
ACtually Iran is beating Israel in technology in the Middle East. I read an article about it. The science Iranian universities produce has now caught up with Israel. thats facts. thats why the embargoes on Iran make sense from a western hegemonic sense...an Iran that isnt slowed down cant be managed.

we will get there too in couple of years do not worry its one way road these systems like Bavar will only pay the way for more powerful systems, well yes i agree Fighter jets are better that's why they are called offensive but our is called defensive.
S300, S400, Bavar, etc are making fighter jets redundant imo. We all know that once Iran deploys Bavars around Iran's borders enemy airforce strikes will be even less likely. Like i said in another thread, Israel and US are only actively attacking either terrorist groups, or developing countries that with worn down/absent AD due to internal /civil wars.
Mish mash of different systems.

Currently only 2 countries have extra-atmospheric interceptor technology:

Israel (Arrow-2 and Arrow-3).

Atmospheric kinetic interceptors:

David's Sling
9M96 (S-400) - never really tested

All other systems are simple SAMs.
I can't confirm about others but those russian and iranian simple system are designed to eliminate simple and cheap targets like cruise missile, drones and f35 ,f16 and so on. Also they are looking for a way to counter f22 stealth aircraft ,the invicible one (as per they say). And u already know, west heavily relay on air power.so this kind of deterence is enough. No need of extra atomospheric ABM tech right now.
And both iran and russian who has to counter air power of west,so they relay on BM deterence and flattening enemy carriers and airfields are the main priority..and good luck with ur extra atomosphoric ABM system.its good have faith on ur own systems, although i personally won't recommend them.
but still Iran is advancing so quickly .. now can't think to be close to Iranian border ( bavar - s 300 - tor m1 - khordad 3 ) etc ! the occupied Palestine ( OR faked Israel state ) feels v. worried in many aspects ! the Persians have much broader mind than other mid eastern ! THEY ARE V. TACTICAL ! something related to history !

I feel so happy !:)
Israel took with easy most advanced Russian SAMs which was designed to protect S-400.

Iranian SAMs are no match to Russian. They are just modernized 50 years old SM-1.
Israel took with easy most advanced Russian SAMs which was designed to protect S-400.

Iranian SAMs are no match to Russian. They are just modernized 50 years old SM-1.
Same story, when pearl harbor got flattened by japan.
Then, What happend next?
U are firing at a terget which is idle and standby..of course thats is also counted as success for israel...
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