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Iran's domestic advanced jet trainer "Yasin"

First iranian trainer design tazarv,
does iran still use IR-AN 140? i read that the project is cancelled.
I'm not aware of any crash incident related to that but it is possible. Do you have a source for that?

IrAn-140 was canceled. Although, two of the IrAn-140 airplanes were produced for Iran Police Aviation to patrol the Persian Gulf. I'm not sure about their fate.
First iranian trainer design tazarv,
does iran still use IR-AN 140? i read that the project is cancelled.
there was an incident and we lost two tazarv and after that the project cancelled. but that is not a shame, without doubt US has/had the highest number of failures and crashes in the world but thanks to her efforts now it enjoys the best AF in the world. and finally the planes crash that actually fly.
and no we do not use IRan-140 anymore.
Yasin looks like a simple classic design, shouldn't have issues with spin recovery tests, etc.

Is there any significance to the colour of the planels? Green = composites ? Or just the standard primer colour that Iran uses?

Iran said the color Green is a world standard color that indicates a fighter jet or a plane is now on flight tests stage and that colors will change when all the test are done








Also, maybe some of those project needed a little trimming, I wouldn't be surprised if most of the stealing is under the guise of research projects...remember the crashed Italian helicopter that was cobbled together to make it look like a new design?

I know of one R&D project that was finally cut that even remained active a few years under Rohani administration because they were claiming it to be Missile R&D project & it really wasn't taking up a large sum however it was still fraud and was finally cut because it turned out being nothing but a bunch of idiots putting fins on PVC pipes.

So a cobbled together Italian helo I would say was far from the worst of it! And there were all kinds of absurd R&D project from project that Iran was simply 3-4 decades away from having the infrastructure to build to projects like the Q-313 that was based on a fictional single engine with no thought into what the requirements of such a platform need to be for it to be worth producing....., to a large number of absurd smaller projects that were falling though the cracks due to lack of proper oversight.

And I'm not saying there weren't any good R&D project that were cut however due to the sheer number of fraudulent or absurd cases, a good number of really good R&D projects also ended up paying the cost.

And I'm also not saying what Rohani has done is the right thing because in my personal opinion Iran's defense budget should at the very least be double what it is today and we most definitely need more R&D projects however R&D project that receive funding need to be properly planned and managed with plans to also develop the proper infrastructure, tools, parts and materials needed around them with the proper oversight and accountability.

And I also believe that funding for Islamic advertising should NOT being coming out of Iran's comparatively small defense budget.


And I don't know the average salary in armed forces, but if my assumptions are true, then 5 billion dollars should be enough to feed our personnel.

I didn't say we need $9Biillion USD to simply feed our troops. I said $9Billion is the minimum requirement to do the following:
1.Pay the paycheck, healthcare & benefits of Iran's Active, Reservist & retired military and defense related personal (This included everyone from a janitor working at government owned ammo production facility to fighter pilots to full time Basij members)
2.Pay for Food & Beverages.
3.None weapons related supplies from office supplies to uniforms and anything that's not food, fuel or weapons related.
4.Military and government assisted housing.
5.Fuel from normal Safir jeeps given to personal to fighter jet to electricity & natural gas needed for bases.....
6.Maintenance & upkeep (From base maintenance to the maintenance required to keep the current fleet of Iranian weapons active from fighter jets to ships to tanks & jeeps.....)
7.Ammo and funds required for standard training and standard in border ops like boarder patrol...

Which means $9Billiion is about what Iran requires to simply keeps its military personal and equipment at the current level. With no weapons added or R&D projects active.
I didn't say we need $9Biillion USD to simply feed our troops. I said $9Billion is the minimum requirement to do the following:
1.Pay the paycheck, healthcare & benefits of Iran's Active, Reservist & retired military and defense related personal (This included everyone from a janitor working at government owned ammo production facility to fighter pilots to full time Basij members)
2.Pay for Food & Beverages.
3.None weapons related supplies from office supplies to uniforms and anything that's not food, fuel or weapons related.
4.Military and government assisted housing.
5.Fuel from normal Safir jeeps given to personal to fighter jet to electricity & natural gas needed for bases.....
6.Maintenance & upkeep (From base maintenance to the maintenance required to keep the current fleet of Iranian weapons active from fighter jets to ships to tanks & jeeps.....)
7.Ammo and funds required for standard training and standard in border ops like boarder patrol...

Which means $9Billiion is about what Iran requires to simply keeps its military personal and equipment at the current level. With no weapons added or R&D projects active.
And how did you come up with that number? Care to elaborate?
It's not easy to calculate these things because there's not much information available online and most online sources have conflicting numbers about Iran's armed forces.

Anyway, the photo I posted from an independent source clearly shows a sharp drop in Iran's military expenditure. What do you think about that?
Iran produced 10 aircrafts of the type IrAn-140 and only one crashed. I don't know which trainer aircraft you have in mind that had a catastrophic crash. Care to elaborate?
Well I wish it was the case
3 crashed and the one you mentioned was the third one .
And the problem was not iranian products it was all engine failure .
That plan is somehow flawed 35 An-140 variant were built and 5 of them crashed . 3 irAn-140 that crashed had engine failure the Azerbaijan An-140 lost 3 stabilizer and crashed into sea and the Ukraine one that resulted in the death of all design team hit the mountain before the rest of the crashes. Again probably engine failure .
Well I wish it was the case
3 crashed and the one you mentioned was the third one .
And the problem was not iranian products it was all engine failure .
That plan is somehow flawed 35 An-140 variant were built and 5 of them crashed . 3 irAn-140 that crashed had engine failure the Azerbaijan An-140 lost 3 stabilizer and crashed into sea and the Ukraine one that resulted in the death of all design team hit the mountain before the rest of the crashes. Again probably engine failure .
Thanks. I didn't know that. Did these crashes make into news? Where did you find these numbers?
It's depressing that this is what the land of Cyrus has been reduced to. Producing trainers rather than top of the line fighter jets.

Iran has never built a successful Jet trainer before so how is that a disgrace? If any thing its one step closer to achieving the production of capable Iranian fighters. Don't forget that Iran has managed to do this under complete military sanctions.
It's depressing that this is what the land of Cyrus has been reduced to. Producing trainers rather than top of the line fighter jets.
You`re forgetting that you have to start somewhere,not to mention of course that air power and the air force has had a pretty low ranking as far as resources are concerned in iran since the end of the iran iraq war.Indeed its really only now with the establishment of a large and technologically advanced and capable ballistic missile force that iran can devote some resources to improving and upgrading its air power both for the irgc af and the regular air force as well as transitioning its large uav force to an armed ucav force.
Thanks. I didn't know that. Did these crashes make into news? Where did you find these numbers?
Yes they made into news but they did not make that much noises as the last one and the numbers are from Wikipedia
And how did you come up with that number? Care to elaborate?
It's not easy to calculate these things because there's not much information available online and most online sources have conflicting numbers about Iran's armed forces.

Anyway, the photo I posted from an independent source clearly shows a sharp drop in Iran's military expenditure. What do you think about that?

Don't worry about how I know the figure because whatever I say definitely wont be coming from an online post so it's simply a matter of whether you believe it or not but the figure is roughly $9Billion simply to keep the status quo! But logically it's really not that hard to do the math to a point where you can clearly see that anyone that claims that Iran's military budget is $6-$7Billion either doesn't know much about Iran's military or simply can't count.

As for Iran's military budget yes there is a clear drop in R&D and new weapons development and production in terms of rate of growth compared to before many fields (Not all) however Iran's also had to invest greater in beyond boarder op's and military assistance to Syria and Iraq.

And in no way am I happy with the way the Rohani Administration has handled Iran's Military budget, MOD, Iran's Space program, nuclear program,..... and I am most defiantly counting down the day's until these ppl are kicked out of office but at the same time that doesn't mean I have to agree with and accept BS like an 85% cut or accept that the Q-313 is a good project to invest in and take into production when it clearly IS NOT!
Don't worry about how I know the figure because whatever I say definitely wont be coming from an online post so it's simply a matter of whether you believe it or not but the figure is roughly $9Billion simply to keep the status quo! But logically it's really not that hard to do the math to a point where you can clearly see that anyone that claims that Iran's military budget is $6-$7Billion either doesn't know much about Iran's military or simply can't count.

As for Iran's military budget yes there is a clear drop in R&D and new weapons development and production in terms of rate of growth compared to before many fields (Not all) however Iran's also had to invest greater in beyond boarder op's and military assistance to Syria and Iraq.

And in no way am I happy with the way the Rohani Administration has handled Iran's Military budget, MOD, Iran's Space program, nuclear program,..... and I am most defiantly counting down the day's until these ppl are kicked out of office but at the same time that doesn't mean I have to agree with and accept BS like an 85% cut or accept that the Q-313 is a good project to invest in and take into production when it clearly IS NOT!

we are discussing here and there about Irans military budget, but people dont realize that there is also an "black budget" which is secret....
Don't worry about how I know the figure because whatever I say definitely wont be coming from an online post so it's simply a matter of whether you believe it or not but the figure is roughly $9Billion simply to keep the status quo! But logically it's really not that hard to do the math to a point where you can clearly see that anyone that claims that Iran's military budget is $6-$7Billion either doesn't know much about Iran's military or simply can't count.

As for Iran's military budget yes there is a clear drop in R&D and new weapons development and production in terms of rate of growth compared to before many fields (Not all) however Iran's also had to invest greater in beyond boarder op's and military assistance to Syria and Iraq.

And in no way am I happy with the way the Rohani Administration has handled Iran's Military budget, MOD, Iran's Space program, nuclear program,..... and I am most defiantly counting down the day's until these ppl are kicked out of office but at the same time that doesn't mean I have to agree with and accept BS like an 85% cut or accept that the Q-313 is a good project to invest in and take into production when it clearly IS NOT!
You can't ask someone to take what you say for granted. You said the 9 billion figure was the minimum required to keep the status quo and mentioned some things that were necessary to include. But you didn't show us the math behind the 9 billion dollar figure. What is the average salary in armed forces in Tomans? I can make up numbers on my own and prove to you that 5 billion dollars is enough for all of the things you mentioned.

The 85% figure for the decrease in the budget for the Ministry of Defense claimed by one of the users here was close to reality and even the figures you posted confirmed it. What are you complaining about exactly? Even the graph of Iran's military expenditure demonstrates a sharp drop in 2013 and 2014. It may not be 85%, but it's still a very significant drop in our military expenditure compared to other years.
sir u misunderstood, 70 billion toman is not insignificant money in Iran. a doctor salary for month is 7 million toman (640 dollars) and here it's a very good number. with that money u can hire 10 thousand PHD to work for u a month=2400000 man-hour work.
i found a funny figure states different PHD professors salaries in US based on how big and important is their university and other factors (as we are talking about the cost of this project in US dollar). according to sapling.com (which itself quotes the numbers of payscale), a professor in US can have 50,000-150,000 dollars in a month.
so if we assume that US has no trainer like yasin and they are starting to build one from scratch, with same amount of PHD graduates i stated in the above mentioned quote, their yasin project equivalent would cost around 0.5-1.5 billion dollars.
this issue is almost similar to the fact that investors from allover the world are eager to invest in china as china has one of the cheapest labors in the world.

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