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Iran's domestic advanced jet trainer "Yasin"

The budget of project + first prototype =5.6 million dollar

That is too low, even Indonesia develop a small turboprop aircraft N 219 + 1 prototype still need 62 million USD.

That is too low, even Indonesia develop a small turboprop aircraft N 219 + 1 prototype still need 62 million USD.

pal Iranian domestically made products cost less if you consider their price in dollars. for example a dozen eggs in Iran costs 80 cents, in US costs 1.6 $. bread in US costs 2.5 dollars (450 g) while in Iran 650 g bread just costs 18 cents. it goes for almost any thing that is completely home made.


this babe costs 7.5 M$,it's cheap for a buyer that has dollar. that does not mean it's cheap for me.
pal Iranian domestically made products cost less if you consider their price in dollars. for example a dozen eggs in Iran costs 80 cents, in US costs 1.6 $. bread in US costs 2.5 dollars (450 g) while in Iran 650 g bread just costs 18 cents. it goes for almost any thing that is completely home made.

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this babe costs 7.5 M$,it's cheap for a buyer that has dollar. that does not mean it's cheap for me.

How much is Kowsar cost development ?
When Rohani took office he cut off a vast number of small R&D project that is a absolute undeniable fact however neither Iran's overall defense budget nor the IRGC's government budget has actually been reduced.

Also, maybe some of those project needed a little trimming, I wouldn't be surprised if most of the stealing is under the guise of research projects...remember the crashed Italian helicopter that was cobbled together to make it look like a new design?
unbelievable! i wouldn't sit on that pilot seat, even iran cant make a trainer plane with that budget, you should be prepared to new accidents. sorry but reality.

its called self sufficiency which again means 100% Iranian built and when a country do that its spending will be 5-10 times less
Here, he is a guest among Iranian members, as the topic of this post is about an Iranian system. So, it is not a bad idea if show some respect, please.
Maybe he should show some respect first, knowing that he's a guest.
Yasin looks like a simple classic design, shouldn't have issues with spin recovery tests, etc.

Is there any significance to the colour of the planels? Green = composites ? Or just the standard primer colour that Iran uses?
what do you expect from me, Hazrat? do i need to bow towards you? i didnt say anything bad, this is an international forum, i explained my thoughts.

there is something wrong, you cant decrease cost that much with only lower salaries, high tech products need high standards which apparently that airplane lacks. i know you dont like this but need to remind IRAN-140 and previous trainer aircraft project both ended with catastrophic crashs. it seems you are still insisting the same methods.
what do you expect from me, Hazrat? do i need to bow towards you? i didnt say anything bad, this is an international forum, i explained my thoughts.

there is something wrong, you cant decrease cost that much with only lower salaries, high tech products need high standards which apparently that airplane lacks. i know you dont like this but need to remind IRAN-140 and previous trainer aircraft project both ended with catastrophic crashs. it seems you are still insisting the same methods.
Iran produced 10 aircrafts of the type IrAn-140 and only one crashed. I don't know which trainer aircraft you have in mind that had a catastrophic crash. Care to elaborate?

Plus, most conversions involving Iranian Rial to US dollar for military projects are highly inaccurate because there are three exchange rates for the US dollar in Iran: 1- subsidized US dollar which is 4,200 Tomans which is used mainly by the government to import important stuff like food and medicine, 2- semi-subsidized US dollar which is around 7,500 Tomans and it is given to companies to import necessary stuff, 3- the free market US dollar which is currently about 11,000 Tomans. Also, projects like this are usually in development for more than 2 years. Nearly 2 years ago the exchange rate for the US dollar in Iran was about 3,500 Tomans.

So, when a government official states that the unit cost is 70 billion IRR, it can mean anything from 6.5 million dollars to 20 million dollars depending on the exchange rate of the US dollar during the time that the aircraft was being developed and the funds that were allocated to the project by the government. Meanwhile, when you build high-tech stuff like the engine on your own, that obviously reduces the cost hugely because high-tech stuff are usually sold a lot more expensive than what they actually cost because of monopoly.
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I was expecting this kind of stuff....


It is possible Iran developed this plane but not showing it for military reasons. In the event that Iranian military gets into serious with a powerful adversary, perhaps that is when this plane becomes very active in the battlefield. I have noway of providing this claim; I'm just speculating it.
there is something wrong, you cant decrease cost that much with only lower salaries, high tech products need high standards which apparently that airplane lacks. i know you dont like this but need to remind IRAN-140 and previous trainer aircraft project both ended with catastrophic crashs. it seems you are still insisting the same methods.
sir u misunderstood, 70 billion toman is not insignificant money in Iran. a doctor salary for month is 7 million toman (640 dollars) and here it's a very good number. with that money u can hire 10 thousand PHD to work for u a month=2400000 man-hour work.
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