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Iran's domestic advanced jet trainer "Yasin"

I've never made that absurd claim and he (@mohsen ) keeps confusing the way the Rohani administration Allocates the Defense "Ministries" budget in their yearly proposed government budget compared to the Ahmadi administration with the countries actual "defense budget".
In the countries actual defense budget there simply isn't room to make an 85% cut not unless you want your entire active, reservist & retired military personal to go hunger and live on the streets such a cut is simply impossible hell even 50% budget cut from the Ahmadi era would be impossible let alone 85%.
As I said you have a great appetite for denial.

Let me help you. What was Ahmadinejad's last year defense ministry's budget, what is Rouhani's this year (6 years later) budget?
This could be a great trainer/CAS/ground support jet but needs a number of weapon integrations especially for CAS/Ground support.



And of course these.

This a great development even if it isn't made CAS/Ground attack and is just a trainer. It at least shows Iran can make a jet not based off of current jets in inventory.
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As I said you have a great appetite for denial.

Let me help you. What was Ahmadinejad's last year defense ministry's budget, what is Rouhani's this year (6 years later) budget?

Again if the actual overall Defense budget hasn't reduced then why are you obsessing over the Defense Ministries budget and of how government allocate funds?

The Defense Ministries budget for the year 1397 ended up being ~71,000,000,000,000 Rial & ~35,000,000,000,000 Rial for 1398 and that with these figures are what your obsessing over


We have gone though all this before and my answer remains the same THESE ARE THE DEFENSE MINISTRIES BUDGET NOT THE FREAKING DEFESE BUDGET!!!

You really have to be slow to not understand the deference! Or are you delusional enough to think that Iran ran various branches of it's military on a budget of $710 Million USD during the Iranian year of 1397 and ~$350 Million USD for 1398? Now lets base these on average of ~ 10,000 Toman per dollar to do simple math! (350,000,000 X 10,000 = 3,500,000,000,000 Toman = 35,000,000,000,000 Rial)

No wonder you support absurd things like Hejab by Force in every corner of the country ppl like you can't even do simple math let alone think for themselves!
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Again if the actual overall Defense budget hasn't reduced then why are you obsessing over the Defense Ministries budget and of how government allocate funds?

The Defense Ministries budget for the year 1397 ended up being ~71,000,000,000,000 Rial & ~35,000,000,000,000 Rial for 1398 and that with these figures are what your obsessing over

View attachment 586035

We have gone though all this before and my answer remains the same THESE ARE THE DEFENSE MINISTRIES BUDGET NOT THE FREAKING DEFESE BUDGET!!!

You really have to be slow to not understand the deference! Or are you delusional enough to think that Iran ran it's military on $710 Million USD during the Iranian year of 1397 and $350Millioin USD for 98? Lets bases it on 10,000 Toman per dollar to do simple math! (350,000,000 X 10,000 = 3,500,000,000,000 Toman = 35,000,000,000,000 Rial)

No wonder you support absurd things like Hejab by Force in every corner of the country ppl like you can't even do simple math let alone think for themselves!

Sorry for the confusion, I guess mohsen's the real dummy poo poo head lol.
Again if the actual overall Defense budget hasn't reduced then why are you obsessing over the Defense Ministries budget and of how government allocate funds?

The Defense Ministries budget for the year 1397 ended up being ~71,000,000,000,000 Rial & ~35,000,000,000,000 Rial for 1398 and that with these figures are what your obsessing over

View attachment 586035

We have gone though all this before and my answer remains the same THESE ARE THE DEFENSE MINISTRIES BUDGET NOT THE FREAKING DEFESE BUDGET!!!

You really have to be slow to not understand the deference! Or are you delusional enough to think that Iran ran various branches of it's military on a budget of $710 Million USD during the Iranian year of 1397 and ~$350 Million USD for 1398? Now lets base these on average of ~ 10,000 Toman per dollar to do simple math! (350,000,000 X 10,000 = 3,500,000,000,000 Toman = 35,000,000,000,000 Rial)

No wonder you support absurd things like Hejab by Force in every corner of the country ppl like you can't even do simple math let alone think for themselves!

As an independent person in your discussion, my impression of what he said from the beginning was that he was talking about research projects that Artesh funds and supports. I think that's included in the budget of the Ministry of Defense. Isn't it? And the numbers prove what he says.
Secondly, the exchange rate for the US dollar in budget is 4,200 Tomans, not 10,000 Tomans.
Also, Global Fire Power estimates Iran's defense budget to be about 6 billion dollars. I'm pretty sure at some point under Ahmadinejad we had a +7 billion dollar budget. Now, since 2012, we have been dragged into 3 military fronts in Iraq, Yemen and Syria. Saudi Arabia which is one of our regional rivals has been insanely increasing her military budget, so are the rest of the Arab countries in the Persian Gulf region. Combining all these facts, one wonders if 6 billion dollars is enough to face all the threats we need to respond to.

And why the hell did the Ministry of Foreign Affairs need a raise? Or what good has the Ministry of Justice done for the country that deserves a raise? Didn't Rouhani say that he did not believe in a police state where they invade people's privacy? Then why did he raise the budget for the Ministry of Intelligence by 30%? If money is tight, one expects a decrease in the budget of ministries that are less important for the country's national security and progress. Rouhani also abandoned Ministry of Science, Research and Technology during his administration and many important projects like the National Particle Accelerator (smashing particles at 1 GeV) were canceled unofficially.
Again if the actual overall Defense budget hasn't reduced then why are you obsessing over the Defense Ministries budget and of how government allocate funds?

The Defense Ministries budget for the year 1397 ended up being ~71,000,000,000,000 Rial & ~35,000,000,000,000 Rial for 1398 and that with these figures are what your obsessing over

View attachment 586035

We have gone though all this before and my answer remains the same THESE ARE THE DEFENSE MINISTRIES BUDGET NOT THE FREAKING DEFESE BUDGET!!!

You really have to be slow to not understand the deference! Or are you delusional enough to think that Iran ran various branches of it's military on a budget of $710 Million USD during the Iranian year of 1397 and ~$350 Million USD for 1398? Now lets base these on average of ~ 10,000 Toman per dollar to do simple math! (350,000,000 X 10,000 = 3,500,000,000,000 Toman = 35,000,000,000,000 Rial)

No wonder you support absurd things like Hejab by Force in every corner of the country ppl like you can't even do simple math let alone think for themselves!
In all of my comments I clearly said defense ministry's budget, and based on your own links, it has been reduced from Ahmadinejad's 136 to Rouhani's today 35.
but since you are a troll, you try to confuse defense ministry and overall security budget. (yet even in this regard, Rouhani reduced overall IRGC budget by 45% to make sure there wont be any more missiles!)

Defense ministry is the section responsible for R&D, so unless you are a Zionist who loves to see Iran's air force use 50s-era air crafts, you should be obsessed with it's budget as well.

but apparently your only obsession is the Hijab of Iranian women which tells a lot about you!
unbelievable! i wouldn't sit on that pilot seat, even iran cant make a trainer plane with that budget, you should be prepared to new accidents. sorry but reality.
5.6 million dollars=61 billion toman. it's not cheap our currency value sucks.
for example each fakour (Iranian AIM-54 phoenix version) costs 1.57 billion toman changing it to dollar, just ~142 k lol. while phoenix costed almost half a million dollars 40 years ago...
kowsar (latest copy of f-5 with upgraded avionics) costs 7.5 MD...
around 5 years ago toman exchange rate against dollar was almost 2000:1. with that rate each fakour costs 785 k$
, kowsar 41 million and yasin 30 million.
unbelievable! i wouldn't sit on that pilot seat, even iran cant make a trainer plane with that budget, you should be prepared to new accidents. sorry but reality.
Well , my salary as an enterprise system developer which is able to implement system through DDD , CQRS , Event Sourcing and microservices , is just 300$ in month ....
As an independent person in your discussion, my impression of what he said from the beginning was that he was talking about research projects that Artesh funds and supports. I think that's included in the budget of the Ministry of Defense. Isn't it? And the numbers prove what he says.
Secondly, the exchange rate for the US dollar in budget is 4,200 Tomans, not 10,000 Tomans.
Also, Global Fire Power estimates Iran's defense budget to be about 6 billion dollars. I'm pretty sure at some point under Ahmadinejad we had a +7 billion dollar budget. Now, since 2012, we have been dragged into 3 military fronts in Iraq, Yemen and Syria. Saudi Arabia which is one of our regional rivals has been insanely increasing her military budget, so are the rest of the Arab countries in the Persian Gulf region. Combining all these facts, one wonders if 6 billion dollars is enough to face all the threats we need to respond to.

And why the hell did the Ministry of Foreign Affairs need a raise? Or what good has the Ministry of Justice done for the country that deserves a raise? Didn't Rouhani say that he did not believe in a police state where they invade people's privacy? Then why did he raise the budget for the Ministry of Intelligence by 30%? If money is tight, one expects a decrease in the budget of ministries that are less important for the country's national security and progress. Rouhani also abandoned Ministry of Science, Research and Technology during his administration and many important projects like the National Particle Accelerator (smashing particles at 1 GeV) were canceled unofficially.

In all of my comments I clearly said defense ministry's budget, and based on your own links, it has been reduced from Ahmadinejad's 136 to Rouhani's today 35.
but since you are a troll, you try to confuse defense ministry and overall security budget. (yet even in this regard, Rouhani reduced overall IRGC budget by 45% to make sure there wont be any more missiles!)

Defense ministry is the section responsible for R&D, so unless you are a Zionist who loves to see Iran's air force use 50s-era air crafts, you should be obsessed with it's budget as well.

but apparently your only obsession is the Hijab of Iranian women which tells a lot about you!

1st off I'm not here to defend Rohani Administration but at the same time I'm simply not going to stand for BS nonsense as well! And @mohsen knows full well that he has repeatedly either confused the ministries budget with the defense budget or worse has purposely tried to confuse others.

When Rohani took office he cut off a vast number of small R&D project that is a absolute undeniable fact however neither Iran's overall defense budget nor the IRGC's government budget has actually been reduced.
Rohani's also vastly reduced budget for Islamic Advertising that was coming out of Iran's overal defense budget. (Money for Islamic advertising should NOT be coming out of Iran's defense budget anyways and I'm not saying Iran shouldn't be paying for Islamic Advertising simply that it shouldn't be coming out Iran's defense budget)

FYI Iran's Defense budget is no where near 6 or 7 Billion because about $9Billon USD is about Iran's minimum requirement to 1.Pay the paycheck, healthcare & benefits of Iran's Active, Reservist & retired military and defense related personal 2.Pay for Food & Beverages 3.None weapons related supplies from office supplies to uniforms 4.Military and government assisted housing 4.Fuel from normal vehicle to fighter jet 5.Maintenance (From base maintenance to the maintenance required to keep the current fleet of Iranian weapons active) 6.Ammo for training....

Those 6 things combined end up costing Iran $9Billioin USD a year so just to put things in perspective for you if a countries entire security apparatus has 1 million people at it's employ and you were to pay them on average a monthly paycheck of $500 USD a month ($6000 per year) that = $6Biillion USD and that's just paychecks so anyone who tells you Iran's military budget is $6B or $7B simply put can't even count!

As for the major cut to the Defense Ministries budget, that cut only has meaning if the way that money was reallocated under both administration stayed the same which THEY DID NOT! As for the cuts to R&D you have to see if that money instead went towards production or not

@mohsen flying 70's & 80's era aircraft is by far better than flying junk like the Q-313 and like it or not at it's current design the Q-313 IS JUNK!

1st off I'm not here to defend Rohani Administration but at the same time I'm simply not going to stand for BS nonsense as well! And @mohsen knows full well that he has repeatedly either confused the ministries budget with the defense budget or worse has purposely tried to confuse others.

When Rohani took office he cut off a vast number of small R&D project that is a absolute undeniable fact however neither Iran's overall defense budget nor the IRGC's government budget has actually been reduced.
Rohani's also vastly reduced budget for Islamic Advertising that was coming out of Iran's overal defense budget. (Money for Islamic advertising should NOT be coming out of Iran's defense budget anyways and I'm not saying Iran shouldn't be paying for Islamic Advertising simply that it shouldn't be coming out Iran's defense budget)

FYI Iran's Defense budget is no where near 6 or 7 Billion because about $9Billon USD is about Iran's minimum requirement to 1.Pay the paycheck, healthcare & benefits of Iran's Active, Reservist & retired military and defense related personal 2.Pay for Food & Beverages 3.None weapons related supplies from office supplies to uniforms 4.Military and government assisted housing 4.Fuel from normal vehicle to fighter jet 5.Maintenance (From base maintenance to the maintenance required to keep the current fleet of Iranian weapons active) 6.Ammo for training....

Those 6 things combined end up costing Iran $9Billioin USD a year so just to put things in perspective for you if a countries entire security apparatus has 1 million people at it's employ and you were to pay them on average a monthly paycheck of $500 USD a month ($6000 per year) that = $6Biillion USD and that's just paychecks so anyone who tells you Iran's military budget is $6B or $7B simply put can't even count!

As for the major cut to the Defense Ministries budget, that cut only has meaning if the way that money was reallocated under both administration stayed the same which THEY DID NOT! As for the cuts to R&D you have to see if that money instead went towards production or not

@mohsen flying 70's & 80's era aircraft is by far better than flying junk like the Q-313 and like it or not at it's current design the Q-313 IS JUNK!


And I don't know the average salary in armed forces, but if my assumptions are true, then 5 billion dollars should be enough to feed our personnel.
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