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Iran's help to Iraq in its fight against Daesh terrorists

Badr fighters using an Iranian Toofan 5 ATGM.

@Malik Alashter

Funny to see the Persian atheists, moderate, and religious to have finally agreed on one thing here in PDF. They are all having one final laugh and enjoying the conquest and control of Iraq. Even someone like @Surenas who is supposed to be an staunch enemy of the Mullahs (and their iron shield Sepah) is cheering up for the Persian glorious conquest.

Now feel free to curse me as nasty as you think is enough. You won't be convinced and you will fill out the responses with pure denial. I am not saying that ISIS is great, but if you want to fight it, then do that with a national army that has national interests and motivations. Oh well, Solimani and his buddies had already made sure that the word "national" won't have any meaning to you. You will continue to enjoy the religious Shia freedom that the Iraqi Shia have been barred from for the last 1350 years. You will do that for a while until you realize who is feeding its extreme sprit and for what price.
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@Malik Alashter

Funny to see the Persian atheists, moderate, and religious to have finally agreed on one thing here in PDF. They are all having one big laugh and enjoying the conquest and control of Iraq. Even someone like @Surenas who is supposed to be an staunch enemy of the Mullahs (and their iron shield the Sepah) is cheering up for the Persian glorious conquest.

Now feel free to curse me as nasty as you think is enough. You won't be convinced and you will fill out the responses with pure denial. I am not saying that ISIS is great, but if you want to fight it, then do that with a national army that has national interest and motivation. Oh well, Solimani and his buddies had already made sure that the word national won't have any meaning to you. You will continue to enjoy the religious Shia freedom that the Iraqi Shia have been barred from for the last 1300 years. You will do that for a while until you realize who if feeding its extreme sprit and for what price.
Thank you very much for exposing us .

But get this : Iraq has a central govt. which is elected by its people (unlike you) . it has parliament which is elected by its people (unlike you) it has battle hardened Army (unlike you) and is a sovereign nation .

Iraq has thousands of years of history and culture , even the great and majestic persian empire has some of it's culture borrowed from assyrians (which were Iraqi) ====> and again unlike turd, statue worshipers of saudia who burried their daughters alive , these people have culture and history .

So they know what they are doing . there are about 100 iranian advisors in Iraq right now and maybe less than that fighters . so the total number of iranians is much less than 200 .

But Iran is also giving all-out support to Iraqi Army . they have 5 upgraded Su-25s and lots of other military Aid just for free .

So spare us the BS you little terrorist . What did saudia do meanwhile ? given them (ISIS turds) TOW missiles , supported them by funding them and arming them to teeth in order to suck on the blood of Iraqi and Syrian people .

Don't worry about Iraq , they know how to handle their country as they are already defeating your A$$ .
@Malik Alashter

Funny to see the Persian atheists, moderate, and religious to have finally agreed on one thing here in PDF. They are all having one big laugh and enjoying the conquest and control of Iraq. Even someone like @Surenas who is supposed to be an staunch enemy of the Mullahs (and their iron shield the Sepah) is cheering up for the Persian glorious conquest.

Now feel free to curse me as nasty as you think is enough. You won't be convinced and you will fill out the responses with pure denial. I am not saying that ISIS is great, but if you want to fight it, then do that with a national army that has national interests and motivations. Oh well, Solimani and his buddies had already made sure that the word "national" won't have any meaning to you. You will continue to enjoy the religious Shia freedom that the Iraqi Shia have been barred from for the last 1350 years. You will do that for a while until you realize who if feeding its extreme sprit and for what price.

No cursing is needed when your logic can be beaten with most simple of words. All Iranians agree on one thing and that is not conquest of Iraq, it's eradicating the filth of Daesh and destroying every similar ideology and we will never disagree on that. Long gone are the days of land conquests. You as a Saudi don't have any right to speak for Iraqi people. Iraqi members like @Alshawi1234 @1000 or @Malik Alashter and Iraqi people in general don't have any problems with Iran's help in fight against Daesh. It's Iraqis themselves who are doing most of the fighting, we just offer some advisers and weapons.

You, deeply in your heart, sympathize with Daesh and ideals it stand for, no matter how much you deny it verbally and even if you launch symbolic air strikes against them and you are not to blame for this, the roots are the same, forefathers are the same. Daesh only had the guts to make the internal violence an external one, that's the difference.
@Malik Alashter

Before any one of you says it, I say it loudly: Saudi Arabia and the Saudi Royal family won't be any better for you than the Mullahs. You don't need us or them if you consider both of us to be your unfriendly neighbors. Only time and experience will confirm to you that Persians are overly nationalistic people. There is just no comparison between their religious emotions and nationalistic emotions. They do immensely hate Arabs and look down on them as an “inferior race”. They do that in the same enthusiasm of crying in Ashura, and believe me they are more than capable of holding such contradiction.

Dr. Ali Al Wardi is a well-known Shia Iraqi sociologist who died in 1995. I am grateful that I once bought his book which is to this day, my key for undertannding what is going on in this hell-hole (the Middle East). Here is a picture that I just took for it! Read what he has written about the Persian repetitive failed attempts to control Iraq and you will get the whole story that baffeld you since 2003. He was just talking about Iraq's medern history from 1500 and up.

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Time has told enough cause we (Iraqis and Iranians) were there for more than 7000yrs . We were even one country for a long period of time .

So if we were racist we could have done our harm long before barbars in saudia started to pop up from the ground and bury their women alive .

If persians were racist there would be no arab-kurd-azeri-balouch living in iran . if persians were sectarian , there would be no Sunni-christian-jew living in iran . but guess what ! they do and heck i do . i am no persian . i don't have any blood relation with any persian . i am a kurd Iranian and i'm more than blessed to be even born in such a beautiful and progressive nation .

what about the filth of saudia ? Pakistanis and afghans are all being beheaded . Afro-arabs are being harassed . Shia muslims are being killed and siezed , they are being tortured and their religious leader sheikh al-nemr is on the way to get beheaded .

So yeah . forward your words of wisdom to :

Official website of Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairs Foreign Minister, Dr. Ibrahim Al Jaafari
@Malik Alashter

Funny to see the Persian atheists, moderate, and religious to have finally agreed on one thing here in PDF. They are all having one big laugh and enjoying the conquest and control of Iraq. Even someone like @Surenas who is supposed to be an staunch enemy of the Mullahs (and their iron shield Sepah) is cheering up for the Persian glorious conquest.

Now feel free to curse me as nasty as you think is enough. You won't be convinced and you will fill out the responses with pure denial. I am not saying that ISIS is great, but if you want to fight it, then do that with a national army that has national interests and motivations. Oh well, Solimani and his buddies had already made sure that the word "national" won't have any meaning to you. You will continue to enjoy the religious Shia freedom that the Iraqi Shia have been barred from for the last 1350 years. You will do that for a while until you realize who is feeding its extreme sprit and for what price.




More photograpic evidence revealing the presence of Iranian tanks in Iraq has emerged. Newly released images show what is believed to be the same T-72S as the one seen near Tikrit, while arriving in the town of Samarra, South of Tikrit. The new images come just a day after the first confirmed sighting of an Iranian T-72S tank in Iraq.

The T-72S is inspected by Qassem al-Araji (standing in the middle), the right hand of Hadi al-Amiri, head of the Badr Organization. When asked about who was to help Iraq in its fight against the Islamic State Qassem al-Araji previously stated ''We Want Help from Iran, Not U.S., in our fight against ISIS'' and that Iran has played "a major role in supporting our military forces,''.

This support now clearly also includes the transfer of Iranian T-72S tanks, at least one of which entered Samarra on an Iraqi Army tank trailer escorted by fighters of the Badr Organization.

But contrary to what was first believed, the tank is operated by the Iraqi Army, not by Kata'ib Hizbullah or the Badr Organization, which are the most influencialof the many Shiite militias currently fighting in Iraq. A source within the Badr Organization close to Qassem al-Araji says that ''Badr doesn't have a mechanized unit. Tanks are operated by Iraqi ISF (Iraqi Security Forces) but operators may be Badr sympathizers.''

As the T-72S is more advanced than the Iraq's older T-72 'Ural' and T-72M1 variants, it seems plausible that Iraqi personnel received training on the T-72S in Iran, once more indicating the strong bond that has come into being between the two nations.

Oryx Blog: Iran's expanding sphere of influence: Iranian T-72 tanks in Iraq (2)



@Malik Alashter

Funny to see the Persian atheists, moderate, and religious to have finally agreed on one thing here in PDF. They are all having one final laugh and enjoying the conquest and control of Iraq. Even someone like @Surenas who is supposed to be an staunch enemy of the Mullahs (and their iron shield Sepah) is cheering up for the Persian glorious conquest.

Now feel free to curse me as nasty as you think is enough. You won't be convinced and you will fill out the responses with pure denial. I am not saying that ISIS is great, but if you want to fight it, then do that with a national army that has national interests and motivations. Oh well, Solimani and his buddies had already made sure that the word "national" won't have any meaning to you. You will continue to enjoy the religious Shia freedom that the Iraqi Shia have been barred from for the last 1350 years. You will do that for a while until you realize who is feeding its extreme sprit and for what price.
But how about every thing you thnk about Iranian heavy influence in Iraq is not right and they came for help not any thing else man even the American is fine with that.

But the Iraqi army is infested with baathis and terrorists suppoters plus many corrupted officers that sold their honor for many how an army like that will fight the enemy.

Iranian help the Iraqis in training and arming plus planning the offesive all they did come with great success here we are getting Tikreet and Anbar look Anbar is waitnig for those PMF to be liberated.

So, your call just like the baathist call and daeshis call the PMF as melitia is not going to work since they are the Iraqi fist of fury.
@Malik Alashter

Before any one of you says it, I say it loudly: Saudi Arabia and the Saudi Royal family won't be any better for you than the Mullahs. You don't need us or them if you consider both of us to be your unfriendly neighbors. Only time and experience will confirm to you that Persians are overly nationalistic people. There is just no comparison between their religious emotions and nationalistic emotions. They do immensely hate Arabs and look down on them as an “inferior race”. They do that in the same enthusiasm of crying in Ashura, and believe me they are more than capable of holding such contradiction.

Dr. Ali Al Wardi is a well-known Shia Iraqi sociologist who died in 1995. I am grateful that I once bought his book which is to this day, my key for undertannding what is going on in this hell-hole (the Middle East). Here is a picture that I just took for it! Read what he has written about the Persian repetitive failed attempts to control Iraq and you will get the whole story that baffeld you since 2003. He was just talking about Iraq's medern history from 1500 and up.

View attachment 202222

Your hate is so obvious. You have come here to divide and Iraqis can see that for themselves. The truth is, you are no friend of Iraqis and they know it. They have paid in blood because of your anti-Iraqi policies. Iran is just helping Iraq out of sense of brotherhood and Iraqis know this. If an Iranian general walks around in Iraq among Iraqi troops, this means only one thing, a strategic friendship between Iran and Iraq. You better be worried of a day, when Iraq having reconstructed itself and reached its glory. That day will be a very bad day for you.

So funny. But then they need those jewelry in order to impress their people.
@Malik Alashter

Before any one of you says it, I say it loudly: Saudi Arabia and the Saudi Royal family won't be any better for you than the Mullahs. You don't need us or them if you consider both of us to be your unfriendly neighbors. Only time and experience will confirm to you that Persians are overly nationalistic people. There is just no comparison between their religious emotions and nationalistic emotions. They do immensely hate Arabs and look down on them as an “inferior race”. They do that in the same enthusiasm of crying in Ashura, and believe me they are more than capable of holding such contradiction.

Dr. Ali Al Wardi is a well-known Shia Iraqi sociologist who died in 1995. I am grateful that I once bought his book which is to this day, my key for undertannding what is going on in this hell-hole (the Middle East). Here is a picture that I just took for it! Read what he has written about the Persian repetitive failed attempts to control Iraq and you will get the whole story that baffeld you since 2003. He was just talking about Iraq's medern history from 1500 and up.

View attachment 202222
BTW Ali alwardi is a well known sociologist and I read some of his books including the one that you refering to.

But you forgot the world today is different no nation can occupy another one no way. But your regime no doubt supporting terrorism in Iraq and Syria. If your regime stops the support to the terror group then we wouldn't need Iran to help but since they work on destroying Iraq for some reasons then no means of your accusations to Iran and Shea you can't blame the one that trying to save his gut.

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